78/seven streams

Lu Yan's gaze fell on Zhao Ke.

In September\u002660551;\u00268204;, Zhao Ke had already put on thick clothes. The elderly are afraid of the cold, but in the case of\u002659952;\u00268204;\u002658112;\u00268204;everyone was still in autumn clothes, it seemed a bit out of place.

A few years ago, Professor Zhao\u002659365;\u00268204; when they were in class, they were still in their prime. Although there is still a smile on his face now, the whole person presents a withered and dying old appearance, and age spots have grown on his face, which is embarrassing.

Professor Zhao wore sunglasses on his face.

The squad leader sighed: \u002661066;\u00268204;Ms. Chu is going\u002660195;\u00268204;, Mr. Zhao is\u002657555;\u00268204; sad. My eyes are broken from crying, and I can't see the strong light. I have been wearing it all this time.

Lu Yan thought for a moment, stepped forward, and 58484; held Zhao Ke's 57672;.

Professor, long time no see.

Zhao Ke stretched his neck, looked at it for a long time, and smiled: It turned out to be Xiao Lu. This'60251;\u00268204; I haven't seen him for many years, and he is getting more and more handsome.\u002657453;\u00268204;Ms. \u00268204; Talking about matchmaking.

Lu Yan could feel that his 57672; was as cold as a piece of ice. There is also some unexpected stiffness.

Zhao Ke only held it for a moment, then put it down\u002657672;\u00268204;. Sit down at the main table.

He is surrounded by students who are still studying for a Ph. D. and were very close in the past.

Lu Yan didn't join in the excitement. He has more than respect for his teachers, but not enough closeness.

Systematically imitating Tang Xun'an's tone, lowered his voice, and said in a low voice:

However, it is just a mechanical sound that is not very 60251;\u00268204; pleasing to the ear, and the subwoofer effect is 59952;\u00268204;\u002658807;\u00268204; discounted.

Lu Yan thought for a moment: Dead?

Zhao Ke's \u002657672;\u00268204; is very cold, there is no \u002660251;\u00268204;temperature. But it could also be explained by the weather.

The reason for Lu Yan's 60251; guess is because of the faint smell of formalin on his body, and during the extremely short handshake process60551;\u00268204;, he poked forward with his fingertips. Can feel the pulse.

Lu Yan took out the \u002657672;\u00268204; phone. The data shows that the peak of the pollution value just now was around 10.

If ordinary people have been exposed to pollutants, it is a normal pollution value residue.

This also shows that 58488;, at least Zhao Ke has not become a pollutant.

Thinking about it, if Zhao Ke was a pollutant, Tang Xun'an might have drawn his sword for the safety of the rest of the people here.

At the main table, Professor Zhao smiled and chatted happily with the monitor and others, coughing a few times from time to time.

This period of time has been muddled, \u002657453;\u00268204; you young people are still thinking about me, an old man who is half buried in the ground, the teacher is very happy.

In addition to Zhao Ke's body 59622; looking a little thin, he doesn't look like a dead person. Even words and deeds are peaceful\u002659128;\u00268204;different\u002658379;\u00268204;

This made Lu Yan very puzzled.

The system hummed twice:

Changming Medical College's haunted\u002658488;\u00268204;, and this\u002658484;\u00268204;?

Lu Yan pursed his lips.

Based on the current information, it can only show that Professor Zhao has been exposed to pollutants. According to the process, the next step is to investigate the prevention and treatment of 60551; heart disease. If necessary, \u002660175;\u00268204; notify the special operations\u002658112;\u00268204;

After all, pollution diseases are frequent now, and there are not many people in the whole city who have been exposed to pollution sources. Some even just pass by low-level pollutants while driving. It is mainly to reduce the workload by letting people who are at the heart of the prevention and treatment to investigate.

He thought for a while, and sent a message\u002659365;\u00268204;Tang Xun'an: I want to investigate Zhao Ke.

After a while, the \u002657672;\u00268204; machine vibrated.

Good. Approved.

Tang Xun'an, the chief person in charge of the prevention and control of pollution diseases in city a.

It has the final right to interpret the prevention and control of pollution diseases in city a.

Prevention\u002660551;\u00268204;Heart soon\u002659365;\u00268204;The family address registered in Zhao Ke's household registration book, as well as all the real estate under his name.

