Big dreamer

Chapter 57 Teeth Mark

Shen Luo looked at the sunken area on the stone box, and with a thought in his heart, he stretched out a finger, tentatively extending it into the white light range. He felt a cool breath lingering on his finger, as if he was reaching into the white light. It was like swimming in river water, and there was no feeling of discomfort.

So, he reached his fingers down a little more, getting closer to the stone box, and the cool feeling became clearer, as if it was emanating from the stone box.

Shen Luo was very afraid of the cold air, and he hesitated again.

However, the energy of the Yuan Stone seemed to be exhausted soon, and the white light emitted from it also began to shrink, dimming little by little.

Shen Luo gritted his teeth. The moment before the light disappeared, his index finger suddenly poked down and directly touched the "depression" in the center.

The white light that was fading seemed to freeze and float motionless the moment he lowered his finger.

At this moment, Shen Luo himself seemed to be frozen in place, and even his breathing and heartbeat suddenly stopped.

Amidst the noisy rainstorm, a faint "click" sound came to his ears, as if something was popping up.

The lid of the box under Shen Luo's finger suddenly flicked upward and slid forward with a slight friction sound.

"It's done!"

Shen Luo was overjoyed and hurriedly looked inside the box.

A sudden change occurred!

From the stone box, a black smoke suddenly spurted out and hit Shen Luo head-on.

Shen Luo was suddenly shocked. He pushed the low table in front of him and fell backwards, hitting the cabin awning directly.

The black smoke failed to erupt and settle, but it did not dissipate. Instead, it gathered and became thicker, and a ghost-headed shadow the size of a wheel appeared from it, with a black awning on top and a lower cabin.

The ghost's head was green and black, and there seemed to be messy and fluffy hair on his head. His eyes were as big as copper bells, flashing with a faint cold light, and his bloody mouth was filled with jagged fangs, as if he wanted to choose someone to devour.

Shen Luo didn't have time to figure out what was going on, so he could only force himself to calm down. He quickly swayed forward and grabbed the small thunder talisman and the yuan stone on the low table with his two hands respectively.


Shen Luo's movements seemed to irritate the ghost-headed shadow, and he burst into strange laughter and rushed towards him.

The cabin was narrow, and the sinking was unavoidable. I could only hold the Yuan Stone in one hand, mobilize the Yang Gang Qi in my body to flow into it, and slap it on the small thunder talisman in the other hand.

The ghost head flashed, and it teleported to the front of the eyes. It opened a bloody mouth and spurted out a green and black breath.

Shen Luo felt a strong fishy smell coming towards his face, and his head felt as if someone had hit him with a sap. There were many shadows in front of his eyes, and his body went limp and he collapsed to the side.

"Giggle..." Guitou's scary laughter continued, echoing in the small cabin.

Shen Luo's vision became more and more blurry, and he could only vaguely see that the ghost-headed figure suddenly began to shrink little by little, and finally turned into a white bone skull the size of a fist.

The white bone skull was unusually white, and even had a slight luster on its surface. He pounced directly on his shoulder and took a bite.


Shen Luo let out a groan of pain, and his body suddenly straightened up. He felt a strong cold current spread from the place where he was bitten, and instantly flowed to every corner of his body.

A layer of fine white ice, covered with frost, quickly spread from his shoulders, covering his whole body in just a moment.

Shen Luo's eyes immediately went dark and he passed out completely.

However, what was a bit strange was that the white frost only froze Shenluo's body. Although the cold air was strong, it did not infect the surrounding objects at all. Even the floor of the cabin beneath him did not show any abnormalities.

I don’t know how long it has been, but the sky has cleared up and the sun’s shadow is setting in the west.

A ray of sunlight pressed against the inner roof of the awning, shining in from outside the ship and reflecting on Shen Luo's cheeks. The layer of frost on his body had melted at some point.

At this time, Shen Luo's eyelashes trembled slightly and she slowly raised her eyelids.

The bright light stimulated him so hard that he couldn't help but squint his eyes again. After a while, he blocked his sight with one hand, supported his body with the other, and slowly sat up.

Shen Luo only felt that his whole body was sore and his clothes were sticky on his body. It didn't feel like the river water was still dry, but like he had just sweated profusely.


Shen Luo coughed dryly, feeling as if his throat was on fire, and his body seemed to be enveloped by a sense of heat. He couldn't help but pull open his chest, trying to dissipate some heat.

He licked his dry lips, looked to his side, and found that the earthen jar that stored water on the ship had been knocked over at some point, and the water inside had drained away.

Shen Luo's Adam's apple twitched, and he turned over and crawled towards the stern of the boat. However, he felt that his head was still dizzy. He managed to stagger out from the side of the boat, but was startled by his own reflection in the water.

I saw myself at this moment, with disheveled hair, flushed face, and bulging veins on my forehead, which made me look a bit ferocious.

Shen Luo couldn't help but shrink back, and then he stretched out his equally red hands, grabbed a handful of water from the river, and slapped it on his face.

With the cool river water on his hands and face, Shen Luo immediately felt refreshed, and his dizzy mind became a little clearer.

He slid forward, grabbed the edge of the boat with both hands, and plunged his whole head into the river. He didn't care whether he was doing it cleanly. He drank several large mouthfuls of river water in a row, and the burning feeling in his throat finally subsided. It was relieved, and the heat in my body also subsided a little.

Shen Luo let out a long breath, feeling that the clothes on his body were really sticky and uncomfortable, so he simply turned over and fell directly into the river, immersing his whole body in the water.

As the cold river water continued to wash over his body, Shen Luo finally felt that the heat on his body was no longer so unbearable, but there was a faint tingling sensation in the meridians all over his body.

The pain was not continuous, but felt like being pricked by a sharp needle from time to time, and the location was different each time. Fortunately, the pain was not too intense, and the pain was bearable.

Only then did the dizzy feeling in his mind finally subside, and he suddenly remembered the ghost head he saw when he opened the stone box earlier, and he couldn't help but shiver all over.

Shen Luo quickly pulled off the right half of his clothes and saw a dark red tooth mark on his right shoulder!

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