Big dreamer

Chapter 24 Another dream?

After a dreamless night, Shen Luo woke up early the next morning.

He didn't know whether it was because he was tired or because he felt relaxed after returning the jade pillow to its original place, so he slept particularly sweetly.

After waking up, he felt full of energy. After getting up and washing up, he went to the Jade Emperor Palace to practice. He was in excellent condition all day long.

The only bad thing was that I had some insomnia that night for some reason.

However, after he had a peaceful sleep on the third day, his anxious heart was finally relieved.

A few days later, it was night.

Shen Luo lit the oil lamp and sat at the desk, flipping through the "Chronicle of Zhang Tianshi's Subjugation of Demons". There was a stack of rice paper and the small awl at hand.

Although the previous nightmare seemed to be far away from me.

However, Shen Luo remembered the life-saving effect of the talismans in the book in his dream, so starting from the day before yesterday, he would continue to copy the talismans attached to the book on white paper every night.

Of course, the most important thing to copy and draw was the "little thunder talisman" which was the attack talisman that he valued most.

Regarding this talisman, he hadn't practiced too much before. After all, it hadn't been long since he got this chronicle of subduing demons. However, drawing talismans and practicing calligraphy always had something in common. It was always right to draw and practice diligently.

When it comes to drawing talismans, one needs to have a strong sense of energy and spiritual power. If you just want to have a similar shape, it doesn't take much effort to draw. You can just do it with your hands. But if you want to draw a bit of charm, it will take a lot of energy.

After Shen Luo drew more than a dozen pictures, he felt a little nervous.

He rubbed his slightly sore eyebrows, put away his pen and ink, and not long after lying on the bed, he felt a wave of sleepiness sweeping over him, and his mind suddenly sank.

I don't know how long it took, when Shen Luo was half asleep and half awake, a shrill wail suddenly came from his ears, and a strong smell of blood came from his nose.

He was startled, and suddenly opened his eyes, and was shocked to find that a ferocious face full of blood appeared in front of him, his eyes widened, almost touching his own face, and his eyes were full of terror.


Shen Luo screamed, and suddenly pushed forward with his hands, and the body that was close to him was violently pushed aside.

Before he could figure out what was going on, a gust of fishy wind that made people vomit was roaring from above his head.

Shen Luo's pupils suddenly dilated, and he saw a huge gray wolf head, with its bloody mouth open, biting down on his neck. There were strands of blood-stained flesh hanging on the jagged fangs. .

His mind was shocked and his mind went blank. He could only rely on instinct to twist his body violently and roll to one side, and the smelly wolf's mouth rubbed against the tip of his nose.

Immediately afterwards, he felt a tenderness in his legs, but they were pressed down by the huge body of the gray wolf that rushed towards him.

When he was in Chunhua County before, he had seen a wolf carcass killed by hunters. It was larger than the largest hound in the city, but the one pressing him now was even bigger than that wolf carcass. Three points.

Shen Luo forced himself to calm down, but he had no time to think about what happened. He could only endure the heavy pressure and struggle to get out.

However, the gray wolf was so heavy that he couldn't break away in a hurry. Instead, the gray wolf suddenly retreated back and stood up.

Before Shen Luo could pull away, he felt another gust of fishy wind hit his face, but the gray wolf turned and bit his neck again.

After calming down, Shen Luo reacted much faster. He quickly turned sideways to avoid the wolf's mouth, wrapped his arms around the gray wolf's neck, turned over and crawled towards the wolf's back.

The gray wolf didn't give him a chance. He pressed down and fell to the ground with him.

Shen Luo was pressed hard now, but his hands did not let go. He strangled the gray wolf's neck tightly, and pushed his shoulders upwards, as if he was trying to break his neck.

Naturally, the gray wolf refused to surrender, and suddenly stood up again, shaking his head left and right, trying to shake off Shen Luo.

Shen Luo knew that once he was thrown away, it would be difficult to avoid the wolf's mouth. While his hands did not let go, his legs also clamped the wolf's belly, hanging under the gray wolf like a monkey.

The gray wolf kept growling, and jumped up, hitting the wall on the side, trying to shake off Shen Luo.

Shen Luo finally found a place to focus on his hands and legs, but he couldn't relax.

He also let out a beast-like growl from his mouth, veins popped out on his arms, and now he used all his strength to strangle the gray wolf.

The gray wolf struggled violently and kept hitting the ground with his sinking body.

Shen Luo clenched his teeth and buried his head in the gray wolf's neck, making up his mind that he would never let go even if he died.

As the force on his hand continued to increase, the gray wolf was severely strangled, with more air coming out and less air coming in. His breathing gradually became heavier, and he kept making "humming humming" sounds from his nose.

After a while, the gray wolf's footsteps gradually became weak and he fell towards the wall beside him.

Shen Luo's forehead and cheeks were soaked with sweat. He didn't know whether the gray wolf was dead, but the hand holding the wolf's neck still didn't let go. His left hand held his right arm tightly, causing purple bruises on his arm. , until the gray wolf in his arms stopped even the last shivering, slowly released his hands, turned over and crawled out from under the gray wolf.

The gray wolf was already dead, its scarlet tongue hanging out from its fangs, and a large amount of blood foam was spilling from its mouth.

He was in a daze for the rest of his life, and his heart was pounding in his chest. Only then did he finally have a chance to look around and try to figure out what was going on.

Just by looking at it, his face became even more ugly.

At this moment, he was standing on the edge of the incomplete city wall at the top of the city. On the horse path at the top of the city, there were many young and strong men holding weapons, fighting with dozens of huge gray wolves.

The clothes on these young and strong men are different, as are the weapons in their hands. Some wear rough armor made of iron sheets, some hold fine iron spears in their hands, and some go into battle bare-chested with copper hammers. Groups of three and five surround and kill a wolf.

"Is this another dream?" Shen Luo thought blankly.

Thinking of this, he felt a sudden severe pain in his thigh. When he leaned over to look, he realized that he had somehow scratched his leg during the fight with the gray wolf. At this moment, half of his pants were stained red with blood.

Shen Luo grinned and was about to find something to bandage when suddenly another gust of wind blew past him, and another gray wolf suddenly rushed out from the side and hit him hard.

Shen Luo was caught off guard and felt a sharp pain in his waist. He fell out like a broken sack and fell straight out of the city from the gap in the city wall just a short distance away.

As he fell from the sky, Shen Luo could see clearly that the darkness outside the city wall was actually densely packed with wolves and beasts. They had been lining up from the other side of the moat, not only filling the river, but also stacking up in layers. Ants attacked the city and covered the outer walls of the city wall.

Among these wolves, there are also some black wolves that are twice the size of ordinary gray wolves. Each of them has fangs like hooks and a fierce look in their eyes. They are truly ferocious beasts.

Before he could see more clearly, his body had already slammed into the wolves.

The gray wolves that were originally scrambling to crawl towards the top of the city immediately turned around and gathered around him, biting him crazily.

Shen Luo had no chance of struggling at all. His legs, arms, shoulders, and neck were bitten fiercely by the wolf's mouths full of fishy smell.

He felt a sharp pain all over his body, his vision blurred, and he fell into endless darkness again.

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