Crisis Management Game

Chapter 100 I really think of myself as a god

After hearing the order, Gu Ji quickly raised his hand and pinched Gao Bo's elbow.

Gao Bo also pinched the Nuzhou special police in front.

The team quickly walked around the outer wall and came to the main entrance of the three-story western building. They were lined up on both sides of the door. The guns of the No. 1 SWAT officer and Gao Bo immediately crossed and spread out. One aimed at the boss's residence on the left. One of them is aiming at the alley, while the other special police officer at the end of the team is responsible for guarding the rear.

This feeling of setting up the gun according to the tactical position without communication is not to mention how comfortable it is.

If Gu could be given a group of teammates of the same level in the game level, he would be confident that he could capture the Jinyuan Building within half an hour.

"Get ready to break down the door."

In front of him is an ordinary security door painted with copper-green paint.

Zhang Wenjun just spoke.

SWAT No. 1 immediately lowered the muzzle of his gun, squatted down, and took out a black tool bag from the tactical belt around his waist. After unfolding it, there were various things inside, including long black needles, thin hooks, tool pliers, and belts. Hooked lock pick.

This is a complete technical breaching toolkit.

The so-called technical door breaking, that is, unlocking the door, is the most commonly used type of cold door breaking. Because the Xia Kingdom's residential structure is complex and densely populated, it is the most widely used.

A special police officer who has received professional door-breaking training can open a universal security door in as little as ten seconds without any damage.

All tools in the door-breaking bag are coated with black insulating coating and are non-heat-conductive. This is to prevent team members from suffering electric shock or fire temperature interference when using the tools when they are unable to detect the situation behind the door.

Just as the SWAT officer inserted the lock picking tool into the keyhole.

Gao Bo, in position two, also removed the assault shield on his back, replaced the Type 95 rifle in his hand with a Type 92 pistol, and stood guard at the side.

The entire assault shield is a standard 950×500mm, with police GA3 level protection, weighing about 5.5 kilograms. It can resist Type 51 pistol bullets fired by the Type 79 light submachine gun, which is enough to deal with ordinary gun-wielding gangsters.

It turns out.

Xia Guo's SWAT skills were indeed very powerful in breaking into the door. It only took about 12 seconds before a mechanical twisting sound was heard from the keyhole, and a gap opened in the security door.

Gao Bo immediately rushed to the No. 1 position and prepared to break in.

"Three, two, one!"

Zhang Wenjun shouted the order, and the special police officers immediately opened the security door. Gao Bo also took steps at the same time.

But just when he was about to rush into the house.

Gu Ji's ears twitched instinctively, as if he heard the crisp sound of a spring, and he decisively pulled the tactical flashlight hanging from the front of the gun.

Under the dazzling white flash, a silk thread suddenly came into view.

"Back off! There's a trip mine!"

He roared suddenly and hurriedly grabbed Gao Bo's back waistband and pulled back desperately.

What! ?

Everyone's expressions changed suddenly, and Zhang Wenjun hurriedly shouted: "Back up, Gao Bo squat down!"

Gao Bo had just stepped out of the door about two meters away when he heard a loud "bang", a fire flashed out of the dark door, and the flying debris and violent explosion tore the shield in his hand.

Even Gu Ji, who was hiding behind, felt a hint of pushback.

As the gravel fell to the ground, Zhang Wenjun asked anxiously in the tactical earphones.

"Gao Bo, report the situation! Gao Bo!"

"I-I'm fine!"

As Gao Bo, who was at the front and faced the grenade explosion, he was stunned for only a second before he quickly reacted.

Thanks to the fact that he had been learning explosive hot goals with Gu Ji at the training base for the past two weeks, he had obviously adapted much faster to the impact of explosives.

Gu Ji hid behind Gao Bo, who was holding a shield. He held a gun from a high position, and the muzzle of the gun passed over Gao Bo's left shoulder. His tactical flashlight quickly illuminated the situation at the door.

The flash of light penetrated the smoke and dust, and the cement floor inside the house was covered with gravel and wall coverings. The corridor and the starting point of the stairs leading to the second floor were both empty.

"No. 2, the entrance corridor is safe!"

After hearing the point signal shouted by Gu Ji, among the people hiding in the rear, the first to react were Shi Zhengmin, Zeng Dan and the Nuzhou Special Police from the National Security Bureau, followed by Zhou Penghui.

Only the two anti-drug police officers under Lao Zhou have not recovered from the explosion. Although they are no longer rookie police officers and have seen swords and guns, there are not many explosion scenes in Ningzhou City. See!

