America 1982

Chapter 56 Kingston in the Summer (1)

Opposite the government building in Kingston, the capital of St. Vincent, a repainted second-hand food truck is parked. Tony Leon's girlfriend Ashley is standing on the truck, frying various snacks and picking up the food. There is a conspicuous sign hanging in front of the stage:

"Only cash in US dollars is accepted, checks are not accepted. If you don't have enough cash and need to borrow money, please contact Prime Minister Tommy Hawke of your country. The interest rate is fair and the payment is quick."

Two sun umbrellas were set up next to the food truck. At this time, Tommy Hawke, dressed in casual beach shorts, was lying on a lounge chair under the sun umbrellas, holding a cold beer in his hand.

"How is business? Ashley?" Tommy Hawke asked lazily as he took a sip of beer and looked at the blue sky.

Ashley was wearing an orange fast-food uniform, flipping the food constantly in her hands, and said with a smile: "Where did you find such a group of rich kids? Tommy, you really are the one, you can make as much money in a day Enough for me to buy your brother enough Trojan to last ten years."

Tommy Hawke smiled and said: "It sounds like You and Tony have used a lot. Ashley, I thought you would use the money you earned to prepare for a wedding or something, but I didn't expect your plan to be so exciting, ten years... God, is Tony’s waist okay?”

"If he dares to say something bad, I will replace him." Ashley smiled and put the fried chicken nuggets, onion rings and other food on the small table next to Tommy.

Ashley dated Tommy Hawke's brother Tony when she was fifteen. Ashley's father, Mr. Hull, was also her father's best friend. Tony inherited the devoted nature of his parents. Although he liked oral sex, he never went outside. If you really mess with other girls, all it takes is a wedding and a wedding ring, and Ashley Hull will become Ashley Hawke.

Ashley has known the Hawke family for a long time, so Ashley naturally has no worries when chatting with Tommy. Anyway, both families already know about her and Tony's situation.

"Miss Catherine, the Secretary of Defense, said that she needs ten portions of cream ice cream and five portions of snack boxes to send to Special Forces Commander Frank. The rest is your errand fee and tips." Catherine was followed by four young and beautiful black men The young woman walked from the government building to the food truck with her head held high, took out fifty dollars and handed it to the black man next to her. The man walked to the food truck and handed it to Ashley, and said.

Ashley quickly put away the cash: "I'm glad to serve you, no problem at all."

The next second, she shouted at the top of her lungs: "Tommy, go deliver the goods!"

"My subordinates and the people are watching here, can you give me some respect? Ashley?" Tommy sighed gloomily: "I just came back to take a breather."

"Okay, Mr. Prime Minister, for the sake of fifty dollars, get on your bicycle and go deliver the food!" Ashley changed her title.

Tommy helplessly looked at Catherine who came to sit under the umbrella next to him: "Queen Catherine, what do you need the special forces to do for you? You must know that the special forces are just reserve militia. The reason why they are called The name is special just because they have more firefighting knowledge and skills than other militiamen."

"The policemen under Dennis had no respect for me at all. When I went to inspect the police station, they did not salute me. I am going to send special forces to arrest them and put them in jail." Catherine took a sip of the juice handed to her by her men. He said in a cold tone: "This is such a good place. A box of snacks can make countless people work for me."

"My Queen, I would like to remind you seriously that in just one and a half days after taking office, Frank's special forces have already been dispatched seventeen times because of your order. The prison has been overrun nine times. Of the fifty-three students in the summer camp, thirty students have already experienced this. It feels like being in jail. Half of the people in the capital have been reprimanded by you for not touching your breasts. I think if you continue like this, you will have no chance of overthrowing the Queen of England. It is true that you will be overthrown by the angry people. As Prime Minister, I have I must seriously warn you, if you behave like this, I will..."

Catherine held a hundred-dollar bill between her fingertips and waved it at Tommy: "Poor man, think about it carefully before you speak."

Tommy immediately stopped talking and reached out to take the banknote with a smile on his face: "As a loyal comrade-in-arms, Tommy Hawke will always stand by your side. I am preparing to write a report to help you apply for the Peace Medal. This country has you." Such officials are their blessing.”

After finishing speaking and drinking the last sip of beer, Tommy Hawke rode on the bicycle lent to him by Prime Minister Madoff, took the takeaway food from Ashley, and rushed towards the Special Forces Command Center in a familiar manner.

Inside the Home Secretary's Office.

Interior Secretary David Schaeffer kept blinking his small eyes behind his lenses: "Chris, I have an idea. This is it. I know some black people in Georgia. If the money they get from committing crimes is slightly larger, It cannot be deposited in the bank, which is dirty money. We can help them clean it from here and earn their handling fees. Stephen is a rich man and he will not be interested, but we can cooperate, as long as you cooperate with me..."

"I'm not interested in making some small money for myself. I prefer to think about how to help this extremely poor country make some money. There is nothing here except bananas and sugar cane. At this time, I will consider opening up offshore finance." Business." Chris Ferguson was wearing a cowboy hat, holding a cigarette in his mouth, and a playing card in his hand bounced flexibly: "But I'm just thinking about it, I don't know if it can be realized."

"You're not interested in making money? Man, do you know what you mean? I mean, how can someone not be interested in money? Are you like a rich man who has a grandfather with tubes all over his body just waiting to die? ?" David Shaffer looked in disbelief: "At least we have to earn back our summer camp fees, right?"

Chris looked at David with a puzzled face: "David, how poor were you before? Poorer than a pauper? You have to make money just for a vacation?"

"If I had the brains of Poor Tommy, I wouldn't have to think about making money through such small means. Didn't that guy set up this bullshit summer camp just to make money for himself? Look, I am the Home Secretary. If the Home Secretary wants to eat an ice cream, he will I have to borrow money from him, and then that bastard will help me calculate the interest thoughtfully!" David Schaeffer looked depressed when he mentioned Tommy.

Chris shrugged: "Anyway, I'm not interested. I want to study how tax work works and then complete an experience report, that's it."

"How about a casino?" Seeing that Chris was not interested in his proposal, David Xie Bi rolled his eyes and thought of another idea: "The students are all rich people. Let's open a casual casino and kill them all." Bi, I am responsible for attracting customers, you are responsible for killing customers, and we split the accounts 50-50. You are not interested in making money, but you should be interested in playing cards. After all, you have been playing poker since you were five years old."

Chris' eyes immediately lit up, but he gave a response that made David's expression instantly dull: "This is a good idea, and I can impose heavy taxes on you, the founder of the casino. This is a good idea, and it can help this country make some profits. .”

"In other words, I pay you 50%, and then you turn around and tax me heavily on the remaining 50%? And take away a lot of money?" David came back to his senses and asked. .

Chris lowered the brim of his cowboy hat: "Yes, I am the Minister of Taxation, and I have my unshirkable responsibility. Let's decide like this. You open a casino, and I will help you be the dealer and collect taxes from you."

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