Although I didn't see the process of the woman being killed, it was such a cruel death, and the action of the zombie sending its bloody heart to its mouth.

This scene made Lei Jie feel fear all over his body.

Now he is full of the bloody heart.

The eyes were so red that if you looked carefully, you could still see the slight beating.

Humans are so fragile that they can be easily killed.

If the apocalypse comes, will it be this kind of slaughter that awaits them in the future?

The more Lei Jie thought about it, the more frightened it became. Is this the end of the world? Are the monsters outside the door a zombie.

But this is not the same as the interpretation of the sci-fi blockbuster.

He really saw zombies killing people, and even eating human hearts, or after eating the hearts, they would bite the woman's body.

Huo Xiang felt the low pressure from Lei Jie's body and the trembling body, he sighed helplessly and walked over.

Feeling someone sitting next to him, Lei Jie grabbed Huo Xiang's hand and asked tremblingly, Xiangzi, can those things be killed? Can they be killed?

Lei Jie asked anxiously, with anxiety in his tone, and an urgent response.

Hearing Lei Jie's words, Gu Jiu couldn't help but look back at him.

There was appreciation in her eyes, affirmation of Lei Jie.

If it was an ordinary person with poor tolerance, it would definitely not look like Lei Jie.

They will yell, not accept reality, and self-comfort is having a dream, waking up and it's all over.

But Lei Jie didn't do this. He accepted the fact, but the first thing he asked was if the zombies would die and how to kill them.

Huo Xiang wasn't very clear about this either, he looked at Gu Jiu who was standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window.

Receiving the gaze that breath loves you, Gu Jiu turned her head and continued to look downstairs.

But she answered Leijie's question.

Although zombies seem to be very powerful at the beginning of the end of the world, they are not indestructible, as long as their brains are broken, they will die completely.

And after the end of the world, it is impossible for human beings to sit still. Some of us will awaken the superhumans and compete with them. This is a war between humans and zombies. As for the solution, no one knows.

After speaking, Gu Jiu saw a group of people running out of the hotel downstairs, their footsteps panicking.

Seeing these, Gu Jiu knew that City A seemed to have started.

When the apocalypse came, there were always zombies that were preferentially corpse in twos and threes.

I remember that the same was true in my previous life. There were accidents all over the country and even in all parts of the world.

But apart from those in power and those in high positions, ordinary people didn't take it to heart at all until the end of the world came at night.

Everything is too late.

I still remember the previous life, when a heavy rain fell.

Everyone thought it was just an ordinary rain, so no one was taboo, they walked in the rain.

That heavy rain lasted only an hour, and an hour later the heavy rain ended, and the whole world was in crisis.

Most of the people caught in the rain turned into zombies.

They wantonly bit the humans around them, and the blood and flesh became their rations.

There were screams and cries everywhere, and bloody winks everywhere.

This is a real catastrophe, a human crisis.

Every time Gu Jiu despised the scene of that day, she felt bad in her heart.

Especially when the scene in my memory came again tonight.

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