Deep Sea Embers

Chapter 70: Own People

In a world where extraordinary phenomena exist, the land is blocked by the endless ocean, and the guardians of the city-state are engaged in endless battles with the anomalies, how do ordinary people survive?

Duncan still lacks understanding of this city-state, but at least where he sees it, ordinary people in this world still live in an orderly and stable environment——

They work, study, and rest. They run shops and communicate with each other. On their days off, they go out to cinemas and restaurants, to parks and ports, they visit museums, and they chat with neighbors after dinner - they live their lives. Not very exciting, but usually very stable life.

The bus driven by the steam engine stops and goes, sometimes stopping at the platform, sometimes stopping at the roadside. Passengers come on and leave at any time. The silent driver occasionally says a few words to the conductor. , but spent most of the time concentrating on driving, while the young conductor looked up at the roof of the car from time to time - she seemed to still miss the pigeon.

Duncan sat in his seat, observing everything around him with curiosity, looking at the lives of ordinary people.

It seems that in addition to the need to understand the anomalies and anomalies that exist in the world and to abide by this knowledge as a "safety code", the lives of these ordinary people are not much different from what he has seen on earth.

As it approached the Cross Street district, the bus stopped again, this time at the platform, where many passengers were boarding.

Duncan looked curiously at the scenery on the platform, at the chimneys standing in the distance and the steam pipes crisscrossing the buildings, but suddenly, he vaguely felt an unusual heat rising near his chest.

That heat comes from the sun badge hidden close to his body!

Duncan, who was admiring the scenery, was startled for a moment, and subconsciously touched the location where the badge was hidden. The next second, he felt that the badge was not only heating, but also trembling slightly.

He didn't know what was going on, but it was obvious that the badge was resonating with something nearby - through the established connection between himself and the badge, he felt the source of this resonance in a strange way. The next second, his His eyes locked on a figure walking quickly through the crowd outside the car window.

The figure was wearing a black coat and looked like an ordinary passerby, but the "pointing sense" from the sun badge pointed to that figure without a doubt!

Duncan immediately stood up from his seat and walked quickly towards the car door. As he thought, the pigeon Ai also received the instructions, flapped its wings and flew down from the roof of the car, landing on him. on the shoulders.

The conductor standing near the door looked at this scene in surprise. It wasn't until Duncan got off the bus that he whispered: "How did you train this pigeon..."

But then this little episode in daily life disappeared from the attention of the conductor lady. She turned to look at the few passengers who had just got on the bus: "Come here to buy tickets... Children also have to buy tickets, here No matter how you look at it, it’s one meter taller... Four years old? It can’t be four years old. If you pass the line, it’s a unanimous vote!”

At this moment, Duncan had already walked into the crowd. He walked quickly through the crowded platforms and intersections, tracking the figure in the black coat.

The man in black walked very fast, and the dense flow of people on the roadside in the afternoon made it easy for him to escape sight and search. In fact, after only a few minutes, the figure had left Duncan's sight.

However, the resonance of the sun badge is still there, and the "pointing sense" coming from the depths of the badge has always pointed Duncan in the right direction.

Duncan thought quickly while continuing to follow the guidance of the sun badge.

There is no doubt that the man in black is suspicious. The badge must have sensed something to react suddenly...perhaps, it sensed the same source of power from the "real sun god".

He already knew from the goat head that this badge had the function of identifying compatriots and guiding the "blessing of the sun", but under normal circumstances only believers of the Sun God could use these functions or perceive the guidance effect of the badge.

Duncan once used spiritual fire to usurp control of the badge, but at that time he thought that his flames also destroyed most of the badge's abilities. But now it seems... the badge's recognition ability is still there!

It's just that this recognition ability is now used by myself...

Under the guidance of the badge, he gradually left the main road with dense pedestrians, and after three detours and two detours, he gradually entered the deserted alley.

He saw the suspicious figure again - that figure was walking quickly through the intersection in front of him, seemingly not noticing that there was a follower behind him.

Vaguely, Duncan felt that the badge on his chest became hotter than before, and the resonance from it became clearer and stronger.

Duncan quietly activated the spiritual fire and read the information from the sun badge. A large number of clearly pointed "perceptions" were immediately transmitted into his mind.

This feeling is very subtle - although the sun badge does not have the characteristic of thinking, Duncan seems to feel that the badge is conveying news to him excitedly and excitedly, telling him that he does not believe in the sun god, and where the other believers are. .

He even wanted to remind the badge to be more reserved - after all, not long ago it was a sacred object of the Sun God, and at this time, being the leader would not be as exciting as a hand warmer.

At the same time, he became increasingly certain that he was approaching a secret gathering place where many followers of the Sun God gathered.

As he expected, more "solar heretics" gathered in the dark corners of this city-state. The group of people who were wiped out in the sewers were just part of these cockroach-like cultists.

He didn't know what these cultists wanted to do, but he knew that these cultists must know more about ancient history, sun faith, and the Era of Order than Nina's teachers.

If you want to understand the deeper secrets of this world, you need to contact the forces in the supernatural realm. Churches and city-state authorities are difficult to approach through normal means, but cultists are much easier - just get along with them.

Or just mix them up.

Duncan was thinking this when he suddenly stopped.

He had come to the end of a path, and the sneaky man in black had just entered a nearby intersection. The signal from the sun badge was clear and strong, and no passers-by could be seen nearby.

Through the sun badge, he sensed that there were more "sibling signals" approaching his location.

Duncan silently pulled up the lapels of his coat, hiding half of his face in the collar - and almost the next second after completing this action, he heard many footsteps appearing in the shadows of nearby buildings.

One figure after another appeared.

There were more than a dozen people, dressed no differently from ordinary citizens - after all, no cultist would walk around in a robe in broad daylight, just like a normal assassin should not wear a conspicuous white hood. Wear a blouse and go to work on the streets in the busy city.

Only the constant heat and clear directional signals from the sun badge convinced him that one by one of these guys emerging from the surroundings, they were all followers of the real Sun God.

Duncan raised his head and looked at the intersection at the end, and saw that the man in black who had been tracked by him before was also among them. The man was looking at him with vigilance, and beside him, a tall and thin young man The man whispered something to his companion before looking up.

"This is private property. Why are you sneaking here?" The tall, thin man spoke up. He seemed to be trying to create a feeling that "these are ordinary citizens here, and you are acting suspiciously because you are sneaking around." Because he didn't know the details of Duncan's pursuer, he neither acted rashly nor relaxed his vigilance.

Duncan muttered to himself that he, a layman, was really not suitable for such professional work as tracking. At the same time, he was also curious about what the cultists were going to do with him as a tracker if he pretended to be stupid - they were planning to pretend to be a group of dedicated people. Did the evil forces scare me away, or did they plan to develop the cult cause diligently and tie me up to give their sun god a meaty meal?

"Didn't you hear?" The tall and thin man frowned and said impatiently. As his voice fell, the figures around him quietly took half a step forward, forming a faint encirclement. "I'm asking you something..."

Duncan shrugged, casually took out the sun amulet from his arms, and said in a sincere tone: "One of our own."

Let's get along first, maybe there will be a lot of talk.

If they don't believe it, then mingle.

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