16 – Damn it, We Must Praise the Administrator

As I explained about magic, several hours had passed. Choi Yebin, who was sitting in the corner as if she found it interesting, didn’t have anything to say as a magician herself (love peace).

“How do you know all of this? I feel like my magic skills have improved tremendously since you taught me!”

Yebin jumped up and down with excitement. She said that she felt her magic formula had become more refined and that any uncertainties or ambiguities had been completely resolved, expressing her gratitude.

“You said theory and practice were quite different, and it’s really true! Since I can’t feel any mana from you, it seems like your mana capacity isn’t that great. How did you study all these theories?”

“It’s not that my mana capacity is small, it’s just that I can’t use it for a while.”

Yebin tilted her head as if asking what I meant, but I didn’t feel the need to explain in detail. Explaining the 24-hour limit would be complicated, and there was no need to tell her.

The study of magic ultimately requires one to create and use their own magic formula in order to understand it. Even in simple labor, there is a saying that seeing is believing. Using one magic formula is a clearer way to understand the formula than reading thousands of books. As someone who knows almost all the magic in the world, it is only natural that I am well-versed in theory.

“Anyway, thank you so much! If there’s anything you want from me as a reward, I’ll do it for you!”

When she made the suggestion, I answered without hesitation.

“Then, could you let me stay here for just one day?”


Yebin was surprised and moved her arms to cover her body, stepping back.

“W-well… even though I said I would do anything you wanted, we’re not in a relationship or anything… I do think you’re amazing and intelligent when it comes to theory, but doing something like that between two people who just met today… it’s a bit inappropriate…”

Yebin started to babble. Realizing that she had misunderstood the meaning of staying overnight, I quickly corrected her.

“I didn’t mean it like that. I don’t have anywhere to go right now. Someone I know will come to pick me up tomorrow, but it’s too dangerous to stay outside until then. So I’m asking if you can let me stay just for today. If there’s an available room, please let me and my friend stay in a different room.”

“Ah… um…”

Yebin made an awkward expression and then lowered her head.

“I… It’s the first time a man will be staying at our house… But he taught me magic theory, so I’ll let him sleep tonight! But he can’t sleep in this room, he has to sleep somewhere else. If he goes outside and runs into my mother, he’ll be kicked out for sure.”


“You, Administrator, can sleep downstairs, and that person… and I will sleep together on the bed.”

While Liena was pointing at Choi Yebin and talking, Choi Yebin didn’t pay attention and immediately responded, looking straight at me.

“I’ll sleep downstairs because it’s uncomfortable to sleep on the bed. It’s also more familiar to me.”

“But sleeping there might hurt your back…”

Choi Yebin didn’t reply and closed her eyes.

Be a little more gentle.

Well, assuming that the novel possessed by Killer Choi Yebin was really messed up, she might have killed dozens, or perhaps hundreds, of people. Her emotions must have been worn out, and forming connections with people would have become even more difficult.

Because I received one-sided favor from her, and because I followed everything she said without lying and told her everything as it was, she wasn’t a hostile person towards someone she met for the first time today.

“Since it’s already late, let’s sleep around this time.”

With my words, Liena and I found our places on the bed and fell asleep in a corner.

After sleeping until quite a late hour and waking up, Choi Yebin was already awake, sticking her back to the floor and observing her surroundings.

“Aren’t you tired? Did you sleep well?”

“…I slept enough. I usually don’t sleep much.”

Liena took a deep breath on the bed and exhaled repeatedly, sinking into a deep sleep.

Choi Yebin started talking.

“You seem too naive. What would you do if we were to attack you?”

It was a fundamental question. No matter how much she taught me magic theory, it was difficult to understand why she would let strangers sleep in her room.

“People have different tendencies, I suppose. Maybe it’s because I revealed that I’m the administrator of Myeolsogael, so their guard is down.”

“No matter what.”

“Maybe it’s because we’re from the same online community.”

Myeolsogael. The people who possessed the characters in the novel lived their entire lives while observing the main characters. Although the main characters had the same appearance and way of speaking as humans, their identities were not the same. Living in Korea, among all the places on Earth, formed a small but strong sense of solidarity.

“Maybe we can be friendly because we’re from the same online community…”

Upon hearing those words, Choi Ye-bin nodded slowly.

“Perhaps that could have an influence. After all, the only Koreans who can build a sense of connection with their homeland are those in Myeolsogael.”

As I watched her absentmindedly staring out the window, a sudden curiosity welled up within me.

“But why did you follow me from the novel you were originally possessed in?”

“You know. I was possessed in that ridiculous novel. I haven’t had a decent sleep for even a day. When I close my eyes, bandits and looters attack, and there were many bastards who tried to violate me without end. If I could escape, I wanted to do it right away. That place was like hell to me. I didn’t want to die, I wanted to escape. So I lived each day, enduring. And then the administrator came.”

“Didn’t you ever doubt me? I could have been a bad person.”

“Does it matter if I doubt you?”

“Ah… I guess you would know if I lied.”

“No, it’s not because of your ability. It’s because the administrator is strong. If you had any intention of doing something bad, you would have shown it when we first met. Moreover, when I first met you, I was dying, and if you hadn’t given me the elixir, I would have died from excessive bleeding. If you hadn’t saved me afterwards, I would have died the same way. To me, you are a benefactor. You risked your life to save me when I was on the verge of death, and you brought me out of that hell.”