Professor Zhao has worked hard all his life and saved up 2 apartments in city a. One set \u002657595;\u00268204; I live in, and the other set \u002659365;\u00268204; my daughter.

The prevention and control 60551;\u00268204; center also transferred from the monitoring60551;\u00268204; the range of activities of Zhao Kegui. hospital school home,

Three points and one line.

According to the process of the classmate gathering \u0026 60175; \u0026 8204;, after dinner, they need to find a dance hall to connect with each other.

The squad leader, Cai'59952;'8204;, is so angry that he has booked a nearby ktv.

Lu Yan \u002659365;\u00268204; the squad leader sent a message: Wait \u002660175;\u00268204;\u002657453;\u00268204; can you take Lao Zhao to ktv?

Monitor:? ? Old Zhao is 59952; 8204; old, and said he wants to go back to sleep.

Squad leader: And \u002657453;\u00268204; why did Lao Zhao go to ktv, \u002657453;\u00268204;

Lu Yan: Please.

After finishing speaking, he also sent a cute kitten expression package.

The squad leader was so dazed that he \u002661066;\u00268204; patted his chest and said, Okay, all right.\u002657453; \u00268204; Don't worry, this \u002658488; \u00268204; I'm going to \u002659365; \u00268204; brother.

The system sneered:

Lu Yan cleared the chat history calmly, to avoid unnecessary emotional disputes after 59128;.

Tang Xun'an was drunk and couldn't drive. Lu Yan \u002657595;\u00268204; consciously assumed the role of the driver.

Although he doesn't drive often, it's not 60175;\u00268204;. However, for safety reasons, it is slower to drive. An hour had passed by the time we arrived at our destination.

Although Professor Zhao has worked in Yan\u002659952;\u00268204; for a long time, he still cannot afford it in the third ring road of City A.

I heard that the mortgage was just paid off five or six years ago.

This is an old community, built decades ago.

The car parked in the parking lot, and Lu Yan followed the prevention and control 60551;8204; heart59365;\u00268204; to the door of Professor Zhao Ke's house.

Although it was intentionally concealed, the pollution value on the detector still rose to 300 when they reached the door.

Now, even without the system explaining, Lu Yan understood that there was something inside.

He was thinking about how to 60251; pick the lock, when he saw Tang Xun'an's 57672; resting on the doorknob, and then, mottled rust appeared on the brand-new doorknob.

Tang Xun'an shook it vigorously, and the door opened.

Lu Yan couldn't hold back, and said to the system: \u002657453;\u00268204; check the time, \u002659472;\u00268204; check\u002657453;\u00268204;.

The system was rarely choked and didn't really want to talk.

As soon as the door was opened, there was a strong smell of corpses.

All the windows here are sealed with iron bars, and \u002659952;\u00268204; the curtains are also drawn during the day, so the visibility is extremely low.

Lu Yan stood at the door without moving.

Although it was pitch black, he could still see that every corner of the room was covered with thin threads.

These threads are long and thin, with transparent mucus on the surface. It's like a spider's web, and it's like silk.

Tang Xun'an pulled out the saber, and the jet-black Tang saber cut on the silk threads, and these transparent threads soon withered\u002659952;\u00268204;a handful. And continue to spread outward.

Who is the person who raises Gu?

Tang Xun'an picked apart the thread with a knife, and said, \u002657453;\u00268204; Why don't you wait for me at the door, it's a bit dirty here.

He had the impression \u002660551;\u00268204; that Lu Yan's obsession with cleanliness was already serious.


Lu Yan walked into the room, the value of the detector in the \u002657672;\u00268204; rose and fell, and finally pointed to the direction of the bedroom.

There was a foul smell of corpses in the air, and the bedroom door was still locked.

Tang Xun'an pushed open the door. Inside is a snow-white cocoon.

The entire cocoon is more than two meters long and is translucent, exposing the pollutants inside.

Lu Yan illuminated it with a lamp, and it looked like a curled up \u002659952;\u00268204; bug. On the fat and soft limbs\u002659622;\u00268204;, there are also short red tentacles\u002657672;\u00268204;.

This pollutant was obviously still conscious. After seeing the two of them, its limbs 59622; wriggled constantly, trying to break out of the cocoon ahead of time.

In the bedroom, the pollution value has soared to 700.

