Dragon Clan: Lu Mingfei returns from Warhammer

Chapter 9 Chu Zihang: I want to believe in the emperor!

This super typhoon did not cause much panic in this coastal city. Most people were happily enjoying the unexpected three-day vacation at home.

After the wind speed dropped early in the morning, tow trucks drove onto the elevated road to rescue vehicles that were trapped on it when the typhoon made landfall.

Everyone who was rescued was ecstatic to have escaped death.

They spent a thrilling night in the closed car. They were thankful to God that the car was not overturned by the hurricane.

In the end, only two teenagers were left standing guard at the exit, silent in the wind and rain.

The clothes on the smaller one were in tatters, revealing beautiful muscle lines, presumably from regular exercise.

He just stood like this, not afraid of the low temperature and wind and cold, with a serious face and not knowing what he was thinking.

The older one was soaked all over and seemed to be freezing. His body was trembling slightly, but he never moved.

He stared at each towed car with sadness and hope. Until all the tow trucks and police had evacuated, the person he was waiting for was not found.

He squatted down slowly, as if hope was completely extinguished.

"Don't be so sad...your father should still be alive."

"Since he said so, we can only believe him."

Lu Mingfei sighed and wiped the cold rain off his face.

Chu Zihang didn't answer.

"Don't worry, I owe your father a favor."

"The next time I go in, I will chop off that false god's head and save your father easily."

Lu Mingfei sat on the wet ground and looked up at the sky.

The two were silent for a long time in the cold wind, until Chu Zihang turned his head to look at him and spoke softly:

"The god you believe in...is his title the Emperor?"


Lu Mingfei perked up and immediately straightened his back and sat up straight, with a pious and solemn look on his face:

"Emperor is not a title, but a great symbol."

"He is the patron saint of all mankind. He loves all living beings and is the tower of hope for mankind in the dark galaxy."

"He is immortal and existed long before the first human city was built. He guides mankind in different capacities in different eras."

"His radiance protects heroic souls to return to the golden throne instead of falling into the abyss of filth..."

Lu Mingfei talked endlessly, praising the will of the great emperor, like a fanatical believer.

Virtually all Astartes are fanatical followers of the Emperor.

"Is it because of Him that you became an angel...?"

Chu Zihang asked seriously.

"Yes, that is a spiritual blessing from the great Emperor."

“Is this blessing available to everyone who believes in Him?”

Lu Mingfei saw the flame of revenge burning in Chu Zihang's eyes.

He shook his head seriously and said:

"We have never been loyal to the Emperor in order to be blessed by his power."

"His existence itself is a guiding light for mankind. We serve Him with everything and protect His loyal mankind for Him."

"I have seen countless mortal soldiers, but they do not have the powerful bodies and power armor like the Astartes warriors."

"But when faced with those hateful and terrifying alien enemies, they never backed down and fought for the Emperor with the most unwavering loyalty and belief until the last moment."

As he was talking, Lu Mingfei realized that he had spilled the beans.

He inadvertently told some of his experiences while his soul was fighting in that cold universe——

This is the biggest secret in his heart.

Fortunately, Chu Zihang's expression didn't change much. After witnessing the mythical and epic scene last night, the world he knew had already collapsed.

"……I see."

After listening, Chu Zihang stood up silently and walked down the viaduct entrance alone.

Lu Mingfei really wanted to catch up with him and ask him a few more questions, but after thinking about it, he decided not to.

This child has experienced such a big stimulation, it would be best to let him calm down alone.

"Praise be to the Emperor."

Lu Mingfei looked at Chu Zihang's retreating figure and prayed in a low voice.

After leaving that elevated road, the remaining emperor's holy light on his body purified his hands contaminated by the spear of the false god.

After a moment, his expression became gloomy and solemn again.

He overlooked a pretty big problem.

The Emperor's gaze can reach this place, doesn't that mean that his hometown is also in that cold and dark universe?

Those aliens - the war-mad greenskins, the greedy and hungry zerg, the weird and evil Eldar...

Will their dirty hands touch this beautiful planet one day?

Lu Mingfei's thoughts began to fluctuate violently.

But after a while, he returned to peace amid the sound of prayer.

"First clear away all the false gods and aliens here."

He whispered to himself, his eyes firm.

The fifth day after the typhoon.

Chu Zihang knocked on the door of Lu Mingfei's house.

"Who is it? It's almost time for dinner and you came here to visit..."

The aunt put down the kitchen knife in her hand and ran to open the door. She saw a young man wearing sunglasses and a cold face.

"Hello, auntie. My name is Chu Zihang..."

Auntie was stunned for a moment, and then shouted in surprise:

"Chu Zihang? Are you the Chu Zihang from Shilan Middle School?!"

Even the aunt who is a housewife has heard about the number one figure in Shilan Middle School from Lu Mingze.

"What? Chu Zihang came to our house?"

The chubby Lu Mingze heard his mother's voice and ran out of the room in a hurry.

This is big news, and if your classmates know about it, you will be very powerful!

He desperately wanted to go to his father's room to find a camera and take a photo of this memorable scene.

"Yes, I'm looking for Lu Mingfei."

As soon as Chu Zihang said these words, Lu Mingze was as deflated as a rubber ball.

Auntie's face suddenly became a little strange:

"Looking for Lu Mingfei...he is now...uh, praying, do you want to come in and sit down?"

"Pray...Then I'll wait for him here. Please forgive me, Auntie."

Chu Zihang's expression did not change and he politely thanked his aunt.

A few minutes later, Lu Mingfei appeared in front of Chu Zihang with a calm face:

"Can I help you?"

"Yes. I want to believe in the Emperor."

Chu Zihang responded equally calmly.


The aunt who pretended to drink water but was actually eavesdropping sprayed water on Lu Mingze's face.

She had seen the changes in her nephew in the past few months.

In addition to the rapid improvement of his grades and getting up on time at four o'clock in the morning every day to run out to exercise, he would burn incense at home every day and pray at home like an old monk who has entered meditation.

Even before eating, you have to say "Thank you aunt for preparing delicious meals for us. May the emperor bless us."

Then she and her husband spent the night looking through Journey to the West and the list of gods, but they couldn't find the god named Emperor.

After the idea of ​​being "possessed by dirty things" was rejected by her uncle, "Our old Lu family are all staunch materialist fighters," her aunt began to suspect that Lu Mingfei believed in some messy things that the country is still cracking down on.

But fortunately, Lu Mingfei's usual behavior was as perfect as "someone else's child", and she was worried that the monthly support payments would be sent to other places, so her aunt did not call the police immediately.

But now even the star student Chu Zihang has said that he wants to believe in the emperor. If his parents come to find him, he will be in big trouble!

She wanted to speak out to dissuade her, but she heard Lu Mingfei agree:


"Is this okay? There is no... initiation ceremony?"


Lu Mingfei thought for a moment, then grabbed Chu Zihang's hand and said seriously:

"Now you are my battle brother."

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