Dream Guide

Chapter 47 The nightmare man cannot help but breathe evenly

Many people have had this experience:

Reaching out from under the quilt, turning on the lamp on the bedside table, sitting up, some people may even get out of bed and do something.

But in fact, the lights are not on, you are still in bed, everything that just happened is just a dream, but this dream is too real.

Then, you realize that you can't move, not even a finger. You want to open your eyes but can't. Sometimes you may open them but your body just won't move.

You can feel the presence of your body and the things around you, and you know that you only need to move your hands or turn over to wake up completely.

You feel terribly uncomfortable, trying to breathe hard, but you can't move even if you want to.

At this time, you are both awake and asleep, undergoing torture in a state of half-asleep and half-awake.

There will be a watershed when things happen here.

Some people will successfully wake up after a painful struggle, gasping for air and feeling lingering fears;

Some people fell asleep again, repeating this process several times, and the next day they were as weak and exhausted as if they had spent the night with three lovers in a bumpy carriage;

Others have clearer heads. When a nightmare occurs, they will tell themselves not to struggle, to relax, and to relax again. Although this process is also painful, as long as they can relax completely, it means they are rid of the nightmare. If not, they can use the opportunity of relaxation to accumulate strength. Then wake up in one fell swoop.

If you are the third type of person, congratulations, you have strong self-control and mental control. You will not be easily hypnotized or brainwashed. Even if you join the MLM team, you will still be the one who gives your upline the biggest headache.

Hu Xing is this kind of person.

When she was studying at the police academy, she not only systematically studied psychology, but also underwent rigorous psychological stress tests. She has enough willpower to calmly control herself when a nightmare occurs.

In her opinion, nightmares are the fight between the conscious and subconscious minds.

When a person is about to wake up, his conscious mind is preparing to wake up his body, but his subconscious mind is unwilling to retreat into the background and competes with his conscious mind for control of his body.

Although human consciousness and subconsciousness belong to the same person and should be integrated into one, they do not know what conflicts occurred during the evolution process, so that they are inseparable from each other until death. You cannot awaken your entire subconscious mind without being hypnotized, nor can you let your conscious mind speak while you are asleep.

Except for the moment when the nightmare occurs, both consciousnesses are awake.

But this time, Wu Xing found herself experiencing the worst nightmare since she was born.

The routine at the beginning is still the same old routine. First, she turned on the light, sat up, and seemed to have gone to brush her teeth in a daze. Then Hu Xing found that she was still in bed, the light was not turned on, and the quilt was well covered.

Then she couldn't move.

This was not her first experience, so although she felt uncomfortable, she was not in a hurry and would not be as panicked as someone who experienced this for the first time.

She told herself to relax, it would be fine soon, relax...

Her breathing became easier, but she didn't get rid of the nightmare as easily as before.

Then, take advantage of the opportunity to relax and build up your strength, allowing your conscious mind to defeat your subconscious mind in one go. In this way, Hu Xing continued to relax herself, took a few deep breaths, and then she used all her strength——

He sat up suddenly.

Logically speaking, she should be sitting on the bed at this moment, panting heavily and sweating all over...

However, she found that she was no longer in bed.

There is an indescribable space around him: twisted air, ripples coming from nowhere, and among the ripples, there are some vague figures.

She vaguely remembered that something seemed to be happening here. But she couldn't remember clearly.

Her body felt very uncomfortable, and her chest felt like a big stone that couldn't be moved, and she couldn't breathe. She wanted to move the stone away, but her arms couldn't use any strength.

She realized she wasn't awake yet.

Then, she heard someone say to her: "Relax, relax, relax..." just like the hint she had given herself when the nightmare happened.

But this person's words were obviously more powerful, and her body completely relaxed.

The stone in her chest was gone and she could move.

The surroundings became blank.

This kind of blankness is not emptiness, because emptiness must have a carrying place, such as wilderness, desert or sea, and there is nothing here, no land, no sky, only herself.

It wasn't darkness, because she could clearly see it. When she raised her hand, she saw her own hand, and when she raised her foot, she saw her own foot, but other than that, there was only a blur of pale white.

She carefully moved her legs forward, one step, two steps, three steps... without any change.

She took another step back, one step, two steps, three steps... Still no change.

She started running wildly, jumping, rolling... She could even make herself fly, but she knew that flying was just a feeling. In fact, there was no change, and what was flying without any reference?

She felt like she had become a two-dimensional creature living on a blank sheet of paper, or on the inner sphere of a cramped cage.

She began to fear, and she longed to wake up.

Then, the voice rang next to her ears: "Wake up, in your dream!"

When I wake up, how can I be in my dream?

Such contradictory words were like a bolt of lightning in the dark night, illuminating her soul.

She saw a hazy figure coming out of the distant light in this empty space.

The figure was getting closer and closer to her, and she could see his messy chicken head, his windbreaker blown by the wind, and she even heard the sound of tapping footsteps.

Then she woke up.

She found herself standing on the balcony of her study. The flowers in the garden outside the balcony were as bright as if they had been dyed with new paint.

Xia Wenyuan climbed up the balcony railing.

"Ah, it's too dangerous!"

Hu Xing wanted to reach out and pull it, but suddenly realized something. She turned around and saw the man next to her who was staring at the chicken coop smiling at her.

"Am I in my grandpa's dream?" Hu Xing's heart was beating loudly when she asked.

Aoki nodded and said, "You finally woke up."

Hu Xing remembered that her grandfather was still in danger, and just when she was about to ask Qingmu what to do, Xia Wenyuan jumped from the balcony.

Hu Xing was startled. The sky stepped down again, the earth collapsed, and my chest felt like it was pressed by a stone.

"Should I quit?" Wu Xing muttered to herself.

A strong hand grabbed her and said, "Relax! You're not getting out."

Hu Xing adjusted her breathing and found that her body was sinking. She was surrounded by tall buildings. The wind roared in her ears and cut her body like a knife.

The falling speed became faster and faster, and when he was about to fall to the ground, the ground suddenly fluctuated like water, and a huge bottomless black hole appeared.

Finally changed the cover

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