
Yu Zhizhi's portrait is such a strange prophecy.

But most of the time, this little girl just fills in the color in the picture book casually, and there is no content in the picture at all.

Lu Yan hadn't dreamed for a long time, and it was rare that he had a nightmare at night. I don't remember the specific content, \u002658881;\u00268204; I remember that he kept falling in the sea, his eyes were getting darker and darker, and there was a strange prayer sound in his ears, like\u002657932;\u00268204 ;The fish chirping in the deep sea.

Behind him is a thick abyss, like a mouth waiting for prey to fall into a trap.

Lu Yan woke up before he completely fell in.

There was a dong sound, and the head hit the bed, making a loud noise.

In the next 57932;

Lu Yan was not frightened by the nightmare, but was frightened by Tang Xun'an's attitude. He turned on the bedside lamp. Tang Xun'an's eyes were still gray, but he could see a feeling of uncertainty in them.

...What's wrong? Lu Yan asked softly.

Tang Xun'an let out an indistinct growl from his throat: ...there is something.

What he is referring to is pollutants.

Logically speaking, this place should be very safe, but Tang Xun'an felt an extremely strong source of pollution in an instant.

This made him look a little anxious. In the end, he just squeezed in and slept next to Lu Yan, and he couldn't get rid of him even if he died.

His wings could not be retracted, and the dragon's tail was thick and long, which made the staff dormitory that was not spacious even worse and even crushed the precarious bed.

When the bed board collapsed, Lu Yanneng said that luckily there was no one else on this floor.

Otherwise, the next morning, the two of them got up to sleep and crushed the bed. If word got out, even if they jumped into the Yellow River, they wouldn't be able to clean it up.

So Lu Yan's sleeping place was changed to Tang Xun'an's bedroom.

Fang's tail was wrapped around his waist, giving Lu Yan more nightmares.

\u002659374;\u00268204;If you dream that you are crushed to death at night.

Moreover, Tang Xun'an's scales were really harsh, sharp enough to scratch the skin.

So much so that Lu Yan had to grow fish scales on himself to protect his delicate body.

Every day when he wakes up and touches the \u002657932;\u00268204; dragon scales in his hand, Lu Yan will think deeply about\u002657932;\u00268204;a question: Does he really need these 4 small\u002660271;\u00268204;sleep every day?

Months passed in the underground laboratory in the blink of an eye.

Lu Yan was used to the people around him who didn't have facial features, and he was also used to seeing Tang Xun'an's face too close to him when he woke up early in the morning.

After months of diligent study, Lu Yan felt that he had mastered at least ten new techniques for transplanting and transforming contaminants of different types.

Common directions are divided into six categories: fish, birds, mammals, reptiles, insects, and organisms. No exceptions, all require special items dropped from pollutants.

He also had a preliminary understanding of the structure of the scientific research institute. \u002657932;\u00268204;A hundred years ago, there was a research institute in the world that focused on the transplantation and transformation of pollutants.

Most of the participants in the experiment were soldiers in the army and signed confidentiality agreements and informed consent forms.

Tang Xun'an is probably the only special case among them.

The time finally came to transplant Tang Xun'an's eyeball. Lu Yan wanted to do it himself, but the settings didn't allow it.

Professor Wu'57932;\u00268204; looked puzzled: You're a psychology student, what kind of surgery do you do? I know that if you care about it, it will be messy, but there is really no way for this kind of thing, you can do it yourself.

In this dream, he actually studied psychology.

Lu Yan was waiting outside the operating room, feeling very depressed.

Although he is not an ophthalmologist, his surgical skills are more than a hundred years old, let alone studied.

After 8204;months, why am I not qualified to perform surgery on Tang Xun'an?

In the family waiting area, Yu Zhizhi walked over carrying a small drawing board.

She sat down in front of Lu Yan. She took out her colored pens and started drawing, then glanced into the operating room.

Before the painting was finished, Yu Zhizhi's eyes were straight, as if he had seen something terrible. His face was soaked with cold sweat, and his hands were shaking like twitches. with.

She acted too much like a child having an epileptic seizure. Lu Yan couldn't help but stepped forward and asked, Zhizhi, are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?

Yu Zhizhi shook his head wildly and finally completed the last stroke of the picture.

She let out a long sigh of relief, tore off the painting and handed it to Lu Yan.

In this picture, black and red occupy a large proportion. A building with an inverted pyramid structure is in the dark underground, with red monsters pouring in from all directions.

In addition, at the top, Yu Zhizhi also wrote time.

And now it is 23:45 on August 23.

Lu Yan's face changed slightly.

If Yu Zhizhi’s paintings are all predictions of the future, then it is obvious that the building with an inverted pyramid structure is a research institute, and those red things are pollutants.

The lights in the operating room were still red. The top leader of the institute, Qiao Yu, was still inside and did not come out.