“You speak well when talking to me. Try to get along with other people too. Rienna seems like a decent person.”

“That might be difficult. I don’t want to get along with just anyone.”

“Alright… do as you please.”

After the brief conversation with Choi Ye-bin, I fell asleep. Despite looking worn out, her appearance seemed even more reliable.

Even after taking a nap and waking up, Rienna was still asleep. I turned on the Myeolsogael screen.

ㅇㅇ – Title: Did the administrator die? Why are there suddenly no updates after posting hundreds of posts a day?

Here it is.

ㄴ ㅇㅇ – Killer hasn’t posted anything suddenly. Maybe that bastard is using another account.

ㄴ ㅇㅇ – Or maybe he’s dead? There were rumors that the admin died and got replaced.

From Noble mtl dot com

ㄴ ㅇㅇ – Admin, you son of a b*tch, release all the research journal episodes before you die!

ㄴAdmin – Why should I?

ㄴㅇㅇ – Did that bastard die?

ㄴAdmin – What’s the big deal if he did? At least I would have lived longer than you.

ㄴㅇㅇ – Ah, f*ck. Why spread curses when things are already tough enough these days?

ㄴAdmin – I don’t know.

ㄴㅇㅇ – Just go die.

As soon as I entered, I exchanged warm banter with the friends on the bulletin board.

Since I almost died right after meeting Love Peace, I unintentionally neglected the meme gallery. I immediately started making round-shaped poop.

Admin – Title: Almost Died Last Night

But I miraculously survived. The great admin doesn’t die.

ㄴ ㅇㅇ – Did you really almost die?

ㄴ ㅇㅇ – Bullsh*t.

ㄴ Blind Worshipper – Damn it, I accidentally read the admin’s post again. I must praise.

Admin – Title: Curious about the Archmage’s Research Journal?

There are still unpublished contents. Should I release more?

ㄴ ㅇㅇ – Please! Please! Please! Please tell us!

ㄴ ㅇㅇ – If you explain it, I’ll leave praise comments on your posts every day.

ㄴ ㅇㅇ – I’m a magician, please give me some information.

Administrator – Title: Feeling bored, let’s have a joke party with anyone.

If you like it, I’ll reveal more of the Archmage’s research journal.

ㄴ ObsessedFanboy – Woof woof! Woof woof! Woof woof woof!

ㄴ ㅇㅇ – Ugh, this jerk is starting to provoke again.

As I giggled while typing a sarcastic comment, Choi Ye-bin, who was next to me, looked at me with a strange expression. I must have misinterpreted it, as she let out a shallow sigh and lowered her head.


I cleared my throat and refreshed the page to check the new posts. Since the administrator had returned after a long time (less than 24 hours), the bulletin board was buzzing with activity again.

However, there were many people begging for comments on my post where I pretended to have accidentally found the Archmage’s research journal. Perhaps because the information on mass destruction magic was of a high level, it caught their attention.

ㅇㅇ – Sir, I think I’m going to die in this possessed place. If you have any other information, could you please let me know? I’m really begging you…

ㅇㅇ – Administrator, I saw the material you posted before. It helped broaden my knowledge. Could you please share the research journal with me privately through a secret comment?

However, it wasn’t just people begging for comments. My sniper posts started to appear one by one as well.

ㅇㅇ – Title: Administrator, you’re just pretending to have something when you have nothing

In my opinion, this guy has already revealed all the research journals he picked up. He doesn’t have any information, but he’s lucky enough to reveal advanced information and receive praise. He’s pretending to have something left, pretending to know something, but when you look closely, there’s nothing at all.

ㄴ ㅇㅇ – Seriously, the administrator keeps provoking but doesn’t provide any information. Honestly, I expected him to reveal Part 1 and then Part 2 right away, so I was looking forward to Part 3 as well, but that was the end.

ㄴ ㅇㅇ – We were stupid to have expectations. Honestly, I thought the administrator was amazing. To reveal such useful information in this toxic gallery… That’s what I thought and praised, but I take it back. He’s just a crazy guy obsessed with provoking. He picked up Part 2 of the research journal and revealed it all at once, and now he’s pretending to have something more. Look at this nonsense.

As I read the countless criticisms, I pondered for a moment. Should I pretend not to know and leave it as it is? Or should I throw a bait to set the gallery on fire? The decision didn’t take long. Such a powerful firepower requires an equally enticing bait. I immediately started writing a post and uploaded it right away.

What I posted on the bulletin board was Part 3 of the practical Archmage’s research journal.

Ten minutes after posting.

350 comments and 120 recommendations.

ㅇㅇ – What is this? Is this for real…?

ㅇㅇ – Damn… Wait, what is this?

MindlessPraiser – Dammit, it’s the administrator again! We must praise the administrator!

ㅇㅇ – Wow… No way… Is this even possible?

ㅇㅇ – The administrator is a god!

ㅇㅇ – Crazy… This is going to cause controversy, isn’t it?

[Title: Diary of a Realized Archmage, Part 3 – How to Travel to Another Dimension with Warp Magic]

For the first time, I climbed the popular posts without the administrator function.

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