Comrade, Your Ingredients Are Too Complicated

Chapter 18: The Rag King also has a second spring

Chapter 18 The Tattered King also has a second spring

Although Sakata Nobutetsu, an old devil, is arrogant, his record is solid, and this improvised tactic is very effective.

As the Japanese artillery on the frontal battlefield opened fire with all their strength, all the soldiers of the new regiment subconsciously thought that the little Japanese on the opposite side were going to launch a general attack.

Li Yunlong originally deployed most of his soldiers on the frontal battlefield, with a small number of soldiers on both wings.

But as the battle intensified, the pressure on the front positions became increasing, and he had to mobilize his troops again and again.

 In fact, Li Yunlong’s decision was not wrong, but people’s habitual thinking is terrible.

Sakata Alliance has launched more than a dozen attacks from the front, and the artillery fire this time was particularly fierce. He even felt that the enemy wanted to take the main peak position in one go.

Furthermore, there was a reason why Captain Li dared to mobilize soldiers from both wings again and again. Even if the battle reached this level, he still had a back-up and arranged a reserve team.

 If the enemy dares to attack from both flanks, his reserves will press on.

And as early as when setting up defenses before the war, Li Yunlong asked the soldiers to prepare a lot of mines on both flanks, and asked the correspondents to greet the friendly troops.

As long as you hold on for a period of time, this seemingly weak defense zone can turn into a man-eating beast.

 At that time, the defenders can cooperate with the 771st and 772nd Regiments to give the enemy who underestimated him a head-on blow.

 But this is a very bold decision. Li Yunlong, who is on the front line of the new regiment, naturally understands the current situation.

If you don't take a gamble, their new group will definitely be bitten tightly or even eaten.

Now we can only bet that the Japanese on the opposite side will sneak attack from both wings, and that Cheng Xiazi's 772nd Regiment and Lao Xu's 771st Regiment can allocate some troops to support after the battle begins.

Behind the new regiment is the relocating division headquarters and the Eighth Route Army field hospital. If the main position of Cangyunling is lost, it will not only affect the brother troops.

The person he, Li Yunlong, is protecting will also be directly exposed to the gunfire of the Japanese. These are the compatriots he has sworn to protect to the death.

The enemy's shelling made the earth scream. Li Yunlong, who was hiding in the shell-proof cave, shouted:

“Comrades, everyone must hold on.”

"We have no retreat. Behind us are our division headquarters and our field hospital. Even if we give everything here today, we can't let any Japanese go before we die."

As the Japanese artillery fire ended, the Japanese on the frontal battlefield maintained their skirmish line and charged towards Li Yunlong's main position.

According to Bantian Regiment’s understanding of the Eighth Route Army, their ammunition is seriously insufficient.

 They were confident that even on the frontal battlefield where they were responsible for the feint attack, the Japanese were still aggressive.

 But what Sakata did not expect was that because of the full supply of the Yellow River, the troops of the 386th Brigade did not lack ammunition.

Furthermore, the New Regiment has the leader Li Yunlong who likes to do side jobs. Compared with other brother units, they are even richer. The bullets and grenades in stock are enough for one more day of fighting.

As the Japanese soldiers got closer and closer to the forward position, Li Yunlong gave an order, and the hidden firepower began to show its power.

Light and heavy machine guns combined with rifles abruptly interrupted the Japanese's charge.

But Li Yunlong, who joined the army at a young age and followed the troops in expeditions east and west, immediately discovered a problem.

This wave of Japanese attacks was loud and light. Not only were there only about two squadrons in number, but the grenades and mortars that had accompanied the previous charges did not sound.

  He looked at the machine gunners who were still shooting nearby. After fighting in the past, their machine gunners must be a thorn in the enemy's side and will receive special care from the enemy.

 But now most of the firepower points have not been affected.

Li Yunlong reacted too late to scold the little devil for being cunning. Instead, he shouted on the battlefield:

“Damn it, this is a feint attack by the Japs. Their real target must be our two wings of defense! Hu Zi! Go and tell the reserve team to set up defenses according to the original arrangement.”

