Dragon Clan: Undercover at the beginning, the road to becoming a god

Chapter 613 Mass production of LV6 monsters? The true power of life catalog

The explosion of the Tsar hydrogen bomb was silent and majestic. Because the distance was too far, they could not hear the sound at the first moment of the explosion, but the brilliance of the artificial corona was deeply imprinted in everyone's eyes.

Millions of tons of seawater were instantly vaporized, and the white dust pillars shimmered like dragon scales. The shock wave spread out in the form of sharp blades and water blades, and the ten thousand-year-old ice shelf instantly turned to ashes.

Even from the perspective of satellite images, the detonation of this nuclear bomb was magnificent enough.

On the shores of Lake Michigan, everyone held their breath and watched the majesty of the crown, the strongest weapon of mankind, on the screen.

Since Nagasaki and Hiroshima, this is the first time that nuclear bombs have returned to the battlefield, but this time, their target is not humans, but the legendary gods.

Even though these people in front of them are all the controllers of the world's economic lifeline, it is the first time for them to see such a historic scene.

It wasn't until the power of the nuclear bomb faded away and the thick clouds gathered together that it took a long time for someone to speak and break the dead silence here.

"Did it succeed?"

the young man asked tremblingly.

"It must have been successful, right?!"

"That's a 50-million-ton nuclear bomb. Even the legendary Black King is just a living creature. Moreover, Norma did not detect the new elemental turbulence, which means that the opponent has no resistance at all. Maybe he doesn't understand nuclear bombs at all. The power. Being hit head-on by a weapon of this level, even a god would be blown to death this time!"

As he spoke, his tone became more and more excited.

Yes, as a devastating weapon that directly changed human history and turned a hot war into a cold war, there is no doubt about the power of nuclear bombs. Among them, hydrogen bombs are even known as the power obtained by simulating the sun's crown.

No matter how strong the Black King is, he still has a material body, so how can he withstand such extreme explosive power?

Sure enough, humans are no longer the humans they used to be, and they no longer need to fear the dragons.

Once it is confirmed that the Black King has been completely killed, the world will usher in the era of their hybrid species!

Hearing their excited voices, most people woke up from the shock. Seeing that no new elemental flow had appeared on the satellite image for a long time, they looked at each other with unbelievable joy in their eyes.

"Won? Did we really succeed?"

Just as everyone was opening the champagne at halftime, an old man's voice suddenly rang out.

"Tsk tsk, if you ask this question normally, you will most likely fail. Don't you understand that there is no harm in the smoke?"

"...Who has such a crow-mouthed mouth?"

Suddenly hearing such disappointing words, everyone couldn't help but look over with hostility, and then they spotted the old cowboy tied up with red thread in the corner of the room.

Oh, it’s the night watchman who’s a traitor!

Because of the rush of time, after completing the seizure of power, he was not kicked out, but stayed in the conference room and was watched over by everyone.

"Bah! Dragon King Su Mo's lackey, no wonder he doesn't want us humans to win!"

"Thankfully we thought you were a hero, disgusting!"

Everyone immediately let out a sigh, and some even excited people wanted to step forward and beat the traitor.

He didn't have the courage to fight an S-class head-on duel, but they did have the courage to unilaterally abuse the old Bidden who was already bound by turtle shell, and there were many more.

Just when everyone started to get agitated and wanted to slap the Night Watchman for his bad words, Angers, as the current leader, suddenly cleared his throat, attracting their attention.

"The most powerful weapons have been used. Now is not the time to waste words. On-site intelligence Noma has sent drones to investigate. The most important thing now is to deal with the secondary disasters caused by nuclear bombs."

“Greenland, Iceland, Norway and other places will face the first wave of tsunami, and all nearby agencies must go all out to help local people evacuate. I hope you remember that the delivery of nuclear bombs this time is based on their sacrifices. ! So we must try our best to make up for the damage they suffered!"

Angers' words immediately reminded everyone that the use of nuclear bombs was not without cost. Many people who were still ecstatic before remembered that their hometown seemed to be one of the prices they would pay.

