004 / Seven Flows

Today is a working day, but the streets of K City are empty.

Only the vicinity of the pollution disease prevention and control center was crowded with people.

Now is the third day of the lockdown.

Many powerful families in K City have begun to evacuate secretly.

Of course, they won't make much fanfare, but they will go to the pollution prevention and control center under the escort of the army.

After undergoing near-rigid testing, these people were able to fly out of the precarious city.

Of course, for safety, they will stop at an uninhabited island first. After the danger period is over, return to land.

At the same time, important scientific researchers in the city were also whitelisted, in addition to the children of martyrs.

In a big city with millions of people, in the end, less than 500 people came to the pollution prevention and control center to check whether they were eligible to leave early.

Lin Sinan stood by the jeep smoking a cigarette, maintaining order by the way.

Many staff members wrapped themselves in protective clothing, but he was no different from his usual dress.

Lin Sinan is not afraid of pollution, after all, he is a mobile pollution source himself.

He frowned, and the cigarette butts were scattered all over the floor at his feet.

The cigarette in Lin Sinan's hand is not only smoke, but also a sedative of tobacco flavor.

The inspector of the prevention and treatment center took a step forward: Forest team. Take a few points.

Tranquilizers have side effects.

I can't stop. I'm really stupid, really. Lin Sinan hugged his head angrily, squatted on the spot, and babbled like Xianglin's sister-in-law, I just know that the parasitic fish eggs will not attach to the human body twice. Pollution, I didn't expect it to evolve in just a few days.

And we also failed to recover the source of pollution. It was my arrogance that led to such consequences. I should have listened to that kid Abai and didn't save him. But his parents are gone, and there is only one son left, how can I not save.

If the parasite is uncontrollable in K City...

Lin Sinan covered his face with his hands and whispered, I'm the one who killed these millions of sinners.

They have worked hard.

Apocalypse people die every day around the world in order to clean up pollution. Or be swallowed to death without a whole corpse, or self-destruct in order not to become a pollutant.

The more they fight the pollutants, the more powerless they become.

The speed of the Apocalypse's growth is far behind the speed of the pollution source's growth and spread.

At some point, this precarious balance will be broken.

Humans have never had the upper hand in the battle against pollutants.

Since the water was cut off, there have been significantly more gunshots at night.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Lu Yan felt that his hearing was much sharper.

So, without earplugs, he had a hard time falling asleep at night.

City Hall arranged for staff to go door-to-door to start contamination testing. Contaminated patients will be taken away uniformly.

I heard it was going to be treated. Possibly de-cremation.

On the fourth day of the blockade, Lu Yan found that there was no way to send messages to the outside world. The signal seems to be confined to the city limits.

Lu Yan made a call to his colleague, and he still got through. When dialing the director's phone, there will always only be a prompt tone of call later.

He glanced at the WeChat group, and there was not much discussion about it. I don't know if it was suppressed, or if everyone didn't notice it at all.

Compared with the inability to make phone calls, another piece of news in the major WeChat groups in K city is obviously more eye-catching.

This is a screenshot of a circle of friends.

Help! My boyfriend is behaving and looking more and more like a toad//What's the matter! I'm about to collapse, and now he's outside the door! Someone help me!

With a picture, the shot was a little rushed, so it was a little blurry.

In the picture, a man is squatting on the ground in a toad-like posture. His eyeballs are protruding, almost as if they have been squeezed out of their sockets. Several blood-red blood vessels are hanging at the ends so that they will not slip off. The man's epidermis is also covered with a strange water film.

There was a weird smile on his face. His mouth was split open, as if he was about to stick his tongue out.

Many people saw their scalps go numb.

It is said that the girl has not been contacted.

Lu Yan got goosebumps across the screen.

Different from the idea of ​​many people who read the story as a curious story, Lu Yan felt that eight out of ten, nine out of ten were true.

Lu Yan seemed to understand but not understand.

He boiled a bowl of instant noodles with mineral water and was shocked. By the way, I cracked an egg for myself.

Although eggs can be stored in the refrigerator, they should not be kept for too long. It is best to eat them early.

Because of the water cutoff, every day at nine o'clock in the morning, the property manager began to deliver water.

