Deep Sea Embers

Chapter 18 Sewer

Before leaving the cave where he was temporarily hiding, Duncan pulled some rags from nearby corpses and wrapped them around himself.

This is not because he can't stand the coldness in the cave, but to more or less block his open heart - although the hole in his chest has not affected Duncan's "survival" at all, as a normal person at heart, in Walking around when you feel cold is really an unnatural thing to do. Putting something on your body can at least bring you some comfort and reduce the weird feeling caused by some "drafts".

And Duncan also considered the possibility of suddenly bumping into other people while walking in this underground space - based on common sense, a big hole in the chest may not be conducive to talking to strangers...

In this way, after briefly treating the "wound", Duncan carefully left the dark and damp cave. He entered a corridor connected to the cave and slowly walked deeper.

This temporary body is not "convenient". Not only is the fatal damage to the chest affecting the flexibility of movement, but Duncan can clearly feel the weakness of this body. The too thin hands and feet can't even walk fast. , completely incomparable to the "Ghost Captain"'s body that was so powerful that it clearly surpassed that of a mortal.

Duncan couldn't see the whole body of his current body, but judging only from the parts that could be seen, he guessed that it should be a young man, a young man who was weak due to long-term severe malnutrition - even though he was manipulating this body at the moment. The body is the soul of a powerful ghost captain, but it seems that the strength of the soul cannot break through the physical limits brought by this weak body.

Unfortunately, he has no choice now. Duncan can only control this barely usable body and slowly explore forward in the deep corridor. He knows that with the state of this temporary body, he will probably be helpless in any crisis. I can only pray that this body can be used for a while longer.

The corridor is very deep, damp and dark, but there seems to be hidden vents. A slight airflow has been flowing nearby. Every once in a while, you can also see torches or oil lamps hanging on the wall. These things are Its existence proves that there are always people active here.

After walking along the corridor for a long distance, Duncan suddenly found that the road ahead suddenly became clearer, and man-made traces began to appear in his sight - he saw a fork in the road at the end of the corridor, and the roads connecting the forks were smooth. The walls and high semi-circular vaults, the brick-paved floor were dark and damp, and there were two waterways flowing along both sides of the ground, filled with disgusting sewage.

On the walls on both sides of the road, you can also see openings that look like drainage pipes. Sewage flows out of some of the sewage outlets and is injected into the water channel below, flowing into the darker distance.


Duncan quickly realized that what he saw in front of him was obviously some kind of large-scale sewer system, and the place where many bodies were hidden before looked like a natural cave structure that was directly connected to the sewer.

There are huge sewers, natural caves connected to the sewers, and hidden remains.

Countless conjectures popped up in Duncan's mind in an instant. While many conjectures popped up in his mind, he was also carefully observing all the details of the "sewer" in front of him.

It is large in scale and well-constructed. The main support part seems to be a reinforced concrete structure. It may even be enough to be used as some kind of underground bunker if necessary.

To be able to build something of this size, the city above the sewer must be quite large, and the various technologies must have developed to a certain level.

Technology cannot exist in isolation. Behind every engineering product must be the simultaneous support of countless related industries and technologies. Even if it is just a sewer, it can reveal to Duncan the construction, planning, materials, maintenance level, and all the factors behind it. Corresponding residents’ life concepts.

This is enough for Duncan, who is currently severely lacking in intelligence, to obtain some valuable information from the civilized world.

Duncan walked forward along the sewer. After walking a short distance, he suddenly stopped and his eyes fell on the nearby wall.

There was a lamp embedded in the wall - a lamp with a glass shell and a metal cage that looked quite strong.

Compared with the torches and oil lamps in the previous cave, the lamp embedded in the wall is obviously brighter. Inside the frosted glass shell is a bright flame that is burning steadily. The light it emits is enough to illuminate a considerable distance in the sewer. .

Duncan got closer and observed carefully. For him now, everything from outside the Lost Home, especially the creations of modern civilization, is extremely attractive.

After observing for a long time, Duncan finally figured out what the light source in front of him was - it was a gas lamp.

But this gas lamp seemed different from what he had seen in the information. In addition to the difference in style, the most obvious thing was that he saw several slender symbols on the glass cover of the lamp housing.

The symbols seemed to have been added at the beginning of the production of the lamp shell, and they were curved like hieroglyphs. Duncan did not recognize these symbols, but he immediately thought of the mechanical ship and Ellie. Those mysterious runes seen on Si's "coffin".

Although the content is different, they all have a similar... "temperament".

It was something sacred and ritualistic.

Duncan stepped back a little, looked up deeper into the sewer, and saw a brightly burning gas lamp on the wall at intervals.

As an underground facility that almost no one visits except for necessary maintenance, the lighting equipment in this sewer seems a bit excessive, and the shell of each gas lamp may have similar mysterious "runes" ".

This gave Duncan a feeling, as if these densely distributed gas lamps were actually fighting against something in this unvisited dark underground—the "human civilization world" they represented behind them was fighting against something.

Duncan walked forward along the path illuminated by the gas lamp, while paying attention to any valuable clues appearing on the surrounding walls, floors, and vaults. Suddenly, he noticed something strange out of the corner of his eye.

He stopped between two gas lamps, which was a relatively dark part of the sewer. He looked up diagonally and saw that high on the wall, near the vault of the sewer, there was Something is painted with dark red paint.

Duncan squinted his eyes, tried hard to distinguish for a long time, and finally saw clearly the picture outlined by those rough lines - he saw a pair of hands reaching towards the sky, as if worshiping something, and in the direction where those hands were surrounded , there is a sphere hanging high that emits a boundless light.

Under this picture of worship and crowding, there is a line of crooked text. The strokes of the text are trembling, as if containing strong enthusiasm and expectation. The letters above are not any kind of text on the earth, but Duncan naturally understands - —

"The false sun will eventually fall, and the real sun god will be resurrected from blood and fire! The vitality of all things returns to the sun, and the order of all things returns to the sun!"

Duncan stood quietly in the sewer, looking up at the intersection area where the gas lights were dimmest, at the dark red graffiti, and at the sun that seemed to be soaked in blood, radiant and fanatically worshiped. .

It's like looking at another world for a long time.

He looked like this for a long time, until a noise suddenly came from the depths of the sewer, and several footsteps reached Duncan's ears.

He suddenly looked up in the direction of the sound, and saw several figures wearing burqas walking from the front. The heads and faces of those figures were shrouded in the shadow of the hoods, appearing like gloomy ghosts in this dirty place. deep in the sewers.

Duncan did not hide - in fact, there was almost no hiding place in this straight sewer, and his temporary body with limited mobility could not perform high-end operations such as "blind spot movement", so after a brief thought , he simply stood nonchalantly in the middle of the sewer, staring very calmly at the few hooded men who were walking from the front and looked very suspicious no matter how they looked.

Since this body cannot escape and is destined to be a one-time consumable, it would be better to bring back some information in the end.

The next second, the hooded men who came out of the depths of the sewer noticed Duncan's presence.

(Oh my god!)

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