Because the matter was rushed, it was less than an hour before the official decision was made to adopt the Tsar hydrogen bomb as a backup option. With the work efficiency of the Nordic side, naturally no preparations were completed in this hour.

Therefore, giving the order to drop nuclear bombs is actually equivalent to putting the lives of their local people at risk.

Regardless of whether the Black King dies or not, they will definitely die at these costs.

Everyone was so excited when they saw the nuclear bomb explode, and how painful it was when they paid the price. Of course, it had nothing to do with them, and most people could only express sympathy politely.

After all, they had already made up their minds to sacrifice this insignificant price for the overall situation, otherwise they would not have voted to bring Angers up. Now the sadness is just crocodile tears.

Moreover, even if they know that the tsunami waves are approaching those locations, there is no way to really stop those tsunamis. Modern weapons are better at destruction than protection.

Just when everyone thought the battle had come to an end, Norma's voice sounded unexpectedly again.

"Warning! Large-scale water elemental turbulence activation has been detected. According to the latest data from the drone, the tsunami caused by the Tsar's hydrogen bomb has been calmed by an unknown force."

"According to analysis, there is more than 90% probability that it was the Dragon King!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was stunned.


The Dragon King is not dead, and is he helping them deal with the aftermath?

This Dragon King is quite nice... No, the Dragon King is not dead? !

After realizing this, everyone present turned pale. Although they didn't know why the Dragon King wanted to help him deal with the aftermath, no matter how good-tempered the Dragon King was, he couldn't forgive himself for throwing a nuclear bomb at him.

It’s over!

When everyone looked desperate, Angers also looked shocked.

"Even the Tsar's hydrogen bomb can't kill the Dragon King. This abnormal vitality is too terrifying! However, no matter what, it is still a bit exaggerated to withstand the nuclear bomb without injury. Could it be that the Dragon King received the information in advance and was not there at all? "

Having said this, he looked at everyone in front of him with sharp eyes full of scrutiny and suspicion.

"Could it be that, in addition to Flamel, who has had all his communication equipment confiscated and is unable to deliver messages to the outside world, there is another traitor among us?"

When he heard him shouting "Catch the thief", Fingel was stunned for a moment.

Ginger is still as spicy as ever, and Biden is still as ruthless as ever!

He patted his thigh and followed immediately.

"That's right, the only people who know the specific location of this projection are these leaders of large forces. If we want to talk about the insider, it must be among you people. What else can you say?"

After the righteous and awe-inspiring pre-emptive strike, he stared directly at Henkel in front of him.

Bite one first to mix things up, and the rest later.

I just don’t know what the situation is like with Mr. Su Mo.

Shouldn't the Black King have been defeated by Master Su Mo?

As the strongest enemy today, who is the enemy that he must treat seriously and even use nuclear bombs to eliminate?


"Nidhogg, still Nidhogg!"

On the Arctic Ocean, after casually suppressing the aftermath of the tsunami, Su Mo and others returned to the center of the nuclear bomb explosion.

After passing through the electromagnetic barrier, most of the nuclear radiation, that is, alpha, beta, and gamma rays will be deflected by the strong electromagnetic force. In addition, they are at least at the Dragon King level, so they don't have to worry about nuclear contamination.

The power of the nuclear bomb explosion is very impressive. The ice in the central area, as well as the clones on the ice, have been wiped out along with the fish Nidhogg. Even if the sea water pours in, not much can be seen. Signs of life.

However, in areas outside the center, the lethality is somewhat unsatisfactory.

According to common sense, the power of shock waves in water attenuates at a much lower rate than in air. If a firecracker is thrown into a large tank filled with water, it will shatter the water tank, but if it is thrown into an empty tank, nothing will happen.

Therefore, at least all life within tens of kilometers of the center of the explosion should have suffered a devastating blow.

However, Su Mo actually found people who had survived the nuclear bomb within ten kilometers of the center of the explosion.