"Prepare to break in!"

Zhang Wenjun shouted instructions and pressed the main channel, "Team Wang, a trip mine was found at the anti-theft outer door of Building 3. We suspect that the target Shao Liang and other main gang members are hiding here. Please request support from the rear!"

As expected of an old SWAT officer.

In fact, after Gu Ji inspected the location, this idea flashed through his mind. With the local desperadoes in Nuzhou, it might be possible to let them shoot and kill people, but he would never expect to use trip mines.

The only one who knows this tactic is Shao Liang, who has received professional military training!

Gu Ji put down his left hand, pinched Gao Bo's back shoulder, and whispered:

"Ready to break in, okay?"

"OK, no problem."

Gao Bo pretended to have a calm tone, but Gu Ji could still tell from his slightly trembling movements when he stood up that he was still a little nervous.

This is normal.

Thinking back to the first time he checked in at Ryder Airport, hiding in the locker room and facing gun-wielding thugs, he felt equally nervous.

"Don't worry, I'm right behind you!"

After Gu Ji encouraged him, he immediately gave the special policeman who was hiding at the door a look and said, "I'll take over the second position."

"Roger that, please cross."

The technical door-breaking SWAT officer agreed to Gu Ji's application with a slightly surprised look. He could not have imagined that a SWAT officer who looked so young would not only have no fear after facing the explosion of a trip mine, but would also be calm and calm enough to comfort him. Direct others.

Hearing Gu Ji's words.

Gao Bo took a deep breath, as if he was looking for the feeling of graduation exercises and police training. He suddenly lifted the assault shield with his left hand, held 92 in his right hand, and rushed into the door.

"Take over, move closer to me from behind, follow, and pay attention to the stairs on the second floor!"

Gu Ji passed the SWAT police, and after cutting in from the second position, his gun was first aimed at the blind spot behind the door.

"Safety behind the door!"

"I'll check the stairs!"

The technical special police almost instinctively raised their guns and pointed them at the stairway diagonally above. At this time, Gao Bo had already entered the corridor on the first floor with a shield, and through the shield window, he followed the crack in the door of the room on the left to guard.

"Gao Bo and I will stay in Room 1, Zhang Zhong, and leave the rest of the rooms to you!"

Before taking action, Gu Ji had already seen the structural diagram of the house given to him by Zhang Wenjun. The layout of the first floor was very simple, with only three rooms, two small bedrooms on the left and a large kitchen on the right.

"No trip mine found at the door!"

Gao Bo first glanced down at the threshold through Gu Ji's flashlight, kicked open the wooden door of the bedroom and rushed in.

Gu Ji followed up from position 2, aiming his gun at the blind spot on the left. The room only had a fire bed, a TV and a wooden table, and no one was found.

"House 1 is safe!"

"House 2 is safe!"

Soon, Zhang Wenjun and the technical special police also inspected Room 2. After a delay of about three or four seconds, Shi Zhengmin's voice also came from the tactical earphones:

"House 3 is safe!"

Gu Ji glanced at Zhang Wenjun with his peripheral vision, and seeing that the other party had no intention of speaking, he immediately pinched Gao Bo's arm and motioned for him to rush towards the second floor.

Gao Bo is now like a clockwork machine.

The moment he received the message from his body, he took the shield and walked up the stairs without hesitation.

The moment you reach the second floor landing.

Gu Ji then saw the corridors on the left and right, and took half a step back, "L-shaped, Gao Bo, prepare to hook, pay attention to the three-story staircase behind!"

"Hook" is the corner tactic.

Each team's corner tactics are different. Whether he and Gao Bo are playing games or practicing in college, what they are most used to is cutting corners to suppress, and double high and low positions.

Corner suppression is easy to understand. It means moving along the wall along the corner line to gradually suppress the enemy's safe area and reduce the exposed area of ​​our body.

The high and low position means that the forward attacks from a low position, and the No. 2 attacks from a high position, and divides the corner corridor into two areas. The former's fire coverage direction is from near to far, and the latter's fire coverage direction is from far to near.

This kind of up-and-down crossfire ensures that threats hiding in corner areas can be eliminated as quickly as possible.

As Gao Bo cuts in with his shield.

The moment his head emerged, Gu Ji quickly followed him, flashed his flashlight, and swept his gun across the distance of the corridor.


"There's movement behind the door!"

There are also three rooms on the second floor. The team was naturally divided into three teams according to the house search on the first floor. When Gao Bo approached door No. 1, there was faint movement behind the door.

