Can I enter the Shushan game?

Chapter 65 The effect of spiritual spring water expands! Could it be

Chapter 65 The effect of spiritual spring water expands! Could it be—

Zhao Moxin's pace was naturally not as fast as Guo Lin's.

Only then did she see the Taoist temple from a distance. Guo Lin had already arrived at the spiritual spring vat, took a ladle of water and hurried back towards it.

Guo Lin quickly walked to the place he marked.

The spiritual spring water had no effect before arriving here.

He quickly took the water gourd and took a sip.

The special sweet effect is still there, along with the fatigue-restoring effect that follows.

It worked.

After the boundary monument is erected, the game system defaults to the fact that the boundary monument is within the scope of Qingfeng Temple. After all, the willingness to erect the monument is rewarded.

He tried to keep walking forward, and then tried to take a sip while walking a certain distance, and finally felt relieved.

In this way, the role of the spiritual spring jar is virtually unlimited.

Not only can we save the ancient ginkgo, but also considering that the spiritual spring water is effective in a place as big as the top of a mountain, this can do a lot of things.

Zhao Mo watched Guo Lin drinking water while walking. She was confused at first, but she suddenly realized that the Lingquan water seemed to have no effect after leaving the Qingfeng Temple.

She had come up and tried that range before, and Daochang Guo's current position should have been outside the range long ago.

Then, she seemed to realize something.

"Almsgiver Zhao." Guo Lin also saw Zhao Moxin, and when he saw her coming, he nodded slightly and said hello.

Zhao Moxin thought about her guess and asked curiously: "Taoist Master Guo, is the spiritual spring water still effective now that it's here?"

"Try it!" Guo Lin smiled and handed the water ladle to the female donor.

Zhao Moxin curiously took the water ladle and poured two mouthfuls into her mouth. After a moment, she was surprised and said: "It really has an effect."

Then, she asked cautiously: "Daozhang Guo, have you set up a boundary monument? After performing the ritual, the spiritual spring water will still have an effect within the boundary monument."

"The donor is very smart, that's true." Guo Lin had no need to hide this.

When Zhao Moxin received the answer, her heart suddenly surged with turmoil.

She knew the story of the Lingquan vat. The stone tablet said that a god once stayed at Qingfeng Temple and left the Lingquan vat.

With a pious heart, she was able to experience the magical effects of the spiritual spring water, and even personally tested the magical effect of the spiritual spring water having no effect once it came out of the Qingfeng Temple.

This spiritual spring water belongs exclusively to Qingfengguan.

Therefore, she believed the content on the stone tablet. Maybe there really was some being who visited Qingfeng Temple and left behind this spiritual spring jar.

Otherwise, there is no way to explain why it is so magical.

Now the effect of the spiritual spring water has become greater, and it has an effect within the boundary monument.

Is it because Taoist Guo made a sacrificial ceremony to heaven when he erected the monument?

Zhao Moxin subconsciously raised her head and glanced toward the sky.

Could it be...

At this time.

Qin Hong and the others also came over and saw the two of them.

"Mo Xin, what's wrong?" Liu Fang's face looked a little strange.

Zhao Moxin subconsciously handed the water ladle to Liu Fang: "Mom, try this water."

Liu Fang took the water ladle and drank it doubtfully. After a moment, she said, "This is spiritual spring water. What's wrong?"

Qin Hong and the others were also puzzled.

Everyone knows that there is spiritual spring water in Qingfeng Temple, there is nothing strange about it.

However, Mao Yan suddenly exclaimed: "Lingquan water is only effective at Qingfeng Temple. What I have tried before has absolutely no effect at such a remote location."

Zhao Moxin nodded quickly: "Now it is effective within the boundary monument erected by Guo Daochang."

"Ah...after the monument was erected?" Liu Fang reacted and immediately realized something.

"Yeah!" Zhao Moxin nodded.

At this moment, except for Chen Hong and the migrant workers who were confused, Qin Hong and his group felt their scalps go numb.

They have all come to Qingfeng Temple more than once, and they all know something about Lingquan water.

After they followed the erection of the monument, the range of effects of the spiritual spring water became larger. So was the ceremony of erecting the monument to inform some existence?

And they were involved.

In an instant, there was not only awe in their eyes, but also piety that they had never seen before.

I even felt some kind of unspeakable honor.

Then, the group of people couldn't wait to try it, and hurried towards the spiritual spring tank one by one.

Guo Lin was sure of the effect of the spiritual spring water, and was in a good mood. He told Xie Qingyang: "She, layman, please go to the kitchen to steam some blessing rice and entertain all the donors at noon."