Hearing Li Yunlong's shout, Huzi stood up and ran directly to where the reserve team was gathering without answering.

The soldiers who were arranged by Li Yunlong into the reserve team were already impatient when they heard the sound of gunfire and shouts of killing on the battlefield. They wanted to rush to the front line and fight **** battles with their comrades.

But the military orders are like mountains, and all actions are subject to command. They cannot take a step without the order of the regiment commander.

 The two company commanders of the reserve team saw Huzi running and shouting. Even if they didn't hear what Huzi was shouting, they knew it was time to go out.

When assigned to the post-breaking mission, as the most capable regiment in the 386th Brigade, Commander Li Da took on the most dangerous frontal battlefield in this blocking battle.

But our Lao Li has never been a foolhardy young man. After the brigade assigned combat tasks, he immediately went to the Independent Regiment and the 772nd Regiment to borrow the Shaosha light machine guns and Sri Lankan guns brought back from the Yellow River. Tox Mortar.

 Coupled with the brigade commander's share, the reserves of these two companies are really armed to the teeth.

 Having a reserve force of thirty light machine guns and six mortars, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is two fire support companies.

The problem of the Shaosha light machine gun has been solved during the recent running-in with the troops. As long as the ammunition is not fully loaded when loading, jamming can be avoided as much as possible.

 After all, most of these machine guns are original goods from the Gladiator Soldier Factory.

 Never underestimate the wisdom of working people, just like how to solve the problem of shell guns at that time. Although the shell gun is very powerful, it jumps very badly when firing continuously, making it impossible to aim.

Moreover, the shell of the shell gun comes out from the top, and it is easier to hit the face when it is fired, so someone thought of a way.

 The gun is fired horizontally, which firstly solves the problem of serious jump when firing continuously, and secondly solves the problem of bullet shells flying randomly.

 When the soldiers of the two reserve groups were about to reach the predetermined defense line, they heard the roar of landmine explosions.

The soldiers of the reserve team did not bother to greet their brothers on the original defense line, so they joined the battlefield under the command of the platoon commander and company commander to build a fire network.

The Japs realized there was an ambush when they stepped on the mines, but after being brainwashed by Bushido, they immediately launched a pig-like charge after hearing the barking of dogs from their respective commanders.

 The four squadron captains pulled out their command swords in unison, pointing the blade at the new regiment's position ahead.

Behind them were each a squadron of dissatisfied soldiers. The Japanese soldiers carried 38 big caps and thrust their bayonets in their hands and rushed towards the front position.

  The hasty advance prevented these Japanese soldiers from even maintaining a basic skirmishing formation.

In fact, the Bantian regiment that attacked the main position of Cangyunling was not full strength. Their battle line was too long, and Bantian Nobutetsu's appetite was too big. The 771st and 772nd regiments helped Li Yunlong share part of the firepower.

 In addition to the field hospital, the Japanese did not intend to let go of the three troops on the opposite hill who were hindering his progress.

To deal with the new regiment, which was the main force of the defensive position, the old devil only deployed 1,500 men. The actual number of the four squadrons that attacked the two flanks of the New Regiment this time was less than 600.

These four squadron captains were also old men who followed Sakata. In addition, at this time, they firmly believed that the unknown Eighth Route Army ahead had been confused by the frontal feint attack of the company captain.

 In order to seize the battle glory, their four squadron leaders constantly urged the Japanese to speed up.

At this moment, a call came from the Eighth Route Army’s position to hit me.

 Nearly twenty light machine guns and two heavy machine guns deployed on both flanks sprayed out tongues of fire at the same time.

 The artillery's grenades and 60mm mortars also sent shells one after another to the place where the Japanese were relatively concentrated.


The battlefield was filled with the shooting sound of Shaosha's light machine gun. As the machine gunner's shoulder was hit again and again by the recoil, the dozens of Japs rushing at the front fell like wheat.

This light machine gun, which comes from Gallic Chicken and was nicknamed the Broken Jam King by their soldiers, ushered in its second spring in Jinzhong when it debuted, showing its fangs to the Japanese invaders.

 (End of this chapter)

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