Gu Ji clung to the wall to make sure there were no trip mines outside.

"Get ready to break down the door."

Gao Bo put down his shield, removed the door-breaking hammer from the hanger, pressed it against the wall, and smashed it against the lock of the wooden door of the bedroom.

Bang, under the power of the door-breaking hammer, the chipboard shattered like tofu, and the door lock flew into the house.

Taking advantage of the moment when the door was smashed open, Gu Ji immediately turned on his bright flashlight and swept into the house at an angle.

"Ah——! Help!!"

"Don't kill us!"

"Police! Squat down! Put your head in your hands!"

The moment the bright light flashed, Gu Ji saw a young couple wearing tank tops and shorts. They looked like guests visiting a farmhouse.

Before the operation, both Zhou Penghui and Shi Zhengmin of the National Security Bureau requested to keep alive as much as possible, so he tightened the pressure with his index finger in time, but the muzzle never left the target.

Gao Bo also rushed in at this time.

"Hold your head with your hands! Hurry!"

"Gao Bo, cuff them first."

Gao Bo didn't ask why. As the No. 1 position, there was no room for thinking in such an environment with real guns and ammunition. The only thing he had to do was to obey the command orders.

"We are not criminals!"


"I'm sorry, this is necessary for the safety of both of us. I hope you understand. Other police officers will come over to verify your identity shortly."

Whether it was game levels or actual combat exercises, Gu Ji had been tricked by "his own people" too many times.

As for how many desperadoes and thugs Shao Liang controlled, there was no mention in the operational intelligence.

Gao Bo used police nylon tie handcuffs and quickly controlled the two men.

the other side.

Shi Zhengmin also brought out a middle-aged man, who was also temporarily restrained with zip ties.

At this time, a flashlight flashed from the corner of the corridor downstairs.

Gu Ji immediately responded and flashed twice.

Three special police officers with guns rushed up immediately.

It was the SWAT team support that Zhang Wenjun requested before!

With support, Zhou Penghui arranged for two of his anti-narcotics police officers to stay here to confirm the identity of the hostages.

"Everyone come closer to me, Gao Bo!"

Gu Ji called out to the team members.

Feeling the gesture, Gao Bo continued to move towards the third floor along the stair platform with his shield, but he was just halfway through.


A bullet grazed the edge of the shield and hit the wall, causing white wall powder to fly everywhere.

"Front! Front!"

Gao Bo hid behind the shield and shouted, while Gu Ji took aim with his gun and reported the precise location: "The corner of Sankou Corridor!!"


Da da da!

At the moment when the opponent fired, Gu Ji fired three shots, instantly hitting the target's calf.

The enemy let out a scream and fell out of the corner of the corridor.

His instinct was to pull the trigger and refill the gun. Fortunately, Zhang Wenjun shouted from behind, "Stay alive!"

"Police! Get down!"

Gao Bo quickly walked to the third floor corridor, and the 92 gun in his hand was pointed at the target's head.

Gu Ji used a flashlight to shine in front of him, and his gun fired across the windows and wooden doors in the corridor.

There is only one suite on the third floor.

After he hit the target just now, he clearly heard the sound of the door closing.

As follow-up team members arrived one after another, Zhou Penghui took out handcuffs and tied up the injured man.

"Confirm identity, it's the tall thug next to Shao Liang!"

"It seems Shao Liang is inside!"

Shi Zhengmin narrowed his eyes and seemed to be particularly concerned about the target, "Team Zhang, we will break the goal in a while. I hope not to kill Shao Liang as much as possible."

Zhang Wenjun's eyes quickly scanned the three-layer layout.

The three-story layout also appeared in Gu Ji's mind. There were two bedrooms, a toilet and a living room in the suite.

The windows in the living room are transparent from north to south, with one outer wall and the other facing the corridor, which is where he just checked.

With Shao Liang's character, he would definitely take the tourists who originally lived in the suite as hostages to use them to negotiate with the police at the last moment.

Since we live in a two-bedroom apartment, the number of visitors will not be less than three.

If Shao Liang held three hostages and guarded them in the bedroom or bathroom, not to mention the narrow space, and waited for the police to break through the living room and then the bedroom, at close range, he would not even have a chance to react to the detonator bomb.

Coupled with the sound of the door closing just now, there is a high probability that Shao Liang and the hostage are still in the living room.

"Then the blind spot that cannot be seen from the living room window is..."