To be precise, the surviving Nidhogg.

It seems that the danger is coming in advance. The fish here are like footballs, forming an extremely huge ball. The giant octopus, a subspecies of dragon blood, wraps them tightly with its tentacles. The ghost-toothed dragon viper at the bottom starts to stop. It gnaws at the soil and burrows into the depths of the sea.

Like layers of armor, the huge ball drilled directly into the seabed.

Under the shock wave of the nuclear bomb, this extremely tough structure was instantly destroyed. The giant squid and fish in the outermost layer were all turned into powder. Even the ghost-toothed dragon viper at the bottom was too fragile because of its body structure. It was directly crushed into pulp by the water pressure caused by the shock wave.

Even dragon-blooded creatures are vulnerable to the power of nuclear bombs. Not to mention the high temperature in the core area, the secondary shock wave is enough to kill most creatures.

However, under these layers of protection, some creatures survived after all.

It was a small turtle. It wasn't even a dragon-blooded creature, it was just an ordinary turtle. But in the disaster that even the giant turtles that were dragon-blooded creatures couldn't survive, it was protected by many layers and survived. Come down.

And the first thing it did after surviving was to eat the corpse fragments and dragon blood everywhere.

As the seawater poured in, the red tide and the black undertow poured in, the turtle's devouring speed became faster and faster. The phenomenon of genetic recombination occurred in its cells, and its size became larger and larger.

When Su Mo arrived, the turtle bearing Nidhogg's name had already expanded to sixty or seventy meters in size, and its strength level had also increased from LV0 to LV6.

What's even more frightening is that when its sense of self develops to a certain level, it directly reproduces itself and splits into two identical creatures.

The two monsters in their weak stage continued to devour the life in the sea, and finally grew into two identical twin individuals.

Their reduced strength due to division was also supplemented by subsequent genetic adjustments, and even went further.

Seeing the two Dragon King Domain-level creatures in front of him begin to divide and reproduce for the second time, Su Mo finally understood the advantages of the Tree of Life.

As the Lord of the World Tree, the Black King has to spare even the LV6 Dragon King authority, and even the LV7 Divine Domain authority requires a lot of effort to save one. The Black King has ruled the world for so long, the number of Dragon Kings There are only a few.

But the tree of life is different. In front of him, Nidhogg didn't even use any precious power. He just let the massive life here devour each other and easily created products at the level of the Dragon King Domain.

And the scariest thing is that these products can be mass-produced!

They don't need any unique authority. They can reach the level of dragon kings by relying only on genetic adjustment.

And once they start to breed and proliferate themselves, they only need to meet the most basic material and energy consumption, and they can create a race that is all Dragon King-level strength like an assembly line production.

This is only what Su Mo can see. In places he can't see, countless races born in the Dragon King realm have been born.

From now on, I'm afraid even nuclear bombs will be ineffective against them.

The aftermath of a nuclear bomb can kill Nidhogg in the form of a school of fish, but it may not kill Nidhogg in the LV6 form.

"Although these guys are not strong, their numbers are too many, right?"

Seeing the four Dragon King-level monsters born under her nose, even Miss Xia Mi realized the seriousness of the matter.

For Xia Mi, who is at the level of the Four Divine Realms, the monsters in the Dragon King Realm are nothing. She is just a strike of Indra's Wrath, struck down by the Blue Lightning Electric Sword, and the four newly separated Dragon King Realm monsters can't hold on for more than two seconds. Minutes later, they were all dead.

Obviously, although a monster without authority has an evaluation of LV6 level, its combat power is not as good as that of a dragon king, let alone a god-level existence.

To say that the only thing that can surpass the Dragon King is their extremely terrifying vitality.

However, even if it only has vitality, it is still troublesome enough.

Miss Xia Mi, who killed these monsters, apparently did not notice that there were several more sharks named Nidhogg hovering near the bodies of the four giant beasts.

If they are allowed to devour the flesh and blood of these monsters, I am afraid that the genes of these monsters that have lost their lives will soon be revived in new individuals.

