Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 15 The Mountain God Appears (Part 1)

Li Erhu calmed the girl's emotions, and then focused all his attention on the tiger.

After walking out of the shadows, the tiger suddenly stopped.

Li Erhu did not dare to take it lightly. While preparing for the battle, he pulled the girl back slowly.

He knew very well that when facing the most dangerous beast in the mountains, he must keep a close eye on its movements and never turn around and run away, otherwise he would only leave his fragile back to this deadly hunter.

At this moment, the nearest stone houses lit up with fire.

It was several families who were awakened by the screams.

The adult men from these families had already put on their clothes, lit torches, and opened the doors with wary expressions. After looking at each other, they took their weapons and headed to the place where the sound came from.

After all, Qiugang Village is close to the deep mountains and old forests, and there are wild beasts such as tigers and wild boars in the forest.

To survive in a place like this, vigilance is essential.

This is not the first time that someone screaming in the middle of the night has happened to Qiugang Village.

The last time was three years ago, when the wild boar king rushed into the fields, crashed the barn and destroyed a lot of grain.

So, after hearing the girl's terrified scream, the entire village woke up.

The adult men in each household quickly got up, dressed, and went out with their weapons. Soon they gathered with the large army and rushed towards the direction of the sound.

The fire was getting brighter and brighter, and Li Erhu knew what was happening in the village without looking back.

He secretly thought, "Oops." The tiger in front of him was not something that the villagers could scare away by hugging together.

With the speed and power it showed when it instantly killed the Wild Boar King, no matter how many people came, they were just delivering food.

Li Erhu was a little anxious. He wanted to warn the villagers in Qiugang Village, but the tiger in front of him was staring at them, and he did not dare to act rashly.

Just when the atmosphere was tense, the tiger suddenly yawned, glanced at him, turned around and walked towards the mountain temple.

Li Erhu was slightly startled, and subconsciously stopped retreating.

At the same time, the first group of villagers have arrived.

Through the moonlight and firelight, they all also saw the tiger that exuded a dangerous aura.


"It's a tiger!"

A man holding a crude spear couldn't help but exclaim. Several other men quickly stepped forward, armed with various weapons, to protect Li Erhu and his sister behind them.

The leading man tilted his head slightly and asked in a low voice.

"Erhu, what's going on? Why are you here?"

"...It's a long story, and I'm afraid I won't be able to explain it in a short time."

Hearing this man's inquiry, Li Erhu didn't know how to explain it for a while, so he could only deal with it perfunctorily.

The man frowned and glanced at him. He didn't have time to care about anything, and immediately looked at the tiger warily.

Perhaps because he heard the footsteps of a few people, Tiger paused, turned around slowly, and glanced at the people in front of Li Erhu.

Seeing this scene, everyone became more vigilant. Several men standing on both sides held spears and stared into the tiger's eyes while slowly moving their steps, as if they wanted to spread out and surround the tiger.

"do not move!"

Li Erhu suddenly shouted loudly.

The people around him were stunned when they heard this, but they still stopped subconsciously.

The man standing next to Li Erhu frowned again and asked in a low voice: "Why?"

"Because it doesn't want us to pass..."

Li Erhu replied softly. He already understood what the tiger meant: "As long as we don't pass by, it won't hurt us."

"Going there? Where to go?"

"Mountain Temple."

Mountain temple?

Hearing this sentence, the man was stunned for a moment. Just when he was about to continue asking, an exclamation attracted everyone's attention.

"Mountain... Grandpa Mountain God!"

There were exclamations full of shock and excitement.

Everyone looked at the man who exclaimed, and then followed his gaze to the front.

I saw a tall and burly stone man walking slowly out of the forest. Behind him, there were two half-sized tiger cubs, following him step by step.

"It's Grandpa Mountain God!"

"Grandpa Mountain God has appeared!"

Whether they were the villagers who arrived before or those who arrived later, when they saw this scene, they couldn't help shouting excitedly, and they crowded forward to see the mountain god they had believed in for so many years.

Li Erhu felt nervous when he saw this and shouted quickly.



Before he finished speaking, the tiger jumped forward, opened its bloody mouth, and roared at the crowded crowd. The tiger's eyes, which were as wide as copper bells, flashed with bloody murderous intent.

Everyone stopped in surprise, raised their weapons, and stepped back with horror on their faces.

Fortunately, the tiger had no intention of killing anyone. After everyone retreated to a certain dividing line, it stopped and glanced at the silent crowd with eager eyes.

At the same time, the stone man and mountain god had already walked to Fu Youzhi's body.

Li Erhu was extremely nervous, with cold sweat on his forehead. He quietly held his sister's hand and wanted to take the opportunity to slip away.

As soon as he turned around, Li Erhu's eyes met a pair of eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling——

It was the elusive little squirrel.

At this moment, it was standing on his sister's shoulder, looking at him with a half-smile.

"You...when did you come?"

Li Erhu stuttered a little.

He was already worried. When he saw this elusive little squirrel, he was immediately frightened and did not dare to move lightly. The courage he had just summoned also disappeared without a trace.

The little squirrel glanced at him with disdain, then looked at the stone man and mountain god in front of him.

Li Erhu followed its gaze and saw the stone man and mountain god squatting down, stretching out a hand and placing it on Fu Youzhi's head.

After about half a minute, Fu Youzhi, who was lying dead, suddenly opened his eyes and sat up suddenly from the ground. His face, with a bruised nose and swollen face full of blood, slowly turned around and looked at Li Erhu in the distance.

"Fake...fake a corpse?!"

Li Erhu couldn't help but take a step back, his eyes extremely horrified.

The girl standing behind him rolled her eyes and fainted on the spot.

Li Erhu noticed the girl's movement and quickly held her arm. The little squirrel that was originally standing on the girl's shoulder jumped up and jumped on Li Erhu's head, looking at the fainting girl with a speechless face.

"This is too scary..."

Lin Zhongtian curled his lips and no longer suppressed the flow of gray mist.

In an instant, a steady stream of gray mist escaped from the gray ball. Under Lin Zhongtian's conscious control, starting from the brain, it flowed along the veins and blood vessels in the body to the limbs.

As Lin Zhongtian stood up, the bruises on his face gradually subsided, and the broken nasal bones repaired themselves.

Soon, the damage Li Erhu brought to this body completely disappeared. Although there were still some dried blood stains hanging on his face, it no longer looked as scary as before.

Not only that, the face of this body has also undergone earth-shaking changes.

The facial features, including the nose, eyes, and mouth, have been slightly adjusted to become more three-dimensional and handsome. The originally black and yellow teeth have quickly loosened and become white again.

In addition, his body shape also became taller and straighter, and his muscles became fuller.

After wiping off the blood on his face, a tall young man who looked to be around 20 years old appeared in front of everyone. Fu Youzhi's shadow could be vaguely seen in his facial features, but he had become a completely different person.

"Is this what it feels like to be human?"

Lin Zhongtian couldn't help but stretch, his handsome face full of joy and smile.

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