A small box per household, 12 bottles. These water are allocated by the city hall, no money. The property will be placed directly at the door, waiting for the resident to pick it up.

After the family washes the rice and flushes the toilet, it is enough. But if you want to take a shower, you can only endure it.

Lu Yan didn't take it in time a few times. When he opened the door, he found that a lot of his water had been taken.

However, although he took the water, the other party left behind a thousand yuan bills. A bottle of water costs two yuan. Looking at it this way, Lu Yan made a profit.

While this moment, water is worth more than money.

Lu Yan thought for a while and put away the banknotes. The other party is probably compelled to buy water at a high price.

He lives alone and has little water. In addition, I went to the supermarket to stock up a lot of goods before.

There is no shortage of water.

It's just that... he usually has a good relationship with his neighbors, so what he does secretly is not something that cannot be discussed.

The next day, Lu Yan specially moved a stool, sat by the door, and opened the smart cat's eye.

He held an animal atlas of After the Extinction of Humanity in his hand. After reading it for a while, he would look up and look at the monitoring screen.

At 9:30 in the morning, the property put water at the door.

Ten minutes later, the door diagonally opposite opened quietly, and a man sneaked his head out.

It was a little rich second-generation living opposite Lu Yan.

Lu Yan had a bit of an impression on him that the second generation of rich was his apprentice, not the same major. But he also studied chemistry and biology. He didn't study well. When he was about to end his term, he often came to him with a bunch of mentally handicapped problems.

The heating is clearly on at home, but the second generation of Xiaofu wears a thick hat.

This hat is a bit too big, it almost catches the bridge of Fu Erdai's nose.

Lu Yan held his cheeks and watched Fu Erdai walk to his door. He hurriedly took half of the mineral water and left a thousand yuan behind.

The second generation of the rich also lived alone. It stands to reason that they should not be so short of water.

Lu Yan paused monitoring, zoomed in, and took a screenshot.

I don't know if it's his illusion, but the second generation of rich hands is too long. Lu Yan stretched out his hand for a comparison, and the other side's webbed fingers were obviously larger than normal people...and it was almost translucent, so he could see the blood vessels below.

look. People who are parasitized by fish eggs will also lack water.

It stands to reason that Lu Yan should call to report now.

However, the current appearance of the rich second generation is far from the photos.

And he was a little curious about the distortion process of pollutants.

Lu Yan asked the system: Under normal circumstances, can I solve the f-level pollutants?


So Lu Yan gave up making calls. And he took out his compound bow from under the bed and practiced arrows all afternoon.

Seventh day of lockdown.

into the night.

Lu Yan doesn't have many recreational activities. His usual hobbies are swimming, archery and reading. Now I can't swim, and I'm tired of archery at home, so I have to read books. Fortunately, he installed bookcases on the four walls of the bedroom, and arranged them in different categories. There are at least 2,000 books. Let him see the end of the world.

Lu Yan closed the book, rubbed his astringent eyebrows, and went to sleep.

But this time, he didn't sleep well.

Because of the door, there was a very subtle... the sound of picking the lock.

Lu Yan's gaze turned to the alarm clock on the bedside.

It's three in the morning.



In the middle of the night, the city of K was completely silent. Since the lockdown was imposed, everyone's nighttime activities have become mobile phones.

Therefore, the doorbell that refused to give up was extraordinarily strange.

He picked up the compound bow and hid the military dagger he had bought earlier under his clothes, which gave him some confidence.

The lights in the hallway were dim and flickering like a bad connection.

Lu Yan walked to the door lightly, then turned on the cat-eye monitor in front of the door.

A person appeared on the screen.

Judging from his clothes, he was the second generation of the rich who lived diagonally across from Lu Yan, and Lu Yan vaguely remembered that his name was Zhou Kaiwen.

Zhou Kevin's whole skin seemed to be wrinkled by blisters, and moss-like green appeared on his body.

His eyes were dull, and most of his eyeballs were exposed to the air, as if they would fall out of their sockets immediately.

Zhou Kevin's slender fingers pressed the doorbell anxiously, and translucent mucus dripped down the webbed fingers.

The tone of the system is playful.

Lu Yan gave up the plan to open the door. This big humanoid toad//Toad is so ugly, it's a little nauseating.

But Big Toad//Toad obviously didn't intend to let Lu Yan go.