"Okay, Taoist Priest!" Xie Qingyang nodded and walked towards Qingfeng Temple.

Guo Lin was the only one left with Zhao Moxin, who seemed to have something to do. He asked, "Donor Zhao, do you have something to ask?"

"Daozhang Guo, have you figured it out?" Zhao Moxin nodded quickly.

"..." Guo Lin was stunned.

Don't worry about it, it's all on your face.

Zhao Moxin explained: "Daozhang Guo, actually I want to ask you to help me figure out one thing, that is, there is a piece of wasteland on the top of the mountain..."

Just as she said that, she suddenly stopped and stayed still for a moment.

Because she suddenly thought of the scope of the Qingfengguan Boundary Monument, which was a long way down the mountain road from the Fire Boundary Monument.

This...can't be right?

Her heartbeat accelerated, and she asked with great anticipation: "Daozhang Guo, you have erected four boundary monuments on Qingfeng Mountain, which covers the entire top of the mountain. Does this area belong to the property rights of Qingfeng Temple?"

Guo Lin smiled and said, "Donor Zhao, the state has clear regulations on land management for religious sites. How can we erect boundary markers without property rights?"

"Ah..." Zhao Moxin suddenly felt that she had asked a stupid message, but it also made her even more excited: "Taoist Master Guo, are the water pool behind Qingfeng Temple and the wasteland next to Qingfeng Temple also belong to Qingfeng Temple?"

After asking, Zhao Moxin was even more surprised, because behind the Taoist temple was the Kanshui in the north, and the pool seemed to be not far from the boundary monument.

This combination of location and geography is really accurate.

"Well, it's all within the scope." Guo Lin nodded. He knew that pool. It used to be his paradise.

When no one is around, he can take off his clothes and pants, or even jump without any burden, and that is his private swimming.

On the other hand, going down to the pool, it seems to be the flower garden contracted by the three girls of Zhao Moxin.

Although the flower garden of the three girls is next to the mountain road, the mountain road curves upwards at one location, which is the corner of the mountain road boundary monument.

Therefore, the flower garden of the three girls is actually behind Qingfengguan.

He probably guessed Zhao Moxin's purpose, and asked with a smile: "Donor Zhao, do you want to divert the water from the pool into the flower garden, and build the canal through Qingfengguan? You probably couldn't find anyone before, so you asked me to help What do you think?"

When Zhao Moxin heard this, she immediately said: "Daoist Master Guo, you have figured out everything without a single mistake. You are really amazing."

"..." Guo Lin really wanted to say that this doesn't need to be calculated, it can be analyzed by an individual.

They also contracted the flower garden and the water pool, and asked if they owned the property rights of Qingfengguan.

Too obvious.

Zhao Moxin immediately asked expectantly: "Director Guo, we want to build a canal to divert water from the pool to the garden reservoir. The space we need is very small. Can you rent the land to us?"

"We will also build a staircase along the water channel. At that time, tourists can go directly from the flower garden through the staircase to Qingfeng Temple. Qingfeng Temple can also give tourists an extra way to walk and enjoy the scenery. .”

"The donor has said so, so I have no reason not to agree." Guo Lin smiled and said that he agreed.

This is indeed helpful for Qingfeng Temple, and the water channels and stairs in the forest also have a hint of artistic conception.

Moreover, it would cost a lot for the three girls to build another staircase.

But also, with the addition of this road, tourists going up and down the mountain will naturally pass by the flower garden.

If there are too many people, that will only be good for the garden.

This female donor is obviously a very smart person and has a business mind.

However, if you see through this matter without telling it, the other party's sincerity is indeed good for the Taoist temple, so the other party should get what they deserve.

Merit is mutual and reciprocal.

When Zhao Moxin saw Guo Lin agreeing, he immediately thanked him profusely: "Daoist Master Guo, thank you. Now we can breathe a sigh of relief."

As soon as he finished speaking, the ringtone of Zhao Moxin's cell phone rang.

Seeing this, Guo Lin also bowed to her and walked towards Qingfeng Temple.

Zhao Moxin picked up her cell phone. Zhao Lin, her best friend, found the number. It must be about the wasteland.

I pressed answer and heard my best friend's voice: "Xinxin, I found a connection with the real estate center. The father of one of my classmates is the section chief there. He can ask his father to find out who owns the property rights of the wasteland, but the other party They want to invite me to dinner, but I don’t know whether I can go or not. The other party seems to want to chase me.”

Thank you readers who voted.

Thank you also to all the readers who read to the end and contributed to the reading.

Also, I was hit with a silver coin inexplicably. I don’t know what happened at the moment. I went to take a nap and it was normal when I woke up!

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