This planet is numbered 2B. It is desolate, barren, and filled with yellow sand.

Five days ago, after escaping from the car, Aimoye surrendered to the administration before being found by the male protagonist, and was exiled on her own initiative.

The airship escorting the prisoners docked outside the cave, and the Star Police pushed Ai Moye out.

"Prisoner No. SB250, you have been sentenced to 120 years of exile. I hope you will reform and strive to be a new person."

After he finished speaking, he wanted to leave, but was stopped by Ai Moye.

"Brother Star Police."

He came back, "Still have any questions?"

Aimoye said, "I don't have any doubts. I just want to ask, can this number be changed?"

The star policeman felt confused, "Is it unlucky?"

Ai Moye said earnestly, "Not smart."

The Star Police looked at her sympathetically. This was probably another innocent criminal who was exiled at a young age and would spend half of his life on the Wild Star.


The airship quickly moved away, and at the same time, another drone appeared above Ai Moye's head, making a mechanical sound.

"Prisoner No. SB250, from today on, the cave in front of you will be your prison. Your range of activities is centered on the cave. You cannot move more than one thousand meters away, otherwise you will be shot."

"You will get two acres of land and a certain amount of grain. Daily tasks include farming, reclaiming wasteland, and mining."

"Your daily life will be fully monitored by the Prisoner Management Center. Do not engage in stupid behaviors such as escaping, laziness, or inciting rebellion."

"At the end of each month, the food you grow, the animals you raise, and the ores you dig can be handed over to the center in exchange for living supplies. But if you don't meet the standards, your prison term will be extended, and the lazy ones will be punished with electric shocks."

Ai Moye walked into the cave and found that it was not as bad as she thought.

Although the house has only four walls, at least Ai Moye lives alone.

She was not imprisoned and completely lost her freedom because of the corruption of her parents in the book world.

There is no need to face other prisoners, and being bullied is worse than death.

It only requires planting, breeding and mining. If you work hard, you should be able to be self-sufficient.

It was already very late today. Ai Moye was exhausted mentally and physically. She wrapped herself up in clothes and slept soundly.

In the dream, her parents seemed to be walking in front of her, calling her gently.

Ai Moye knew it was a dream, and her heart was sore.

Make peace with what has come, let go of the past, and live a good life.

In the morning, Ai Moye got up dizzy, feeling terribly uncomfortable all over.

Five full days had passed since the incident in the car, but her waist and legs were still sore.

That dog man was so cruel that he was afraid his pelvis would be broken by her.

Ai Moye rubbed her waist and legs and got up hard.

A drone delivered a breakfast of coarse grain bread as hard as a rock.

After Ai Moye finished chewing, he picked up the hoe and went to open up wasteland.

Her two acres of land were completely uncultivated, with layers of yellow sand piled up.

Check the soil quality first. The sand content is too high and it is typical sandy soil.

Although it has good water and air permeability, it is relatively unable to lock in moisture and has insufficient fertility.

She then looked at the seeds given by the management center. They were all fruits and vegetables that were not suitable for planting in sandy soil.

There was no way, Ai Moye shouted to the drone, "There is no way to grow wheat on this land. Are there any watermelon seeds, or jujube trees, hawthorns, or cantaloupe?"

After a while, the mechanical sound in the drone turned into a loud male voice.

"Watermelon, what is it?"

Ai Moye: "..."

She suddenly remembered that there were a few vague sentences mentioned in the novel.

[Thousands of years later, humankind's technological breakthroughs occurred by leaps and bounds. However, severe industrial pollution and nuclear war led to ecological imbalance and countless species became extinct from Blue Star. 】

[Acid rain corrodes the earth, making it impossible for crops to grow. Floods hit the continent, taking away the fertility of the soil. Insects and rodents breed and eat the seeds of the plants. 】

[Human beings have tried their best to preserve rice, wheat, sweet potatoes, potatoes and other varieties, but they can only cultivate them without soil, causing them to lose their original taste]

Generally speaking, vegetables and fruits are extremely rare in Blue Star today, because there are no seeds, and not many crops can be grown in the poor soil.

Even if civilization and technology are highly developed, it has never been able to reproduce extinct food seeds.

Therefore, Blue Star throws the prisoners to a remote desert star in the hope that they can reclaim wasteland, grow food, and enrich people's dining tables.

But what brainless ass came up with the idea of ​​growing wheat in sand?

While recalling the content of the novel, Aimoye said to the drone, "At least give me potatoes and sweet potatoes." At least they can be planted in the sand.

After a while, the drone delivered potato seeds and sweet potato seeds.

Ai Moye began to plow the soil, dig trenches and build canals, but the more she dug, the more she felt cold.

Even for Desolate Star, the fertility of the soil is really too poor, and even after digging one meter deep, there is not even a trace of moisture.

Even sweet potatoes, the easiest to grow, will not take root without improving the soil.

The weather is hot and the sky is filled with yellow sand.

Ai Mo Yehua spent the whole morning finally carving out a small piece of land.

Then, she took the ax and went to cut down many withered bushes nearby.

The drone asked from the sky, "Prisoner SB250, what are you doing?"

"Getting firewood," Aimoye said while chopping, "can be used to keep warm and make fire. The ashes can also add fertility to the soil."

She also dug out a nest of wriggling sandworms and planned to keep them in her two acres of land.

The excrement of sandworms is rich in organic matter. While bringing fertility to the soil, it can also loosen the soil by digging nests and lock in water.

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