Yu Zhizhi's face became abnormally flushed, and Lu Yan touched her forehead with his hand. It was very hot.

The little girl let out a heavy gasp.

Lu Yan's heart sank. According to the data, Yu Zhizhi is not an apocalypse. On the eve of awakening, the Apocalypse is always accompanied by a series of symptoms such as physical discomfort.

He remembered a possibility, or a rumor he heard a long time ago.

Experimental Subject No. 0 of the Institute No. 57932;8204; is a rare healing Apocalypse. His awakened talent is the Apocalypse ranked No. 57932;8204; in the serial number.

On the day No. 0 woke up, countless pollutants surrounded the institute.

Because when the 60271;8204; movement was too big, and it was also the early stage of the outbreak of the pollution disease, the No. 57932; There are discussion \u002658524;\u00268204; posts.

The light above his head flashed twice and suddenly exploded, and the king fish in Lu Yan's body issued an uneasy warning.

The nurse passing by asked in surprise: Didn't it be inspected today? Why did it explode?

Lu Yan glanced at \u002660271;\u00268204;, 23:47.

There is not much time left for them.

He picked up Yu Zhizhi and knocked open the door of the operating room.

Although there was a gap of nearly a hundred years between the two, the structure of the operating room had not changed much. Lu Yan quickly arrived at the operating area.

When they saw him, the faces of everyone present were full of surprise.

The operation lasted a small period, but Tang Xun'an was currently fused with the eyeball, and in the eye socket, the other eyeball was necrotic and had just been removed, and his face Last \u002658881;\u00268204; left \u002657932;\u00268204; blood hole.

Qiao Yu's hand was still holding the 57932;8204;

With the movement of his fingertips, the red polyps attached to the eyeballs continued to proliferate.


Although the name contains the word gene, this talent has nothing to do with genetic technology.

Talent holders can combine different life forms in extremely unscientific ways.

What's going on? Qiao Yu asked.

Lu Yan took a deep breath and answered concisely: Yu Zhizhi seems to be awakening. She drew a picture outside the operating room before, which showed that the institute was surrounded by pollutants. .”

\u002660300;\u00268204; Almost as soon as he finished speaking, Qiao Yu's expression changed drastically, revealing a shocked expression.

Professor Wu asked doubtfully: What kind of painting? It's a good thing that Zhizhi has awakened.

it's here,

I'm afraid Qiao Yu and Lu Yan can realize the seriousness of the matter.

In order to avoid unnecessary complications, Qiao Yu never told anyone about Yu Hanxi's last prophecy before his death.

According to his inference, Yu Zhizhihui's awakening talent is Apocalypse.


Healing system, talent effect: permanent removal of pollution.

The talent will let the light shine out from her body, spreading outward with Yu Zhizhi as the center. Wherever the light goes, the pollution will fade away.

\u002658881;\u00268204;As long as her spiritual power threshold reaches a certain standard, the light will spread to every corner of the earth. Even if it is too thin and no one can see it.

On that day, the earth can return to the state before the cataclysm forever.

\u002658461;\u00268204;There will be no pollution diseases in the world. People don’t have to worry about those man-eating monsters, nor do they have to be afraid that one day they will start to become deformed.

The future that Yu Hanxi saw was far away, and Qiao Yu originally thought that he still had a long time to prepare.

But this day really came too early.

It's 23:51 now.

Qiao Yu ignored the progression of his disease, accelerated the formation of the eyeball, and then put the eyeball into Tang Xun'an's eye socket.

The red polyp squirmed and quickly merged with the original meridian.

The long period of darkness made Tang Xun'an not yet accustomed to the light.

He sat up from the operating table, his expression slightly dazed, and his golden eyes quickly locked focus.

He saw Lu Yan holding Yu Zhizhi, and a smile appeared on his face.

There was a chaos of war outside, and the special assistant rushed over with 57932; life capsules.

Qiao Yu took Yu Zhizhi, touched her hot forehead with some distress, and whispered: Zhizhi, don't be afraid.

He sent Yu Zhizhi into the life cabin, his eyes deep and sad, and then closed the cabin with his own hands.

On the forum of Apocalypse, people have always been skeptical about the existence of Experimental Subject No. 0.

Because except for the day when the research institute was besieged by pollutants, there seemed to be no evidence that No. 0 had ever been here.

Even researchers who have worked in the No. 57932;8204; Institute for many years have never seen her.

Now, Lu Yan felt that he might know the answer to this question.

Qiao Yu held the half-human life capsule and handed it to Tang Xun'an.

The talent you possess is 'space, and what we lack the most right now is 'space. Qiao Yu looked into Tang Xun'an's eyes and said solemnly, Go and hide her until the future, please.

It only takes a genius to remember the address of this website: www.piaotian5.com. Mobile version reading website: m.piaotian5.com

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