The next morning, Nanzhi and Gouer had breakfast and went out directly carrying a small bamboo basket and a fish basket.

Seeing that there were already many people in the river at the end of the village, Nanzhi thought for a while before taking the dog upstream for a quarter of an hour.

When they arrived at the place, they saw a few people standing in the river. Nanzhi also took off the dog's shoes and socks and let him play in the water. Seeing that the water had just passed the dog's ankles, she felt relieved and went to the middle. .

Nanzhi, are you here to fish too? The water here is deeper than that at the end of the village, so be careful.

Nanzhi was a little surprised when he heard someone calling him. He looked up and looked for the voice and realized that the woman looked familiar. After thinking about it carefully, he recognized that it was Mrs. Sun who asked him to learn how to make fish soup the day before yesterday.

He just smiled and responded: Hey.

After saying hello, the two of them went about their business. After all, although they had some interactions over the fish soup, it wasn't much. It was better to use that time to touch two more fish while chatting awkwardly.

Nanzhi was groping around under her feet. The water upstream was indeed deeper than that at the end of the village. Because she was not worried about the dog, she could only check to see if the dog was playing obediently from time to time to make sure. Only for the safety of the little guy did he continue to work with his head down.

Hey, isn't this the Wu family? Why are you willing to go down the river to fish?

Isn't it time to have a good rest at home? Oops, I forgot. Your family is separated. You don't have a second house, no work, no food, right?

Hearing a burst of laughter not far away, Nanzhi also raised her head, and she felt strange when she saw that it was indeed Wu and Shitou standing on the shore.

But she didn't say anything. The river didn't belong to her, and she didn't care whether Wu came to fish or not.

As long as she doesn't become a monster to herself, that's fine.

Wu glanced at the person who asked the question and spat: What, this river belongs to your family? What do I do here that you don't care about? If you talk like this every day, be careful one day you fall into trouble.

After speaking, he glared at the women over there and directed Shitou to go down to the river to fish.

He was sitting on the shore to rest.

Several women secretly rolled their eyes when they saw it. Only a mother like Wu would let her seven-year-old son go into the river to touch things while she rested aside.

I'm really not afraid of anything happening to my child.

Mrs. Sun and the two little ladies looked at each other, and then they laughed and continued fishing after understanding each other's meaning.

As soon as Shitou got off the river, he saw the dog squatting on one side. He snorted at him before heading towards the middle of the river.

My mother-in-law said that she is a lucky person, otherwise why would so many children in the village not be able to get the eggs, so they would just dig them out for themselves. That dog is a little bitch, and the wild eggs should be hers. He was robbed.

I will definitely be able to catch a big fish this time and go back.

Thinking about it, regardless of the fact that the water level was already below his knees, he just continued to walk further in. He didn't stop until the river water completely passed his waistline.

Nanzhi looked at the stone walking towards the river with some hesitation, then glanced at Wu who was resting on the river bank, fanning herself, but finally did not speak.

My own mother doesn’t care, so what can she say?

Lest she be blamed for being nosy when she takes charge of others.

After touching it for less than half an hour, Nanzhi felt something moving under his feet. He calmed down, concentrated his attention and pressed down with both hands. He felt that the thing was being held down and then he squeezed it tightly and grabbed it.

A closer look revealed a river shrimp about half the length of a hand, waving its two slender claws in an attempt to break free.

Looking at this little thing, Nanzhi immediately thought of dry pot shrimps and hot pot shrimps, and swallowed subconsciously.

It's a pity that these river shrimps are thinner and not as plump as Jiwei shrimps. After putting the strutting river shrimps into the fish basket, Nanzhi continued to bend down to fish.

Now that the weather is getting hotter, she has to pack her things and take the dog home before the sun rises completely.

Touching something one after another, Nanzhi stood up straight and wiped his sweat when he heard the dog calling him.

Auntie, I caught Chongchong!

The dog looked at the thing pressed down by his little wooden stick and shouted loudly to his mother-in-law. This bug just pinched his foot and he wanted his mother-in-law to come over and clean it up.

After hearing what the dog said, Nanzhi hurriedly walked over. She was afraid that the dog might have caught some insect, but she wanted to avoid getting hurt.

As a result, when she lowered her head, she saw a river shrimp that was pressed down by the dog's small wooden stick. This one looked a lot bigger than the one she just touched.

The dog is so powerful. These are river shrimps, not insects. Nanzhi rescued the river shrimps from under the wooden stick and threw them into the fish basket.

The dog looked up at Nanzhi curiously and asked, Can this insect be eaten?

Nanzhi nodded affirmatively: This is edible, and it's delicious.

The dog's eyes lit up when he heard that the river shrimp was not only edible, but also tasted good. He pointed to the river bed aside: Mom, there are bugs there, there are a lot of bugs!

After hearing this, Nanzhi didn't feel disappointed that the river shrimps he caught were not as good as the dog's, so he just looked in the direction the dog pointed.

Because she had already dug through the river bed before, she took the dog a little way upstream today. There were still some aquatic plants growing on the river bank here, and it did look like a place that river shrimp would like. .

Nanzhi was afraid of disturbing the river shrimp, so he only leaned over there cautiously. Then he reached out and gently pushed aside a piece of waterweed, and then he could see clearly what was underneath.

The thin layer of water is filled with densely packed river shrimps. The big ones are about the same size as the ones the dog just caught, and the small ones can be as long as four centimeters.

A piece of river shrimp was lying on the grass in the water as if sleeping. The movement of Nanzhi pushing away the water plants made them slightly panicked. When they realized that nothing was wrong, they all lay down quietly on the water plants again.

Nanzhi untied the fish basket tied to his waist and signaled the dog to hand over the small bamboo basket placed behind him before taking a deep breath and preparing to catch shrimps.

Nanzhi first put the small bamboo basket by his feet to make it easier to put the shrimps in. He spread his hands and quietly placed them on both sides of the shrimps. He gently moved closer to the middle and scooped the two shrimps into his palms before carefully closing his hands. Pull out the water.

Feeling the movement of struggling in the palm of her hand, Nanzhi put it into the bamboo basket with a hey before continuing the action just now.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the small bamboo basket was filled with river shrimps, and only a few small ones were left in the water plants.

Looking at the river shrimps that kept fluttering and trying to jump out of the bamboo basket, Nanzhi picked two leaves and covered them before placing them on the river bed.

There are gaps in the bamboo basket, and the river water can seep in through the bamboo pieces. The river shrimps will not dry to death here. The sun is not too bright in the sky, so she can still look for more.

Dog, you stay here obediently and help my mother keep an eye on these river shrimps. Then my mother will go look for the river clams, okay?

Gou'er looked at Nanzhi and nodded affirmatively, and said in a sweet voice: Gou'er, be good. Mom, please continue to work.

After receiving the dog's answer, Nanzhi tied the fish basket around his waist again before turning around and walking towards the middle of the river.

In addition to those river shrimps today, she also caught a crucian carp and seven or eight river clams. If she could catch a few more, that would be enough for the day.

And there are so many river shrimps here. She plans to come over at night and put some shrimp pots to see if she can catch more.

While concentrating on touching the fish, Nanzhi suddenly heard a popping sound.

He looked up and looked at the stone that was just not far away from him. Where was the figure now?

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