Comrade, Your Ingredients Are Too Complicated

Chapter 35: I kneel down for you, teacher!

Chapter 35 I kneel down for you, Commander!

 The deputy general staff officer looked at the giant map hanging on the wall, which included the entire base area.

 And it will be updated in real time based on the intelligence provided by workers behind enemy lines every once in a while.

His fingers started from the starting point representing the base area and extended all the way to the end point representing the Japanese military hospital.

No matter how careful you are on this journey, you will have to pass through at least five county towns, but you still have to take a detour to avoid the situation of being too Y.

 The county seat is where the Japanese troops are heavily stationed.

 He made silent calculations in his mind and said to his staff:

“Without exception, there are a large number of Japanese troops stationed in these five counties.”

"The least among them is a squadron, and the largest Yangquan has the strength of a regiment."

“The current situation cannot send out a large force to attack, not only because we do not have the strength, but also to avoid alerting the enemy.”

“Only a few elite soldiers can be dispatched for this mission.”

“When we went there, we stayed day and night, and arranged for local comrades to meet and cooperate with us along the way. We were able to avoid the little devils and prevent them from discovering them.”

 But how to fight and how to come back safely is a big problem!

 The deputy general staff officer shook the paper in his hand. This was a translation brought back from the headquarters hospital.

“If the information this comrade gave is correct, the hospital has just been built, and there are only two Japanese squads stationed in it, responsible for the security there.”

“Just in case, including the wounded soldiers who may be in the hospital, it is estimated that there are about 150 combat-effective Japs.”

"We have an intelligence advantage. In this case, sending a company of elite soldiers can definitely eliminate them."

 The arrangements so far have gone smoothly, but the next plan is embarrassing. A staff officer put forward his own opinion.

“But the problem is, how to prevent them from calling for help during the attack.”

“Based on the distance alone, it’s not difficult to retreat.”

“Although there are non-combatants, as long as there is no fighting, you can return to the base area in up to three days.”

 The deputy general staff officer looked at the map in a trance. He seemed to see the difficulty of the soldiers facing the enemy's blockade.

"Battle is inevitable. If we have done such a big thing, the Japanese will definitely send heavy troops to search and suppress us and organize a blockade."

“Especially Yangquan, where a Japanese regiment is stationed, which is the biggest problem faced by the soldiers.”

“So troops need to be deployed to meet and block the pursuers on the retreat route. If necessary, the troops must help break the Japanese encirclement.”

With everyone’s discussions, the general tone of this combat mission was set.

 After dinner, everyone returned to the war meeting room.

 They will continue to discuss how to rescue people and minimize casualties.

 The first task is to check the intelligence provided by this comrade as soon as possible before the Japanese deploy their defenses.

 This does not mean that you do not trust him, but it is impossible for everyone here to gamble with the lives of soldiers on whether the enemy has changed their arrangements.

 They must try to obtain a plan map of the nearby terrain and features before attacking.

 The second step is training.

 To carry out this kind of task, the headquarters' special agent team is naturally responsible for their duties.

  Some soldiers were supposed to be drawn from this elite regiment.

 But at this time, the special agent group has its own tasks and cannot get away.

 Then the next best option is to choose the special agent battalion directly under the 129th Division.

 After receiving the order, the 129th Division immediately started arranging the matter.

Zheng Yingqi, the commander of the special agent battalion, selected a company of soldiers and personally led the team for this mission.

 There is a class of elites who joined the army in 2027. These people were personally trained by the deputy division commander.

Although the soldiers are all veterans of hundreds of battles, few have ever done such a thing as attacking a hospital, and Zheng Yingqi has always been known for his stability.

 Before departure, the comrades of the special agent company carried out intense pre-war training. In addition to conducting exercises on the sand table, the soldiers also found courtyards and terrain similar to the target in the base area to conduct repeated simulation exercises based on their assigned tasks.

 After everything was ready, the special agent company decided to set off immediately. After all, it was sooner rather than later.


 Factory Director Li Da has not had a good sleep for several days. He seemed to have lost his soul after returning from the headquarters.

Although he met his comrades in the Logistics Department very late and felt quite accomplished while working, at night he would think of his days on the front line.

 He missed the soldiers who fought with him through life and death, missed the new regiment, and missed the battlefield.

Early the next morning, after not sleeping all night, he came to the communications class with dark circles under his eyes. After much hesitation, he made a call.

Just the day before yesterday, the Deputy General Staff informed Li Yunlong that troops directly under the 129th Division would be responsible for the rescue mission.

 After hearing that it was his old superior, he had a new idea.

Li Yunlong held the phone with a worried and nervous look on his face. When he heard movement on the other side, he immediately said:

“I am Li Yunlong from the Logistics Department, pick me up the brigade commander.”

 This is the first time he has proactively contacted the brigade commander since he was dismissed.

 But unfortunately, the brigade commander was not in the brigade headquarters at this time, which made Li Yunlong's wishful thinking come to nothing.

 But he didn’t want to give up yet, so he could only bite the bullet and said to the correspondent:

“The brigade commander is not here, so just pick up the division commander directly.”

 After a while, the teacher's voice came from the microphone.

 After a brief exchange of greetings, Li Yunlong tentatively made his request.

“Commander, do you think I can participate in this mission?”

Listening to Li Yunlong's flattering voice, the teacher showed an imperceptible smile, and he seemed to see the other person nodding and bowing.

The division commander deliberately did not answer Li Yunlong directly. Instead, he turned around and put the phone down again, and said to the vice president beside him who was looking at the map with the staff:

“Boss, Li Yunlong applied to participate in the mission with my special agent company and wanted to make meritorious deeds. Do you think this is the case?”

 The vice president refused without much thought and pointed to the phone to ask Li Yunlong to do his own thing.

 Hearing this, Li Yunlong was very frustrated.

Just when he thought he was going to miss this opportunity, the division commander’s words rekindled his hope.

“Boss, the information this time was provided by Li Yunlong. And he also brought back a lot of medicines. How about you think about it again?”

 The other end of the phone was silent for a few seconds. The vice president thought again and again and agreed to the division commander's proposal.

Zheng Yingqi is a pure warrior and a sharp knife.

 Although he is invincible in carrying out his tasks, he sometimes lacks flexibility.

 Otherwise, he wouldn’t have been in the army for thirteen years and still be just a battalion commander.

Originally, he was planning to assign an experienced staff officer to Zheng Yingqi, but he had difficulties in selecting the candidate.

 The army currently lacks excellent commanders, and those who are capable have arrangements for the time being.

Li Yunlong, as a former head of the main team, his appearance solved the problem of the vice president.

 Coupled with the teacher's intercession, this matter naturally went smoothly.

The division commander picked up the phone and said, "Li Yunlong, don't be too happy!"

  "I'll tell you the ugly things first, and you can do it properly. If you dare to mess around and break the sky, I'll put your head on it!"

 Things were settled, and finally there was a battle. Lao Li smiled and swore to his division commander.

“Don’t worry! I will absolutely obey the arrangements! Cooperate well with the comrades of the special agent company! I guarantee that no accidents will happen!”

 After saying this, he knelt down.

“Master! Thank you, Master! I kneel down for you, Master!”

I went to the hospital today. This chapter is about the mobile phone code. I will change it when I get home in the afternoon.



 (End of this chapter)

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