Dragon Clan: Lu Mingfei returns from Sekiro

Chapter 62 There is always one kind of life in the world

"Death of the Swan" is a national destruction procedure. When national secrets are exposed, the Su-27 Squadron has the right to shoot any survivors and detonate vacuum bombs. Not even a strand of hair can escape from the Black Swan Port.

Even if they are burned to coke, the people here must be buried in the frozen soil and cannot fall into the hands of foreigners.

After the fire is over, someone will take the list and identify the black bodies one by one.

Hive rockets poured into the fire, a series of explosions occurred, crumbling buildings collapsed one after another, the red feathers of the swans fell to the ground and turned into ugly bald chickens, and the nameless port became a flaming ruin.

"The hummingbird is calling, mission accomplished," said the pilot on the left wingman.

"Do you want to detonate the vacuum bomb again?" Yu Yan asked.

"Let's wait and see if there are any other survivors. If there are not, then we can seal the ruins without detonating and report to Moscow." said the squadron leader.

He glanced at the clock on the instrument panel, which read 22:29, and then turned the joystick to send the previously detected survivor positions to the remaining fighters.

Next, the Su-27 Squadron will conduct a blanket search around Black Swan Port and kill all people or animals suspected of being survivors of Black Swan Port. No one will be spared.

But suddenly, a dazzling red light swept across the cockpit!

"White stork, white stork! I'm calling the police here!" Yu Yan said.

"White stork, white stork! I also have an unexplained police call here!"

"Evacuate! Evacuate!" The squadron leader's pupils dilated and his breathing suddenly stopped under the oxygen mask. He shouted on the voice channel, "That's the signal to ignite the vacuum bomb! Repeat it! The vacuum bomb has been ignited!"

Everyone jerked the control stick, trying to escape from this dustless land. The pilots' minds went blank. They clearly did not detonate the bomb, but the bomb ignited on its own.

The Su-27 ascended diagonally and vertically with difficult maneuvers and evacuated at full speed. Countless flight experiences and drills have forged their iron-like psychological quality.

Their hands held the joystick firmly, but the bomb began to play the final movement.

Forty-eight vacuum bombs emerged from the ground. First, a small explosion spread the powder of highly explosive materials into the air. After dozens of seconds, the powder and flames were evenly mixed.

The flames burned the explosives, emitting tiny crackling electric arcs, which were the fuses of the super bomb. The electric arcs converged into high-temperature bright light, white light, as dazzling as the creation of the world!

Forty-eight air pillars rose like a tornado, and the flames were pulled into the wind by the huge suction force. They merged into a bundle to form a super fire tornado with a diameter of 100 meters. After the fire tornado rose to a high place, it suddenly expanded into a huge fire tornado. Mushroom cloud.

The world is quiet, red fluorescent fragments are flying, mixed with white snow, melting into a golden rain.

The shock wave spread from the center. Wingman Hummingbird's wings were swept by a column of air and the wings were broken. He didn't even have time to send out a distress signal before he was swallowed by the rapidly expanding mushroom cloud.

Of the 24 fighter jets, only two escaped.

The night sky was shining brightly, and egrets and swifts struggled to escape from the scythe of death. They called other members of the squadron, but there was no response.

"Perform the final mission, Swift." Egret said, "Kill the deserter and then return."

"Yes, Captain." Yu Yan responded coldly.

Executing orders and completing tasks is their value.

The chain reaction of the vacuum bombs overwhelmed the loud noise of the engineering mines.

The tens of meters of permafrost beneath Black Swan Harbor was blasted and peeled away, revealing an ice surface like a crystal stage.

Red light converges on the stage. The underground ice is clear and translucent, and the gaze can penetrate to the bottom of the ice.

It will give people the illusion of standing thousands of feet high in the sky. If you stand here, you will see the huge ancient god-like thing in the ice.

It was a blue-green skeleton. Even if I ran out of adjectives, it would be difficult to describe its majesty, ancientness and solemnity. We could also use only one word, "dragon".

In ancient history, humans were just their servants, and at that time, they were called gods.

"Oh God!" If someone sees this scene, they will definitely sigh like this.

It is just a skeleton, but it makes people feel that it will open its golden vertical pupils at any time and break free from the eternal ice.

Lu Mingfei stared blankly at the mushroom cloud rising, the brilliant pillar of fire reaching into the sky. If they took one step slower, they would be swallowed up by the shock wave and annihilated in an instant.

It is impossible for human beings to exist in such a horrific explosion.

Is this what escape games are really like?

He only had 3 hours to escape from the restraint room, collect supplies, and take the lieutenant with him. It took 20 minutes and two hours of walking in the snow. Thanks to the dogs, they were able to escape in the remaining 40 minutes. Day of birth.

This game is very difficult. Once you waste time and don't make a firm decision to leave immediately, you will be destroyed in hell.

There is no such thing as injury. Either you pass the level without any injuries, or you die in the fire and wait for the snowflakes to bury you.

The lieutenant sat slumped on the sleigh, looking at the port as if exhausted. It turned out that they had insured everything from the beginning.

Renata gently stretched out her hands as if to hug something. She looked at the sky, her eyes shining with anticipation.

The tin box was opened, and the withered flower branches fell into her palm.

"There is always a kind of life in the world, and every time they die is to return." She said softly.

What she held in her hand was a withered Arctic poppy. She couldn't bear to pull out the withered flowers. It was like breaking a lifeline. But then someone told her that Papaver radicatum (Arctic poppy) would not die, it would still survive. When it blooms, its white petals will sway vividly, even in the unappreciated Arctic.

There was the sound of gliding fighter jets, their engines mourning.

"Call Egret! Swift found the target! There are three people in total, and one... little girl." Su-27 fighter jets circled in the sky, only at a height of 400 meters.

"Aim for the target, I don't want to go to court martial." said the squadron leader.

"Yes, Captain." Yuyan replied.

On the smooth ice, the sleigh was like a dazzling needle.

Renata had no time to find a hiding place, so she could only tell her friends to run in a straight line and get out of the dangerous restricted area as quickly as possible.

But she anticipated the arrival of the fighter jets. This time, the bullets from the anti-aircraft machine guns would not jam again!

"Frozen hands!" Lu Mingfei shouted.

The lieutenant immediately sat on Deshka 1938's seat, his hand tightly attached to the trigger.

Renata hid behind the lieutenant, and Lu Mingfei pulled out the wedge pill long before the gun was pointed at him. He stood at the front, the most courageous general, behind him were thousands of troops, and he was also with him. Companions who escaped from hell.

The following is the reward list, thank you for your support:

"Suddenly Half Dust" costs 666 points, "Shen Hemo" costs 200 coins, "Book Friends 20210809211606758" costs 100 coins, "Bilibili Chen Rui" costs 1,500 coins, and "Book Friends 10211005023754184" costs 500 coins


I had a lot of fun with my friends yesterday and my throat hurt from shouting. I went to see a doctor. I will update the next chapter later.

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