Comrade, Your Ingredients Are Too Complicated

Chapter 26: world line convergence

Chapter 26 The world line ends

At the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army in Liangjian World, the deputy commander-in-chief walked into the command post aggressively.

  He threw the belt heavily on the table. This old and worn-out belt ended his life prematurely.

This behavior startled the deputy general staff who was watching the battle reports of various troops next to him.

“Boss, why are you so angry? Who deserves to make you so angry?”

The vice president had a dark face, pointed in the direction of Xinyi Tuan and yelled:

“It’s Li Yunlong again, disobeying orders on the battlefield and disobeying commands! This time I have to rectify him!”

 After saying that, he threw his hat on the table.

“And the commander of the 386th Brigade actually used artillery without notifying his superiors! How many artillery shells do we have!”

"Just like your superiors, you will have your subordinates! I should have shot this Li Yunlong when we were crossing the grass!"

The deputy general staff officer drank water and said with a smile:

“Boss, let’s think about this matter again. Although Li Yunlong was true to his disobedience, their new regiment defeated the Sakata Alliance head-on.”

“And they also killed Captain Sakata, and even captured a coalition flag. Breaking out of the encirclement from the front is still a meritorious service after all.”

“This is the first time since 1937 that our troops have captured a complete regiment flag. In addition, the new regiment defeated more with less, these are good positive propaganda materials.”

 The vice president looked at the deputy general staff in shock, touched his chin and said:

"What happened to you today? You are usually a fair person, and disobeying orders on the battlefield is no small matter."

“Including you, four people have already interceded for him. Did Li Yunlong give you any benefits?”

 The deputy general staff officer took off his belt, handed it to his old comrade, and then said:

“He, Li Yunlong, is notoriously stingy. Whenever he comes to the headquarters, he is not allowed to take the same route. What if he can do us any good? Solar energy comes from the west.”

"I just think this man has his own ideas whether it's fighting or capturing. If we can get rid of these bad habits in him, he can definitely be cultivated into an excellent commander."

 The vice president carefully analyzed the words of the deputy general staff, and he felt that they made some sense.

It is certainly a good thing to be able to lead troops to fight and win victory.

However, it is an indisputable fact that disobedience on the battlefield is a fact. Li Yunlong is a talented commander, but perhaps his talent is too much.

 Talent is a gift given by nature through genes to an individual, but whether it is a good thing depends on how it is used.

 The army is an organization with a high degree of discipline. These disciplines have been summed up with the blood of hundreds of millions of undead on the battlefield since the birth of mankind.

It can enable most people in the army to improve their survival probability and ability to kill enemies.

 At this time, there must be some individuals with outstanding talents or abilities who subjectively believe that discipline limits their performance, thus starting to take risks with personal characteristics.

Perhaps for those who are talented, they do have a certain degree of confidence in completing some super-class operations and achieving military exploits.

 But if superiors do not punish this behavior, a broken window effect will occur.

 Induces most people who do not have the same abilities to start violating discipline in order to achieve certain goals.

 Eventually leading to the collapse of the overall combat effectiveness, not to mention some difficult situations that are far beyond the ability of individual individuals to solve.

The reckless actions of some individuals regardless of the overall situation may even undermine the overall deployment and have a negative impact on the war situation.

  A brave man cannot advance alone, and a timid man cannot retreat alone. Our ancestors have long understood this.

 But fortunately there is no layout at the headquarters this time.

"Gong is merit, fault is fault. Is it possible that just because he won the battle, he can ignore the discipline of our Eighth Route Army? Just because he killed a group of Japanese officers, can he ignore the sacrifices of the soldiers?"

“The direction of Yujialing is the most suitable area for breaking out according to the analysis of the staff, and it is also the weakest area of ​​the Japanese blockade.”

“If this **** Li Yunlong is obedient, do you know how many fewer people will die in the new regiment?”

  Although it is said that Ci does not control soldiers, every soldier is the boss's heart and soul.

 The commander-in-chief of a war has to face countless choices, and he is responsible for thousands of families. Under such great pressure from the other side, even a boss who has experienced big storms will become very irritable.

“Fortunately, he was lucky. Not only did he kill Sakata Nobutetsu this time, but the two regiments that were originally planned to cover alternately also withdrew from the battle without incident.”

