Deep Sea Embers

Chapter 56 Lower Level

This was too sinister, so Duncan couldn't finish the bowl of fish soup in the end.

After all, as long as he thought about Miss Doll's head rolling up and down in the soup pot, he felt that the painting style of this dinner was heading straight towards the direction of curse and death - even if Alice's real painting style was actually It's not very humorous, and the fact that she dropped her head into the pot was a bit too scary...

Miss Doll looked a little hurt. She looked at the food that Duncan had put aside and grabbed the lace decoration on the side of her clothes with both hands: "Captain, are you angry?"

Duncan glanced at the doll with a tired look: "If you are unhappy on the ship, just tell me directly..."

"Huh? I don't have one..."

"Then try not to enter the kitchen..." Duncan said casually, but soon he noticed Alice's increasingly frustrated expression, and finally shook his head helplessly and changed the subject, "Forget it, your starting point is Okay, I'm actually very happy, but when it comes to cooking... if you're not good at it, something will happen. It'll be fine if you get familiar with it from now on."

Alice immediately became confused: "Then I can try it in the future?"

Duncan held it in for a long time and finally nodded: "...Just pay attention."

He also thought about it: this cursed doll obviously couldn't stand the current situation of hanging around on the Lost Home. Maybe she really had some kind of "nature" that made her have to do something on this ship. After settling down, and she was an independent individual with thoughts and personality, Duncan felt that he could not treat this doll with blows forever.

In comparison, it is better to let Alice help in the kitchen than to let her continue to fight with cables, anchor ropes and cannonballs - at least the pots and pans on the Lost Home are relatively good-tempered.

He lowered his head and glanced at the fish soup placed next to him. To be fair, the taste of the fish soup was actually quite normal. Although the seasoning on the ship was limited, the heat was no problem at all. As a doll that didn't even have a sense of taste or digestive system, Ellie Si can achieve this level just by hearing a few theoretical knowledge (and this theoretical knowledge also comes from a goat head who also doesn't eat human food), which is actually quite remarkable.

Two guys who don't eat human food can come together to cook a meal that can be eaten by people. What more can you ask for? Duncan felt that as long as this doll was careful in the future, it should still be able to do the work in the kitchen - at least he, the captain, would not have to cook by himself in the future.

"Then... Captain, do you want me to cook you something else?" At this time, Alice's voice came from the side, interrupting Duncan's thinking, "I also learned how to grill and fry fish from Mr. Goat Head. The recipe for making slices can be found in the kitchen..."

"No, I'm not hungry," Duncan shook his head. His body actually didn't have a strong need for food. He usually maintained three meals a day just to maintain his "human" habits. At this time, A bowl of Alice's soup had already eliminated his appetite for a long time, so he simply stood up from the table and said, "I want to go to the cabin for a walk."

"You want to go to the cabin?" Alice was stunned for a moment, and then her expression became slightly nervous as if she thought of something, "Then...then you can go"


"It's the deeper cabins—the places I'm not allowed to go," Alice said. "I keep hearing that cooing. Why don't you go and see...

Seeing the slightly nervous expression on Miss Doll's face, Duncan's heart suddenly lifted.

The depths of the Lost Home...that's a place he hasn't explored yet!

Because the deepest part gave him a really weird and dangerous feeling, and at that time he had not yet "taken the helm" or mastered the power of spiritual fire, so his previous explorations had always ended at the place leading to the deep cabin— - Of course, he has plans for further exploration in the future, but now it seems that the plan obviously cannot keep up with the changes.

At this moment, a goat-headed voice suddenly came from the side: "Ah, it sounds like there is some restlessness in the bilge. Captain, do you want to go down and take a look?"

Before Duncan opened his mouth, he heard the goat head chattering to himself: "Think carefully, it seems that you haven't checked that immersion in the boundless sea for a long time... Do you want to bring your lantern? Is it still there? The old place, just behind the door... During this time, you have been active on the upper floor. The guys on the lower floor are very noisy. You don't know how annoying they are. Alas, I am a quiet person and can't listen to those who are talking in the middle of the night. There was a creaking sound inside..."

Duncan silently glanced at the goat head, who immediately became quiet.

To be honest, after hearing some of what the goat head said, he suddenly became more resistant to the weird bilge - it sounded like it was obviously affected by the deeper influence of the boundless sea, and it had become even... It’s a structure that can be considered “wrong” on the Lost Home!