Gu Ji's eyes were as sharp as an eagle. He glanced around the room and knew the answer in his heart, so he patted Zhang Wenjun on the shoulder.

First, he gestured to break the door, threw a shock bomb to the left at a 45-degree angle, then pointed at himself and the window, and made a shooting motion.

Zhang Wenjun's pupils shrank slightly.

After understanding Gu Ji's tactics, he immediately arranged for Gao Bo and others to prepare to score.

Gu Ji walked slowly against the wall and squatted under the window of the living room in the corridor. In the dim night sky, the moonlight spilled into the room and reflected through the glass coffee table and water glass, illuminating the room with a faint light.

"Three, two, one!"


Gao Bo smashed down the wooden door with a hammer, and the wooden door opened instantly. Before shouts could be heard in the room, Zhang Wenjun immediately threw the detonation bomb in his hand.

Boom buzz——!

There was a piercing sound, and a large number of special police officers rushed into the door.

Gu Ji stood up at this moment, staring at the corner of the living room. The next moment, a figure flashed up. One of them was slightly fat and had regular features. He was clearly the target of this operation: Shao Liang!

At this time, he was holding a pistol against the neck of a hostage and retreating.

That's right.

This is Gu Ji's attack plan.

Faced with explosive bombs and a large number of special police officers rushing in from the blind spot, even if Shao Liang was a god, he could only exit from the blind spot area.

Then Gu Ji, who had been waiting under the window of the living room for a long time, had enough time and angle to find the best shooting point.

Full-level firearms skills, combined with the Type 95 rifle that he is most familiar with after four years of training.

Seizing the moment when Shao Liang was distracted, Gu Ji decisively pulled the trigger.


A precise shot hit Shao Liang's right shoulder, "Ah!"

Shao Liang screamed loudly and instinctively dropped the gun in his hand. A figure from the SWAT team jumped out instantly and held him down.

It was Shi Zhengmin, followed closely by Zhou Penghui.

Zhang Wenjun was not impulsive and still ordered the remaining special police officers with guns to confirm the identities of the hostages.

Waiting for the moment when Gu Ji got up and walked into the house.

Zhou Penghui had already handcuffed Shao Liang.

Under the strong light of the flashlight, his originally upright facial features had already become distorted and ferocious. He stared at Gu Ji, as if he knew it was him who injured him, "Damn it, I will definitely make you pay the price! Definitely!"

Facing the threat from Shao Liang.

Gu Jifei not only did not flinch, but took the initiative to stick to him, with a flash of crazy blood in his eyes.

Just kidding, he is not afraid of the sea of ​​blood and swords in the crowd;

Are you afraid that Shao Liang will threaten you?

You really think of yourself as a god!

"You don't have this chance."

Zhou Penghui slapped Shao Liang on the head. He had committed so many big cases, and if he survived, it would be like smoke rising from his ancestral grave!

At the same time, all other foreign-style buildings were cleaned.

A large number of police cars came from all directions and completely blocked the area around the farmhouse.

"Building 3 has been cleaned up. The main target Shao Liang has been successfully captured and is about to be taken down."

After Zhang Wenjun finally reported to the on-site commander Wang Hong, he turned to look at Gu Ji.


The corners of his mouth tilted up slightly, revealing a hint of a smile.

"Good command."

"Thank you Zhang Zhong for the compliment, it's all you who gave me the opportunity!"

Zhang Wenjun had always been pretending to urge him, so it was rare for Gu Ji to hear a compliment.

And after clearing the room from the first floor, he saw that Zhang Wenjun didn't speak, so he knew that the other party wanted him to exercise.

"There is nothing to give or not, Gu Ji, this is not an exercise, it is actual combat. I have not participated in the commando arrest mission for a long time. Just from the few times you used the strong flash when you entered the door, I know that you have specially trained in night operations, so I have assessed the situation on site and believe that if you take over the command temporarily, you will definitely be better than me."

Zhang Wenjun just finished saying this.

Shi Zhengmin on the side also walked over with admiration in his eyes.

"That's right, you are the strongest in night combat among the Ningzhou Special Police Team that I have seen. You are even more skilled than the frontline commandos!"

Listening to the compliments of the two leaders, Gao Bo also reacted.

Indeed, from the moment the technical special police opened the security door, as the number one person, he did not realize that there was a trip mine, but Gu Ji pulled him back almost instinctively, and at the same time shouted to remind everyone.

This reaction ability is simply abnormal.

To know.

It's late at night now, and the building is completely dark!

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