It is conceivable that when the silkworm breaks out of its cocoon, it will be another 60175; 8204; pollutant that makes the prevention and control heart a headache.

Tang Xun'an pulled out the knife without hesitation.

There was a knock at the door at this moment.

Don't touch her! Zhao Ke let out a roar, and ran towards the bedroom stumbling.

He ran 57555; fast, and the lights in the room were not turned on, so he inevitably fell on the ground.

The sunglasses fell off his face, revealing the eyeballs that were so cloudy that the pupils could not be seen.

Don't touch her, don't touch her! Professor Zhao knelt down on the ground with a plop, and hugged Lu Yan's ankle, Sujuan didn't hurt anyone, she didn't hurt anyone!

I admit, I stole some corpses\u002659622;\u00268204;\u0026593

65;\u00268204; Sujuan eats. It's all my fault, Zhao Ke's 57672;\u00268204; trembling violently, with tears running down his face, it's not Sujuan's fault, it's fine to catch me\u002658484;\u00268204; and go to jail. Lu Yan, the teacher has never begged anyone in this life, please ask 57453; this 60251; one58488;8204;! I have completed the retirement \u0026 57672; \u0026 8204; process, and I will bring Sujuan back to my hometown in a few days... Teacher \u0026 59365; \u0026 8204; \u0026 57453; \u0026 8204; Kowtow!

However, his voice quickly got stuck in his throat.

Tang Xun'an drew the saber very quickly, and it was the same with withdrawing the saber. So much so that ordinary people only see an inconspicuous knife light.

Green blood splashed out from the silkworm's body, and the silkworm mother screamed in pain, and was cut in half.

One of her faces was still humanoid, and the upper half of her body fell to the ground, screaming in pain.

Green blood splashed on Zhao Ke's face, causing him to lose all language in an instant.

The body of the silkworm mother\u002659622;\u00268204; began to weather from the wound, like a dehydrated mummy. The lower half of the body has completely turned into a soft worm, which is very disgusting and hideous.

Professor Zhao slowly opened59952; his mouth, and crawled forward, blood vessels like blue veins burst out on his neck.

Sujuan...wife...no pain, no pain, I'm here.

He couldn't speak, hugged his wife, opened his mouth, and wept 58379; loudly.

The teacher's wife stretched out her 57672; arm, and gently touched Professor Zhao's face. She was very old, but after becoming a pollutant, she was rejuvenated, with an extraordinarily youthful face.

This is what Zhao Ke remembered. They knew each other when they were young. On Gao's first day at school, Zhao Ke was thinking that this girl looks really good-looking.

From falling in love to getting married, Professor Zhao raised her like a daughter for more than forty years. The teacher's wife hasn't done housework for a day at home.

He cured 58379; countless patients, but could not save 57595; his lover.

\u002659952;\u00268204;drops\u002659952;\u00268204;drops of tears slid down Zhao Ke's face.

Lu Yan took a step forward and said, Teacher, from the moment she becomes a pollutant, she is no longer a teacher's wife.

The silkworm chrysalis breaks out of the cocoon and \u002660175;\u00268204; becomes a moth. Flying pollutants are always very troublesome to deal with. It \u002660175;\u00268204; ran around in the city, reaping human lives.

Professor Zhao sat on the spot as if he didn't hear, holding the silkworm mother in his arms, motionless.

The mother worm died, and as a child worm, Zhao Ke couldn't live for 57555; long.

Just a few minutes passed, and obvious corpse spots appeared on his exposed skin.

Life and death, Tang Xun'an has seen a lot. But every time we parted, it still made him feel heavy.

He wants to smoke.

She hasn't hurt anyone, she hasn't hurt anyone. Why\u002660251;\u00268204;...do this\u002660251;\u00268204;.

Zhao Ke murmured.

The silkworm mother twisted in his arms, she opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something.

\u002657453;\u00268204; say, Sujuan, \u002657453;\u00268204; say. Zhao Ke hurriedly lowered his head, his tone soft.

The silkworm mother hugged his head, with tears in her eyes, but soon she opened her mouth and bit Zhao Ke's face.

Systematically speaking, the tone is pitiful and mocking,

The long-dead corpse 59622; is no longer 57555; bloody, and the scene is not bloody, but a little scary.

After Zhao Ke's death, the body of the silkworm mother also struggled for a moment, completely motionless.

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