Dream Guide

Chapter 100: Rarely meeting an opponent, winning or losing in a dream fight (1)

Shi Dazhuang said to Yang Lijuan: "Tell me how you abducted her. Speak boldly. Don't be afraid."

Yang Lijuan said: "Two years ago, in Shenzhou, I met her just after I came out of the shopping mall. She said she came to the city to find relatives, got lost, and had no money to eat. I thought she was pitiful, so I took her to eat , and later I don’t know what method she used to knock me out. When I woke up, I was on the train. I knew something might have happened to me, but I was so dizzy that I couldn’t speak completely. I finally shouted I called for help, and the people next to me heard it and came to ask. She said that I was her daughter and that I was mentally ill, and then no one paid attention to me. She must have drugged me. I remember that she kept giving me medicine all the way. I drank water, and as soon as I drank the water, I became confused. I don’t remember how I got to Wanziba later. When I woke up completely, I was already...already...on Letore's bed."

Yang Lijuan cried sadly when she thought of that experience.

Meng Yan said: "Mr. Yao, what else can you say? I am now officially informing you that you have been arrested."

Yao Lao didn't panic at all, she still closed her eyes and said, "Oh, that was two years ago. Director Meng, you seem to have said that you don't care about the past with me."

Meng Yan snorted and pointed at Xiaoqin, who had changed into peasant clothes, and said, "What about this one?"

Yao Po didn't even raise her eyes and said, "This is a crazy woman."

Yang Lijuan said: "She was not crazy before, but she was driven crazy by that bastard Han Laizi!"

The medicine woman said: "This has nothing to do with me!"

Yang Lijuan said, "You abducted her and sold her to Han Laizi. Xiaoqin told me personally."

Yao Po said, "Ask her to say it again."

"You..." Yang Lijuan knew that Xiaoqin was going crazy at the moment, and she was afraid that she didn't recognize anyone.

Meng Yan said angrily: "Mr. Yao, do you think that God really doesn't care if you do something that is harmful to nature?"

"God doesn't care, we do!" Shi Dazhuang added.

Yao Po was not angry either, she always had a smile on her face and looked kind.

She opened her eyes, looked at Meng Yan and said: "The old lady didn't do anything harmful to the world. The old lady was helping the villagers solve their problems. If you don't believe me, ask, which villager doesn't say that my old lady is a good person? Which village doesn't have my old lady to save lives?" Life?"

She pointed at Yang Lijuan and said, "Look at this little girl, she's white and fat, and the villagers are kind to her! As for this madman..." She glanced at Xiaoqin, "I don't recognize her."

She insisted that she didn't know him, so Meng Yan had no choice but to have Han Laizi's family and Han Bo brought over.

When Han Bo entered the door, he cried out: "Director! Director, I am wronged! It was Han Laizi who did the good thing, it has nothing to do with me!"

"Still quibbling!" Meng Yan pointed at Yang Lijuan and said, "She came to Mangdian to report to the police. Did you stop her?"

Hanbo lowered his head: "She has given birth to a baby! The folks in my hometown should always advise her not to leave!"

Meng Yan cursed: "Are you trying to persuade me? You are an accomplice!"

Hanpo Kutong knelt down as soon as he said: "I don't have one!"

Han Laizi lowered his head and rolled his eyes. Seeing Han Bo kneeling down, he also knelt down and said, "We are all honest and responsible people!"

Meng Yan sneered and said: "How can an honest and honest girl be reduced to this? You can tell the judge this!"

Hearing that he was going to court, Han Laizi got really scared and cried to the Yao Granny, "Yao Granny, you have to save us! You brought me here, and I paid for it!"

Yao Po turned around and said to Han Laizi: "Have you thought clearly that I sold this crazy woman to you?"

When she asked questions, her face was still so kind and her voice was amiable, just like her grandma asking her grandson if candy tastes good.

Han Laizi felt timid for no reason, and felt panic in his heart. His eyes were in a trance, and his mind was confused, so he kowtowed and said: "I didn't say that! I didn't say that! This crazy woman was not sold to me by Granny Yao. I picked it up from the mountains myself."

Yao Po nodded and asked Han Bo: "You are also half a policeman. Let me ask you, have you ever seen me selling women to villagers?"

Han Bo looked at Yao Po's face, tensed up, lowered his head and said, "No, I can't see it."

The medicine lady stood up, came to Yang Lijuan with a smile, looked her up and down, and said, "Little girl, you have to speak with your conscience. Tell me, has anyone treated you badly in these years?"

Yang Lijuan suddenly thought of her child, and felt sad, saying, "It's not unfair..."

The medicine woman didn't wait for her to say anything else, and asked again: "Tell me again, have I ever forced you to marry into the mountains?"

Yang Lijuan thought about it carefully, but she seemed to be unable to remember anything. She was thinking about her child now, wondering whether the child was hungry, whether it would cry, and whether that idiot Letore had breastfed the child. Alas, if she is not here, the child will have no milk to eat, and the people in the mountains don’t buy milk powder, so what will they eat?

While she was thinking about it, she unconsciously answered Yao Laozi's question: "No, you didn't force me. I did it voluntarily."

Yao Laozi nodded with satisfaction, then walked up to the silly Xiaoqin, shook her head and said, "Although you are a crazy woman, the Bodhisattva will definitely let you prove my innocence when he appears. Tell me, are you abducted by me?" of?"

Xiaoqin first looked at the medicine lady curiously. After she finished asking her question, she shook her head desperately and said in a daze: "No!"

The smile on Mrs. Yao's face became even brighter. She held an orchid finger in her hand, as if a real Bodhisattva had appeared. She walked back to her seat and said to Meng Yan, "Director Meng, I think I can go." ?”

Meng Yan also doubted whether he had made a mistake, whether he had mistakenly blamed this medicine woman who had helped the world by hanging the pot.

The sunlight outside the house shines on the glass window and is reflected into the house. Part of the light just shines on Yao Po's face, turning it into colorful colors.

Yao Po's face looked more and more kind and sacred in the rainbow-like light.

Meng Yan always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

Should we let Yao Po go back first? There was some hesitation in his heart.

A voice said: "Let her go back. She is the medicine woman of Mangdian and the reincarnated living Bodhisattva!"

Another voice said: "The law has no mercy! She is a human trafficker and should be punished by the law!"

The previous voice said: "The law is nothing more than human feelings! Your mission is to protect the peace of the local people. You want to arrest the medicine woman, but the people don't agree!"

Just when he was confused, a big hand stretched out from beside him and grabbed his arm tightly. Meng Yan felt a pain in his arm, and Meng Yan shivered.

He shook his head vigorously, bit the tip of his tongue gently with his teeth, and his mind suddenly came to his senses.

Although he didn't understand what just happened, his many years of experience in drug arrest made him alert. How was this like the hallucination after smoking opium?

"Team Shi!" He glanced gratefully at Shi Dazhuang next to him, his back already soaked with cold sweat.

Shi Dazhuang shook his head at him, indicating that he didn't need to say more, and then looked at Han Bo, Han Laizi, Yang Lijuan and Xiao Qin, all with numb expressions and empty eyes, and said to Qingmu:

"Teacher Aoki, it seems you have met your opponent today!"

Chapter 101. I heard that this is a very special number. Friends who see this place, please leave your name and sign. I wonder if there will be 101 messages? Thank you to the King of Toad for the reward. Thank you to all the friends who voted and left messages. Thank you all. We will continue to share the best this week. Please support me more, vote more, and help me recommend this book everywhere. Thank you.

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