When Xia Mi killed these monsters, more than a dozen dragon king level monsters swam over from the nearby sea.

Monsters of this level obviously have intelligence, and Su Mo can see the intellectual light shining in their eyes.

And these identical eyes showed extremely calm emotions.

Finally, there was a monster with obvious dragon blood content, and even used the spirit snake to communicate with them.

"Maybe you have a certain advantage in terms of strength, but can you kill all of me?"

There is no doubt that they are all Nidhogg's will.

Whether it was a declaration of war or a provocation, Nidhogg pointed out one of their biggest pain points.

With so many lives, could Su Mo kill them all?

When Nidhoggs gather together, they can easily mass-produce Dragon King-level combat power. When they spread out, they can spread immortality throughout the entire planet's biosphere.

With this way of existence, even if Su Mo has the power of the Black King, how many can he kill?

Faced with this provocation, Su Mo did not intend to accept it. He took a step forward, passed by, and pulled out a long sword from Xia Mi's waist.

Then, a flame capable of destroying the world was awakened.

"With Levatin's firepower, it may be difficult to kill all of you, but it will definitely be enough to burn the entire Arctic Ocean dry."

The moment the words fell to the ground, under Nidhogg's slightly horrified eyes, the Flame Demon Sword flashed with flames, and an extremely terrifying temperature descended, killing all the Dragon King-level monsters in front of him, as well as Nidhogg who were trying to grow into monsters. , everything was reduced to ashes, burned cleanly.

After killing these monsters, the area of ​​​​the flames expanded, and a destructive force comparable to the nuclear bomb explosion just now, or even deeper, appeared in the Arctic Ocean again.

Where Su Mo was, the Fiery Demonic Sword even directly separated the sea with a wall of fire. Torrential water mist rose up, revealing the huge seabed, and a huge hole was suddenly burned through the vast Arctic Ocean.

Feeling the destructive power gathering, Norma sounded the alarm again, this time the level was higher than the previous nuclear bomb.

In Su Mo's hands, Levatin's flames were extremely high.

The total water capacity of the Arctic Ocean is more than 100 billion tons, but if he is willing, with the power of the Black King and the flames of Levadin, it is not impossible to destroy the womb that gave birth to Nidhogg, as well as all the living creatures and organic matter inside. The pieces turned to ashes together.

"Hey, hey, you're not really planning to do this, are you?"

Looking at Su Mo's posture, even Miss Xia Mi, the Dragon King, felt that he was a bit too extreme.

Even if it were possible to burn the entire Arctic Ocean dry, most people wouldn't think so, right?

Hearing what she said, Su Mo turned around and looked at this fool helplessly.

"If the problem can be solved by burning the Arctic Ocean dry, why do we need to think of countermeasures?"

Compared with a world-destroying crisis, the Arctic Ocean is indeed not a big price.

However, the Arctic Ocean is connected to other oceans, and with Nidhogg's level of caution, he may have already transported most of himself out through ocean currents.

Among other things, Nidhogg must have moved himself when the red tide flowed from the Bering Strait into the Pacific Ocean last time.

In addition, when the Nidhoggs get together, they can not only transform into dragon king level monsters, but also birds or animals. Even if Su Mo wants to burn the sky and boil the sea, and block several major straits to prevent the sea currents from passing through, Nidhoggs will Dehog also has many ways to let people in the Arctic Ocean escape.

Life always has its own way of finding a way out - this sentence has now become the biggest obstacle standing in front of Su Mo.

After hearing what Su Mo said, Miss Xia Mi realized that it was not the time to use common sense when facing a monster like Nidhogg.

While she was racking her brains, trying to think of ways to deal with Nidhogg.

On the side, Lu Mingze, who was also deeply worried, turned his attention to Su Mo.

"Su Mo, you just said you had bad news and good news, right?"

"The bad news is now that we know that it was Nidhogg who caused the apocalypse."

"What's the good news?"

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