But the conflicting thoughts only lingered in my mind for less than a second.

Sooner or later, he would have to further explore other structures of the Lost Home, and it was better to go sooner than later... Reason told him that the sooner the better.

The Lost Home is very large. Not only is its length astonishing, but its cabin is also divided into many layers. Currently, the area that Duncan understands is actually only the superstructure of the ship - including the deck area, deck freshwater tank and part of the crew room. Based on previous explorations, he could definitely imagine that in these areas

The structures are located below the waterline, and from their depth, they are completely immersed in the endless sea.

Dark, gloomy, echoing with hollow wind sounds or howling - the deeper you go, the weirder the environment in the Lost Homeland becomes.

Duncan doesn't know his ship - it's definitely not okay to keep dragging on like this.

He is already the captain of this ship. The Lost Homeland is his foothold and the base camp for his activities in this world. He can't be so half-knowledgeable about his basic base - even if it's just to survive for a long time in the vast sea full of anomalies and visions, he must understand the potential and dangers of the Lost Homeland clearly.

God knows if there will be a crisis tomorrow, and God knows if the Lost Homeland will hit those offspring in the deep sea or the collapsed border of reality in the next second.

What's more, the goat head just mentioned that the bottom of the cabin needs the captain's comfort.

The "captain" hasn't been to the lower cabin for too long... If this continues, it seems that something bad will happen.

Duncan got up and went behind the door to find the lantern mentioned by the goat head.

This is a very old lantern. The copper frame is a hexagonal prism that is wide at the top and narrow at the bottom. The glass lampshade is embedded in the copper frame and looks a bit blurry. Inside the lampshade, Duncan did not see any structure similar to the wick.

He did not show curiosity, nor did he ask the goat head. After a brief and calm thought, he tried to activate the dark green spirit fire and infuse this power into the lantern.

A cluster of bright green flames immediately jumped and burned in the lampshade, and this quaint old lantern began to emit a constant glow.

Where the lantern shines, a bleak atmosphere spreads for some reason, but Duncan standing in this light has an inexplicable sense of calmness and control. He seems to be able to vaguely feel that his power is spreading with the light. Where the light shines, the details of everything are clearly reflected in his mind.

Pigeon Ai suddenly flew over and landed on Duncan's shoulder.

It has already transformed into the illusory form of the dead bird with flesh and bones - although Duncan did not actively "activate" the pigeon, it still passively completed the "transformation" under the illumination of the lantern.

Duncan looked down at the lantern in his hand and thought it might be a good thing... It seemed that it could spread its power to the surrounding environment with minimal loss and maintain a "force field". This force field has the functions of detection, warning and even control. This feature is obviously quite suitable for long-term exploration in unfamiliar or dangerous areas.

"Captain... Can I go with you?"

Duncan turned around and saw Alice standing behind him. She looked at the lantern curiously, and at the same time, her face was eager to try: "I haven't been to the lower level yet! Mr. Goat Head said that I can't go down without your permission..."

Duncan thought about it and nodded slightly: "Okay."

He didn't know what was in the lower level of the cabin, but anyway, it was also part of the Lost Hometown. Under the premise that he had successfully "taken the helm", there would not be much danger in the cabin. Bringing this puppet might help him.

The goat head left on the navigation table did not express any opinion. Obviously, from its perspective, it was quite normal for the captain to inspect the Lost Homeland - and so was bringing a helper.

Outside the cabin, night had gradually fallen. The cold glow of the Creation of the World was shining on the sea and the empty deck of the ghost ship. The translucent spirit sails were fluttering in the air, slowly adjusting the angle without anyone controlling it.

Duncan, holding a lantern, carrying his sword and flintlock, crossed the empty deck with Alice, passed through the top two cabins, and walked down the wooden stairs to the depths of the Lost Homeland.

The stairs at the end of the seaman's cabin were where Duncan stopped when he explored before.

A strange dimness lingered around the downward-sloping stairs. In the dimness, only the pillars and some wall structures used to support the cabin could be vaguely seen.

"This environment," this

"No, under the pervasive power, he finally saw the cabin more clearly this time than before

"...Ah? "Alice was stunned for a moment, and didn't react for a long time, "There is still black light?" Duncan didn't respond for a while, but just walked down slowly with the lantern. It was not until Alice caught up that he spoke softly: "After all, we are already below the surface of the Infinite Sea."

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