Looking at the deputy general staff officer who was obviously trying to plead for Li Yunlong, the vice president stretched out his hand and said to him: "Bring it here, show me the detailed battle report. I want to see what this guy can do." "Battle loss ratio." After reading the battle report of the new regiment, the vice president had to secretly applaud Li Yunlong's strange move.

This time, the New Regiment did not have superior numbers or firepower, causing the Japanese to suffer at least 500 casualties, of which no less than 200 died on the spot. Moreover, this battle report has been verified by the intelligence department.

Looking back on our own casualties, there were more than 300 casualties in the blocking battle and the breakout.

 After some of the wounded are sent to the headquarters hospital, they can return to the team and regain their combat effectiveness as long as they recover from their injuries.

Even with the support of his brigade commander's mountain artillery, this battle loss ratio is very shocking.

In the original combat deployment, facing the pursuit of Bantian Regiment, the three main regiments on Cangyun Ridge must have suffered heavy casualties.

There is no way, the gap in hard power between the two sides is really too big.

 The contest between agricultural countries and quasi-industrial countries is inherently unfair, but how can the battlefield be fair?

  The combat effectiveness of the Japanese army was abnormally strong. Under their training standards, which were almost based on animal training manuals, the quality of individual soldiers before 1940 was world-class.

And at that time, the infantry’s basic tactics and combat effectiveness were probably the best in the world.

 The Japanese who participated in the war in the early stage had to undergo at least 11 months of high-intensity training, of which the first five months were infantry basic tactical training.

 This includes field training under extreme weather and terrain conditions, which mainly trains soldiers' endurance and night fighting capabilities under extreme weather conditions.

 Don’t forget that many Eighth Route Army soldiers suffer from night blindness due to lack of nutrition, which makes them unable to attack the enemy at night.

 The next six months are infantry comprehensive capability training, which includes collaborative combat training from detachment to wing level.

 The purpose of this training is to enhance each recruit's overall view and have a clear understanding of the battlefield situation.

 This is why in battle, Japanese soldiers can maintain a certain combat effectiveness even if they lose their commander.

 In addition, there are daily forced march training of 5 to 40 kilometers, advanced tactical work, etc.

In this training, the basic requirement for recruits to shoot is to shoot 10 shots at a distance of 400 meters with an average score of 80 points. At this level, almost everyone can be said to be a sniper.

 During World War II, the Japs carried 120 rounds of ammunition, so you can think about how many casualties these bullets can cause.

 “This Li Yunlong really gave me a difficult problem.”

"I should punish Mr. Yu severely. The new regiment only has a few people, but he dares to launch a frontal attack and does not follow the orders of his superiors."

“Yu Zi played really well. None of us have ever seen such a thing as a united flag. The battle loss ratio is 3:5. This is the battle loss when we use the old base and have a numerical advantage.”

 “Then what is the boss going to do with him?” the deputy general staff officer asked with a smile.

"This **** always does this. He is a celebrity in the ministry and has made as many merits as he has made. This has become a rule."

"Every time after recording the merits, before you can take a breath, he will cause you some trouble."

"How about letting him come to the headquarters to feed the horses for a few days? For someone like him who loves fighting, you should give him some time to dry out and temper his temper." asked the vice president.

"He has been a groom for a long time. He came down from the position of regimental commander before." Deputy General Staff Road.

"How about letting him come to the cooking class to carry the big pot?"

“Haha, I did it too, when we were crossing the grass. I asked him to go there myself.”

 Speaking of this, the vice president did not expect that this **** was actually an all-rounder.

However, everyone has their own clever ideas. As a good leader, you must understand that professional things should be done by professionals.

“Huang He and Zhang Wanhe are not staying in the Logistics Department. They Dabie Mountain people want to make progress together, so Li Yunlong will be left to them to handle it.”

“The logistics department is short of manpower now, let him, a generalist, help.”

“Hahaha, what a good idea. Let this rough guy do the fine work. Huang He wants to build a breeding farm recently. Let him go to the logistics department to feed pigs!”

  Theoretically speaking, Li Yunlong should have the best relationship with the deputy division commander.

   When I get a chance in the future, I will write down the details.

Regarding the Japs’ marksmanship, I referred to their operating codes and regulations.

    If they're awesome, there's nothing I can do about it.



 (End of this chapter)

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