Comrade, Your Ingredients Are Too Complicated

Chapter 66: A full set of French styles, the future can be expected

Chapter 66 A full set of French styles, the future can be expected

After testing the new light machine gun, Li Yunlong was escorted away by the bosses of the military industrial zone to write a test firing report. Obviously, saying that the gun was really good could not satisfy everyone.

 Huang He said hello to everyone and left the shooting range and returned to his "laboratory". Although it was called a laboratory, it only had some simple equipment.

 The main function here is for him and the researchers to study the data and calculate and verify it.

 At present, the problems of rifles and light machine guns have been solved for the troops.

In the future, we only need to add production lines, and the arsenal in the system can work together on both sides. It won’t be long before the army will be short of these two weapons.

The decision to "focus on the development of light weapons" also gave the Gallic Chicken Army the right to subsequently unlock weapons.

In addition to the above-mentioned rifles and light machine guns, subsequent weapon unlocking rights also include the Hotchkiss M1914 heavy machine gun and MAS-38 submachine gun.

I mentioned before that the Yellow River has specially reserved two scientific research slots. Now it is time to point out these two guns.

“Hatchkiss M1914 heavy machine gun: An automatic weapon developed by combining light and heavy machine guns allows our soldiers to use it in a variety of ways.

 Unlocking time: 70 days

  Obtained: A complete production line and blueprints for heavy machine guns*1》

This heavy machine gun is known as the kiss of death for the Gallic chicken. Its most famous record is that two heavy machine guns fired 150,000 rounds of ammunition in ten days, helping the defenders to hold on for ten days in Verdun.

 It can be said to be a heavyweight. The Type 92 heavy machine gun currently used by the little devil can only be regarded as his grandson in terms of generations.

 The Army had to add a bunch of heat sinks, which made the gun very heavy. It was already quite useful.

And Huang He discovered that this was the first time in the system that a weapon requiring caliber selection appeared.

This heavy machine gun has two calibers, namely the 8mm version originally manufactured by Gallic Chicken and the 7.92mm version that traveled across the ocean to China.

 Huanghe chose the 7.92mm version after just a moment's thought, because only a very small part of the Eighth Route Army's weapons currently use 8mm bullets, and these weapons are often disliked by front-line soldiers.

 There are many weapons that use 7.92mm bullets. As the saying goes, the British shoot 7, the French beat 8, and the three virtues are in the middle.

There are many weapons currently in service in the army that are made in China or are of D-country origin. If you choose the 7.92 caliber Hotchkiss M1914, you can buy a bullet from the production line for free.

 Even if all the troops are equipped with MAS-36 and FM-24/29 in the future, the replaced weapons can be issued to the militiamen at that time, and the 7.92mm bullets will not be wasted by then.

"The Saint-Etienne Arsenal MASMle 1938 submachine gun: a weapon between a pistol and a machine gun should be taken seriously in the current situation. This weapon is shorter and lighter than a rifle, easy to fire suddenly, with a high rate of fire and strong firepower. It is suitable for close combat or charge.

 Unlocking time: 70 days

  Obtained: MAS-38 complete production line and drawings*1》

This weapon is also remarkable and has done earth-shattering things in history, but few people know about it.

 The most important reason is that the output is too low. Zhengbai Banner was produced late but surrendered early. There are only about 2,000 of them among millions of troops.

 The sense of existence is too low, and it is rarely used, so it is naturally not famous.

But it was said that it did earth-shattering things because Mussolini and his lover were shot to death by Italian guerrillas with this gun.

This gun was later widely used in the Vietnam War, and the brigade commander also spoke highly of it.

This submachine gun with a total length of 623mm, a barrel length of 224mm, a total gun mass of 3.356kg, and a 32-round straight magazine is actually quite suitable for the current Eighth Route Army.

 First of all, it is reliable and quite accurate. Secondly, its cost is very low, which is a little more expensive than a water pipe gun.

 Finally, on the current battlefield, if you equip a submachine gun with an effective range of 500 meters, your firepower will be greatly improved.

Huang He seemed to see the future Eighth Route Army wearing a full set of F-type equipment. He smiled and shook his head and continued to do business.

After allocating the idle scientific research slots, Huang He opened the military factory interface in the system and reallocated all three existing military factories.

 The production capacity is allocated to light machine guns, rifles and bullets according to 1:3:6.

Since there is no way to start collecting many minerals in the rear area now, and many mines in Jin Province are in enemy-occupied areas, the Yellow River can only be used by civilian factories to trade the missing resources.


 After receiving the new sample gun, the headquarters immediately informed the rear area of ​​the good news.

At the same time, the deputy director also began to lead his comrades to study how to create more production lines.

As for the weapons newly produced by the Logistics Department, the 129th Division will naturally be equipped with priority based on the principle of proximity.

At this time, the 386th Brigade was also tasked with guarding the headquarters and division headquarters, and most of this batch of equipment was digested by them.

 At the same time, the Yangcun Independent Regiment Headquarters.

Kong Jie is now a little downcast. Three months have passed since the last time the Yellow River mentioned the Yamamoto special team, but they never showed up.

 In order to deal with this so-called elite enemy, he has put in a lot of effort during this period.

 During the day, he personally led the troops for training, and at night, he gathered military cadres above the platoon leader for classes.

Kong Jie explained all the classic battle examples he had learned and knew, and analyzed many tactics step by step.

"Guerrilla Tactics Outline" and "Anti-Enemy Experience", two military books that Kong Jie acquired at some cost, were the key learning objectives. They were explained by the only company commander in the regiment who had attended middle school.

Moreover, he also practiced how to deal with enemy squads, squadrons, and brigades in the wild, based on the enemy's organization and firepower.

 Their independent regiment also holds a regiment-wide military exercise every month, striving to integrate the tactics learned through batches of simulations.

 This kind of training method mobilizes the enthusiasm of the entire group of soldiers. After experiencing the feeling of progress, the soldiers can't wait to train non-stop.

He even made a special trip to the division headquarters and asked the division commander to let the special agent battalion dedicate a few people to help their regiment train.

Over the past three months, the mental outlook of all the soldiers of the independent regiment has changed. Even the recruits who just joined the army some time ago give people this feeling of being vigorous and resolute.

but! The Yamamoto special agent team is not here! Kong Jie felt that all the preparations he had made were like punching cotton, and everyone was holding a breath in their hearts.

Now the entire brigade, except for their independent regiment, has returned to its previous defense level, but Kong Jie always feels that Yamamoto Kazuki is a hurdle in his life.

 Hong Jie already had certain psychological expectations about the strength of Yamamoto's special agent team through the special agent battalion soldiers trained by the independent regiment.

 When he was alone, he practiced on the map of Yangcun countless times and listed all the possibilities. Strive to respond as soon as possible in the event of an attack.

Even the most elite soldiers are afraid of machine guns and cannons. If the mortar's shooting range and the machine gun's triangular firepower can be measured in advance, most of them can be annihilated, not to mention total annihilation.

I'm coming



 (End of this chapter)

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