The tip of Zhou Kevin's nose twitched, and his dull pupil instantly turned into a vertical line.

Senior, I like you. You know it. Zhou Kevin's tone contained a hint of imperceptible excitement, I know you like me too, but you are more reserved. I am so rich, it is normal for me to have ideas about me. It must have been something my dad said to you that made you avoid me. But now, I've come up with a way to keep us together forever.

The next second, he stuck out his tongue very quickly.

Frogs prey on that tongue, which is long and flexible, with forked tips.

Now, the tongue stirred into a weird arc in the air, and then sank into the lock cylinder.

At that moment, Lu Yan regretted that he didn't put an electrode tube in the lock. Of course, this cannot be blamed on him, mainly because the experience limits his imagination.

If someone told him before that someone could use their tongue to open the lock, he would definitely tell that person to turn right when they went out of the psychiatric department.

Lu Yan silently raised the bow in his hand.

A few minutes later, with a soft click, the door opened a crack.

The light from the outside came in, and Lu Yan heard his own heartbeat, which was not too intense.

Zhou Kaiwen's distorted webbed buckled on the door and asked gently, Senior, you are obviously at home...why didn't you open the door?

Lu Yan's spirit fell into a state of high tension.

He was standing behind the cabinet at an angle that would allow him to dodge immediately after shooting.

Lu Yan didn't answer, his fingers loosened, and the arrowhead shot at the visitor's neck with incomparable precision.

If it is facing a normal person, this sharp arrow is enough to pierce a person. But shot in Kevin Zhou

When the neck was placed, only an arrowhead was shallowly sunk into it.

The stench of blood spurted out. The frog man shivered in pain, his eyeballs bulged, and streams of yellow water spewed out.

The wound from the arrowhead was not fatal, but apparently made the monster even more angry.

It jumped, its head almost to the ceiling. Whether it is distance or speed, it completely exceeds the limit of human beings.

too fast.

So much so that when Lu Yan heard the voice of the system, he subconsciously chose to obey.

Lu Yan rolled around on the ground, grabbed the military dagger in his pocket, but quickly released it.

Not yet. I tried it with a compound bow, and it is difficult for ordinary cold weapons to cause incapacitating damage to Zhou Kevin. He could poke his eyes, but because the power gap between the two sides was too large, Lu Yan probably only had one chance to try.

Zhou Kevin landed heavily on the ground, using his limbs together, the saliva that flowed eroded the floor into a layer of foam.

Lu Yan's vision became sharper.

He is not good at fighting, but in the face of danger, the desire to survive keeps him sober.

Lu Yan's physical strength is quite good. After all, when the nurse is too late, he will take the initiative to lift the patient stretcher. But in front of Zhou Kevin, who has deteriorated into pollutants, it is not enough to see.

He was thrown to the ground.

Zhou Kevin grabbed his neck and looked puzzled: Why aren't you afraid?

Humans who die in fear are the most delicious food for pollutants.

But Lu Yan's expression was extraordinarily calm.

However, it doesn't matter.

Zhou Kevin raised his hand, his long fingers opened Lu Yan's eyelids, his smile almost split to the base of his ears: Let's start with the eyes. Senior, you don't even know how beautiful your eyes are.

It opened its mouth and stuck out a long, disgusting tongue.

Lu Yan was waiting for now.

There was a twisted madness on his calm face, but his hands were steady.

When Lu Yan took a scalpel for the first time, the teacher who brought him praised him, saying that he was born to be the one who should eat this bowl of rice.

But holding the knife steady, not only the doctor, but also the butcher.

The tip of Zhou Kevin's stinky tongue was only an inch away from Lu Yan's eyes.

The picture is poor and the dagger sees.

The blade pierced deeply into the opponent's abdomen.

Red blood spurted out, pouring over Lu Yan's head.



The battle is over. The frog whose stomach was pierced basically lost his mobility. Lu Yan was afraid that he would not die, so he stepped forward to make up for it several times.

By the time he came out of the bathroom, the pollutants lying on the ground were already cool.

Lu Yan picked up the mop and started mopping the floor. The blood was a little hard to wash, but fortunately he was prepared. Light salt water with 10 potassium iodide solution, the ground will soon be as clean as new.

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