
Lu Mingfei looked directly at Ange.


Ange placed the last page of information in front of Lu Mingfei.

"The information provided by Henkel stated that she went to Japan in 2003. During that time, due to the accident in Greenland, the personnel in the execution department were severely damaged and were unable to take care of too much."

"This includes loosening controls on the Japanese division."

"Since she is serving the 'Emperor', I have reason to suspect that she is secretly planning something in Japan during the period when she is recovering in the executive department of the college - of course, all this needs to be verified with the Japanese branch. "

"Then I'll wait for you to verify and confirm. I don't want to waste time by running over."

"There are still only three people in my club."

When mentioning his club, Lu Mingfei's tone was a little downcast.

Why does no one want to join their own society?

The only one who took the initiative to join was Fingel, who wanted revenge.

He did take a fancy to Caesar Gattuso's appearance and temperament, but he was busy expanding his influence in the student union and competing for the president, so he probably wouldn't come to him.


Angers remained silent. He couldn't say to his face that the name of your club "Lamenting Angel" was too fancy...

Although the paintings in Black Moon Pavilion are quite artistic.

"In the future, I will allow the video of you splitting the armored vehicle to be posted on the forum as a recruitment advertisement for your club."

Angers said.

“Can we recruit new people by doing this?”

Lu Mingfei was a little skeptical.

"Maybe it will be a good thing - someone will always stand up and wave the black sail flag, and be the first to set foot on the land of Troy, even if he will die according to the oracle."

Angers suddenly read out a prophecy from the ancient Greek epic "The Iliad".

"My life is not decided by false gods."

Lu Mingfei dismissed this prediction.

"I'm just a quote..."

Ange smiled helplessly, "But you'd better be prepared to go to Japan. I have a hunch that there will be something incredible waiting for you there."

"Abnormal? Then I would like to see it."

Lu Mingfei's eyes lit up.

"Invincible!" The strongest Kassel Academy is born today! 》

At 5:30 in the morning, a striking red post reached the top of the Night Watch forum - the poster's ID was "Night Watch".

The fact that the vice-principal personally posted a post should have attracted attention, but the title was so eye-catching that many students who had been surfing until now didn't even notice the poster when they clicked on it.

But then, the video attached to the post made them stare.

The total duration of the video is 26 seconds. One minute after the post was posted, the reply floor was flooded with crazy question marks.

"Is it so exaggerated to split an armored car with one sword?"

"Is there any master in the academy?"

"Who can figure out how much force is needed to split an armored vehicle frontally, and how much force should be applied to allow the remaining power of the armored vehicle to separate to both sides instead of knocking people away..."

The students who saw this post quickly woke up their sleeping roommates, and then the roommates informed the brothers and boss of the club...

Soon, the entire Kassel Academy was completely in a state of excitement.

"The children are under a lot of pressure now. When they wake up, there is an extra monster on their equal footing..."

The bell tower of the chapel was still shrouded in darkness. The vice-principal was lying in front of the computer screen laughing, grabbing the bottle of single malt whiskey next to him and pouring it into his mouth.

This is a sloppy attic with only an unfolded bed, a single sofa, a set of computer desks and swivel chairs, and a large bookshelf filled with DVDs of Western movies.

Empty wine bottles and adult magazines were scattered everywhere.

Although the sunny side is all glass windows, it can provide good lighting - if there are not huge posters of low-cut girls on it.

This kind of garbage dump is completely unlike the place where Nicholas Flamel, the vice president of Kassel College and the world's top alchemist, lives.

"And our monster is still worried about the lack of new blood in his society."

Angers lay on the sofa - the cleanest and most comfortable place in the house.

"Tsk, tsk, didn't the alchemy weapon in his hand cost a lot of money?"

"Well, $60 million, on the school board's account."

Angers didn't care.

"Ahem——! You are so generous, spending 60 million to buy a toy for your beloved student! That old guy Frost knows that he will complain to you again!"

The vice principal almost spit out the whiskey in his mouth.

"So I brought you toys too."

Angers threw a mahogany box over. The vice-principal reached out to catch it and opened it, his eyes lit up:

"Alchemy field construction book? Interesting, it's still a 'lightweight' functional field... What, you want me to make your folding knife lighter by buying this?"

The vice-principal smiled brightly. He was indeed a master in this aspect. He recognized the dragon inscriptions on the ancient sheepskin book at the first sight.

"It seems that he is working with the lunatics in the equipment department to build Gundam... See if you can use it on that thing."

Angers said.

"Hell, let me ask you, why did you suddenly come up with this thing for me to study... Why do you want to drag me into this when you dote on your illegitimate son?"

the vice-principal muttered.

"He is a born warrior and I will do my best to support him with whatever he needs - weapons, manpower, money..."

“But those costs ultimately fall to the school board.”

The vice principal reminded.

"Isn't it like this all the time? They pay and I take care of the life." Ange grinned and said, "Get me a drink too, thank you."

"No cups, just bottles."

The vice-principal fumbled under the table for a while, took out an unopened bottle of single malt whiskey and threw it away.

The old slut pulled out the cork and drank half of the wine before letting out a breath of alcohol and continued:

"They are all politicians, and politicians always think about building a new world before the war is over, just like the United States and the former Soviet Union are already thinking about how to divide their spheres of influence in Europe before they capture Berlin."

"It's the same at Henkel. Yesterday, a boy said in front of me and Mingfei, 'Let's become the new dragon clan'... His head and neck immediately separated."

"Hard enough, I like it."

"But Henkel didn't give you any trouble? That would be really troublesome."

The vice-principal expressed sincere admiration.

"There shouldn't be one yet, and I'm not sure if there will be any in the future."

Angers shook his head, "Recently I want Lu Mingfei to go to Japan."

"Going to Japan? Then there will be great things to see!"

"Is there someone in charge of the live broadcast? I've long disliked those guys in the Japanese branch!"

The vice-principal came into high spirits and was in high spirits.

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