Dream Guide

Chapter 26 Bad breath needs punishment, chew grass and eat dust

In this afternoon, when it was so hot that even dogs were reluctant to go out for a walk, the small village of Majiabang suddenly became lively.

Because the incident occurred in Tong County, and it involved a case that occurred in Lu County and was about to be sentenced, the criminal police teams of both counties sent people over. Finally, they were all taken over by the people from the Criminal Investigation Team of the Municipal Bureau.

The scorching sun could not stop the curiosity of the villagers, and the yard of Ma Fuqing's house was surrounded by water. The police had to set up a cordon 20 meters away.

The fat deputy captain Gao who came from Lu County shouted as soon as he came in: "Impossible! Impossible! If someone died here, what does it have to do with us?"

When he saw Aoki's chicken coop, he was stunned for a moment, pointed at him with his plump finger and said, "Hey, why are you everywhere!"

Aoki ignored him, put his hands in his trouser pockets, held a cigarette in his mouth, and leaned lazily against the trunk of the old locust tree.

Vice Captain Gao couldn't bear to see him like this, and he remembered the kid's teasing before. He became very angry and said, "Police officers are performing official duties, and non-police personnel should go outside."

Hu Xing said unhappily: "He is my man, you have no right to command him."

Vice Captain Gao knew about Hu Xing's background. Although he was just a young police officer who had just graduated, he couldn't afford to offend the people behind her, so he didn't dare to make too much of a point and walked away angrily. He walked elsewhere, greeted acquaintances, and murmured to others, and those people looked at Hu Xing with contemptuous and ambiguous smiles on their faces.

Hu Xing knew that they had nothing nice to say and were probably spreading rumors about him and Qingmu. She was so angry that she couldn't do anything about them.

Shi Dazhuang and forensic doctor Chen Jianzhong arrived. They briefly understood the situation and then directed the relevant personnel to start work in an orderly manner.

Vice Captain Gao joked with the police wherever he went, pointing fingers at Qingmu and Hu Xing, and did not stop until Shi Dazhuang arrived.

He saw Qingmu under the locust tree twitching his fingers at him. He looked doubtfully at no one around him and asked, "Call me?"

Aoki nodded.

Vice Captain Gao walked over and asked, "What are you doing?"

Aoki took out a cigarette and handed him one.

Vice Captain Gao didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Qingmu's gourd, so he took the cigarette suspiciously and lit it with Qingmu's lighter.

He puffed out the cigarette and felt that the smell was weird, not as good as the Wu cigarette he often smoked. The smoke was so thick that it was difficult to dissolve it. When the wind blew, the smoke drifted into his eyes, which made him almost burst into tears.

"Brother, what kind of cigarette do you have?" he asked, rubbing his eyes.


"Your cigarette is really not that good." He said and tried to take another puff. This time the smoke was thicker and thicker.

The smoke puffed out by the two people spread and slowly filled the entire courtyard, turning the place into a fairyland.

He really couldn't stand the smell of Paramount anymore, so he threw the cigarette under his feet and stepped on it twice but didn't stamp it out. He squatted down, picked up the cigarette butt, looked at it, and pressed it on the ground with his hand for a long time. The cigarette butt was still burning.

"Fuck! I don't believe I can't destroy you!" He stood up again and stepped on it hard, but he couldn't get rid of you no matter how hard he stepped on it.

Probably because he was fat, he was already sweating profusely after moving like this twice. He knelt down again to take a look, and then began to dig a hole in the ground.

He soon dug a small hole in the ground. He put the burning cigarette inside and buried it with soil.

"Let's see if you survive this time!" He stood up with a smile and saw the guy opposite with the chicken coop head smiling at him.

He suddenly couldn't remember who this guy was.

A crow flew from nowhere, croaked twice above his head, and landed on the top of the locust tree.

He saw that the old locust tree in front of him suddenly turned into a cigarette tree, with cigarettes hanging upside down from the branches one by one. They were hung all over the place, like the Christmas tree specially decorated by the tobacco company at the door.

He looked down again and saw that the place where the smoke had been buried had turned into a piece of scorched earth. On top of the scorched earth, many tobacco-like grasses grew. They were still growing at a slow but visible speed, and some of them were still blooming with small flowers.

He squatted on the ground, carefully pulled out the grass on the ground, put it in his mouth and tasted it. It did taste like tobacco.

It tastes great, with the freshness of spring grass, the burnt aroma of smoke, the fishy smell of earth, and when you taste it aftertaste, there is also the smell of stinky tofu.

He looked at the smoke hanging on the tree and said in his heart: I am rich!

Then, he felt someone tap him hard on the shoulder.

"Lao Gao, what are you doing?"

Vice Captain Gao shuddered and bounced up like an electric shock.

The sacred cigarette tree in front of me disappeared and turned back into the old locust tree.

Shi Dazhuang was looking at him next to him, with doubts in his serious expression.

A circle of police officers surrounded him, all smiling at him.

Just as he was about to speak, he felt a strange taste in his mouth, and then he realized that he had a mouthful of soil-laden weeds.

He spat a few times quickly, spit out the grass in his mouth, smiled awkwardly, and said: "It's okay, it's okay, I'm just... investigating, investigating... yes, investigating, investigating..."

Although the city criminal investigation team is one level higher than the county criminal police team, it has no direct jurisdiction, and Shi Dazhuang can't say anything.

"Lao Gao, the case you characterized may be overturned." Shi Dazhuang said.

Deputy Captain Gao said: "Unless the head and crime tools are found, the case will not be solved."

Shi Dazhuang nodded and turned to look at Hu Xing.

Hu Xingang was secretly amused when she saw Vice Captain Gao's ugly behavior. When she saw Shi Dazhuang looking at her, she pointed at Qingmu and said, "Ask him."

Aoki stretched, pointed to the hole that Vice Captain Gao had just dug in the ground and said, "That's right there!"

Shi Dazhuang directed the assisting policemen mobilized from the nearby police station to pick up shovels and pickaxes. In a few moments, they dug out a black plastic bag and a rusty saw from the soil.

The moment the plastic bag was opened, a rancid smell rushed out. Everyone except the forensic doctor Chen Jianzhong covered their mouths and noses.

"Hey, Lao Gao, your investigative abilities are so good! When did you develop such a good nose?" an acquaintance of the policeman teased.

Vice Captain Gao coughed and laughed twice, took a closer look in disbelief, then pinched his nose and walked away. He remembered that he had just eaten the grass growing from the soil above the rotting head, and there was still a fishy earthy smell in his mouth.

His stomach couldn't help churning, and he vomited it out.

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