Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 13 The Superior

"Ding dong, the train has arrived at the station, leaving for the next stop."

Tang Yu noticed the open train gate, and then looked at the silver-haired girl in front of him. There was a trace of shame and anger in the other person's cold eyes.

If he chooses to continue to capture the silver-haired girl, he will undoubtedly be surrounded by flight attendants and security guards, and will also attract the attention of Arasaka Company employees.

The clock ticks away one second at a time.

The silver-haired girl clenched her fists with her fingers, too stubborn to speak.

Obviously even if she was caught, she had no intention of begging Tang Yu for mercy.


Just as the train gate was about to close, Tang Yu grabbed her wrist and pushed her out of the train door.

The silver-haired girl who was pushed out of the door immediately turned back and looked at Tang Yu in the car in shock, full of disbelief.

The other party actually let me go?

In her questioning eyes, the car door slowly closed.

The two crew security guards who wanted to pursue him rushed directly to the train door and tried to rush out before the door closed, but it was obviously too late and they were blocked in the carriage.

The silver-haired girl covered her sore wrist and saw Tang Yu surrounded by several flight attendants, who seemed to be asking something.

But before she could observe more, the train had already sped up and headed towards the next station.

The wind brought by the train gently blew through her silver hair. The girl raised her hand and looked at the fingerprints on her wrist, seemingly thoughtful.

Then he spread his palms, and there was still a black memory chip in the palm of his right hand.

After being stunned for a moment, she closed her palms again, looked up at the direction of the train, and smiled to herself.

In the carriage.

Tang Yu has been surrounded by security personnel, as well as several passengers wearing suits and uniforms.

He knew that although he was dressed like a company employee, there was no Arasaka logo on his body.

He didn't like or even hated publicizing his identity as an Arasaka employee, so he refused when Jenkins lent him the float vehicle.

If it weren't for the need, I would have stopped being a company dog ​​long ago.

Tang Yu, who has not had any prosthetic modifications on his body, and his young face, can easily be mistaken for a clerk in a small company who works overtime day and night and strives to climb up.

Compared to the relatively calm flight attendants and security personnel, the employees whose chips had been stolen immediately asked Tang Yu to speak.

"There must be something wrong with him. He let the man go. I'm afraid they are a group. You should arrest him quickly and question him!"

"Isn't that right? Our chips were all just lost. The thief must have just taken them away. We can't just let this matter go!"

"Yes! Catch him. If not, send him to the NCPD and ask him to honestly explain his relationship with the thief!"

Passengers in suits became increasingly agitated, the Arasaka logo on their name badges highlighting their company status.

Although many people in Night City look down on corporate dogs, when it comes to status and strength, corporate dogs do have advantages, let alone Arasaka's corporate dogs.

Tang Yu thought.

I haven't been back for a long time. It seems that many people have forgotten about my famous reputation in Arasaka Company.

Since joining the Counterintelligence Department, he has dealt with many company leaks, and many Arasaka employees have been sent to hell by him.

Theoretically, Tang Yu can suspect and launch an investigation into any Arasaka employee. This is the terrifying part of the power in his hands.

Especially after he became the Deputy Minister of Counter-Intelligence, many people in the company greeted him with smiles, and no matter whether it was a cover-up or a smile, no one dared to offend him, at least openly.

Making those corporate dogs fear him is the best image for him.

But now, these corporate dogs have healed their scars and forgotten the pain, so they need to be taught a lesson.

Seeing young Tang Yu riding alone, the foreman of the flight security stepped forward and made a routine inquiry.

"Please show me your ID."

Since Tang Yu does not have a prosthetic body installed on him, he cannot directly scan and read his identity information. Moreover, the personal information of his deputy director of the counter-intelligence department is strictly confidential from the outside world. Without considerable authority or means, it is difficult to obtain it. .

Tang Yu looked at the aggressive passengers in suits behind him and said calmly.

“According to Article 132 of the Night City Resident Code, residents’ personal information cannot be checked at will without legitimate reasons or conclusive circumstances. Electronic scanning and intrusion to obtain personal information constitutes the crime of infringement of personal information, which is illegal. "

"I don't think you, as flight attendants and security personnel, don't know this."

The flight attendant security foreman was obviously stumped by Tang Yu's question. His eyes quickly called up the relevant terms and confirmed that what the other party said was indeed correct.

Although everyone in Night City tramples legal clauses into the mud and regards street rules as the basic rules of life, the clauses still have a clear binding effect.

Maybe it doesn't work in street fights, but it's just good to use it now.

The foreman was trying to find a good reason.

"Sir, we don't mean anything else."

"The female passenger just now was suspected of theft. Just when we wanted to investigate, you let her go."

"Now we need you to explain your behavior just now. If you do not cooperate with our law enforcement work, we will take mandatory identity verification measures against you."

"I hope you understand."

A famous passenger in a suit even answered the question.

"Why are you talking so much nonsense? Just arrest him and ask him questions. There must be something wrong with him!"

Tang Yu put on the portable communicator again, looked past the flight attendant security, and looked at the Arasaka company employee who just spoke.

"Dotte, a G2-level ordinary employee of Arasaka Company, belongs to the Special Operations Department. He has just been promoted to a full-time employee after three months of joining Arasaka Company."

Then he looked at another passenger in a suit.

"Lelion, a G3-level ordinary employee of Arasaka Company, belongs to the Crisis Public Relations Department. He has been working at Arasaka Company for one year and four months."

When several men in suits heard Tang Yu announce their names one by one, their expressions suddenly froze.

Their company entry information was either hacked or cracked by hackers, or only internal employees of the company knew about it.

The current situation is that their artificial body network monitoring did not find any signs of intrusion. Being able to have such a clear grasp of their personal situation only means one thing.

The other party is from Arasaka Company, and his position is not low.

Not only the company employees were confused, but even the flight attendants and security personnel did not understand what was happening. It was obvious that this young man was not as simple as he seemed.

Dot, the leading passenger in a suit, felt his calves trembling a little. The ferocious aura just now completely disappeared, so he could only ask timidly.

"Are you a colleague from the Human Resources Department?"

Until now, Dot can't accept that Tang Yu is his superior. He is obviously younger than himself. At most, he is a newcomer who has also joined the job. If he is a colleague in the personnel department and knows that some of his personal information is reasonable, he can only continue to comfort him like this. Think about it.

Tang Yu wirelessly transmitted his ID information to the flight attendant security personnel and several Arasaka company employees through the communicator carried in his left eye.


Dot and others who had just joined Arasaka were shocked!

The pupils were stunned with yellow aperture codes. The information displayed by the prosthetic eyes completely confused them. Their minds were filled with turmoil, and even when they spoke, they twisted their tongues.

"Reverse, Deputy Minister of Counterintelligence?!"

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