Ai Moye plowed the melon field, but must continue to sow seeds and strive for another improvement.

This time, it needs more water, higher sweetness, and fewer melon seeds. It also needs to be cross-pollinated, so she has to do it herself.

As the sun set in the evening, after finishing their work, Mai Ma and Jiya sat at the door and ate melons crazily.

"It's delicious, this melon is so delicious!" Mai Ma ate half of the big melon in one go, her stomach was full and she still didn't want to stop talking.

Jiya hugged her other half and ate directly from the rice spoon. The flesh of the melon was quickly reduced to the bottom.

"This melon is even more delicious than the last time. I have never tasted such a sweet and watery fruit." Jiya didn't even spit out the melon seeds and swallowed them together with the pulp.

Mai Ma looked at the working figure of Ai Moye in the distance, with red hearts in her eyes.

"I am so happy to work at Sister Ye Ye's place!"

I can eat well every day, and Ai Moye knows how to cook in fancy ways. Although the day is a lot of work, it is extremely fulfilling to watch the animals and plants thrive under their care.

Think about it again, in your hometown and Oasis Women's Prison, where was this kind of treatment?

This also strengthened Mai Ma's determination to hug Ai Moye's thigh, but the problem was that they were in prison.

"How many years has Sister Ye Ye been sentenced?"

"One hundred and twenty years."

The corner of Mai Ma's mouth twitched wildly, "One hundred and twenty years? Did she commit murder and set fire or did she nuclear level the world?"

I thought it was just a small crime, but could it be that he was a hidden murderer?

Jia Ya said, "Originally, there is no need to be sentenced."

According to interstellar law, children of corrupt officials are not subject to jail time.

However, Aimoye ran away on her own and begged the police station to convict and sentence her.

The police couldn't care about this, so they simply sent her to court.

The judge also said that Aimoye had just come of age and did not need to be exiled to jail.

However, Aimoye cried and wiped away tears. She wiped handfuls of snot on the judge's trouser legs, crying that she had enjoyed the money her parents had embezzled and should be punished.

The judge was so entangled by her that he had no choice but to sentence him to half a year. But Aimoye calculated carefully and said that it was not enough at all. This time could not be used to wait for the enemy to calm down.

The judge was furious and sentenced her to one hundred and twenty years.

After hearing this, Mai Ma was stunned, "Sister, did she have a head cramp at that time?"

"Not necessarily," Jiya looked into the distance and said quietly, "Maybe, she is very smart."

With Ai Moye's reputation as vicious and arrogant, he probably offended a lot of people.

Once her parents fall, she will be a helpless orphan with countless enemies. She will definitely not be able to stay in the imperial capital, and she will be sought for revenge.

The prison is a cage that restrains her, but it is also the strongest barrier, which in turn protects her invisibly.

To be able to make a rich and noble girl so fearful, who is the enemy?

At night, Aimoye ran to the earthen basin and saw that the eggs were piled inside.

Maima said, "Including the newly purchased ones, there are now 20 laying hens and 20 broiler chickens. Twelve chickens have started laying eggs, and they produce at least ten eggs every day."

There are only three people in the family, and they consume four or five eggs every day, but half of them are left.

Therefore, there were so many eggs in the basin that they could hardly fit in them.

Ai Moye said regretfully, "The weather is hot. If we don't deal with it as soon as possible, I'm afraid it will break."

Jiya happened to come in. After hearing this, she sat at the door and dug the mud from her boots.

"It's not easy to sell if you want. The shipping cost is more expensive than eggs, and it's easy to break."

Aimoye thought for a while, "Have you ever eaten preserved eggs?"

"What egg?" Mai Ma looked confused.

"It's the preserved egg." Aimoye smiled and suddenly had an idea.

I left the dinner matter to Mai Ma, and Aimoye continued the live broadcast.

"Today I will teach you how to make preserved eggs."

Comments abounded in the live broadcast room.

【What are preserved eggs? 】

[Where can the anchor come up with so many fantastic ideas all day long? 】

[Oh my God, she brought a whole bowl of eggs. Could it be that they were all laid by her own hens? 】

[Nonsense, otherwise it was posted by the anchor]

Ai Moye prepared plant ash, lime, etc., and said, "Preserved eggs are preserved eggs. Simply put, the eggs are wrapped in lime, etc., which can extend the shelf life and produce unusual eggs."

She washed fifty eggs and set them aside, then pickled them with lime and mixed them with plant ash and alkaline noodles to make a paste.

Some fans understand the next steps.

[Don’t tell me, preserved eggs are just wrapped in these dirty things? 】

[A bit dirty, is that okay to say?]

[Laughing, did this anchor just start getting dirty today?]

Ai Moye didn't care about the dispute in the live broadcast room at all, and said, "Choose eggs that are not damaged. There are no gaps in the surface and dirt cannot get in. Besides, lime and plant ash are very clean things. If you don't believe me, take them for laboratory testing and you will get the results." The results will definitely subvert cognition.”

Just because of the nature of its origin, it always feels subconsciously dirty.

After the mud was mixed, Aimoye wrapped the eggs in it, kneaded it evenly, wrapped it in straw crumbs, and put it neatly in the wooden basin next to it.

"There are many ways to eat preserved eggs, including cold salad, chopped peppers, preserved egg lean meat porridge, and preserved egg crystal sausage. It can be marinated in half a month at most, and I will demonstrate it to everyone."

Preserved eggs are simple to make and the quantity is small, so Aimoye can be sown quickly.

Mai Ma has already prepared dinner, which is white mushrooms picked from the forest.

"This kind of mushroom does exist on our grassland. Every wet season, it will grow around cow dung and sheep dung. For us, it is a rare but particularly delicious food."

As soon as Jiya heard the cow dung growing around it, she said disgustingly, "What's delicious? Cow dung?"

Mai Ma didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Sister Jiya, you have already eaten crops grown by filling the fields with manure, why are you still so repulsive? White mushrooms are really delicious, just stir-fry them with salt."

Jiya was hesitant and wanted to try it, but when she thought of cow dung, she found it hard to swallow.

I tasted a piece of Aimoye first, and it was fried well. It tasted almost the same as the mushrooms on Earth.

She was carrying a baby in her belly. She always felt malnourished and top-heavy these days. She said, "I see there are a lot of mushrooms in the forest. Why don't we kill a broiler chicken tomorrow and let's make soup."

As soon as these words came out, Mai Ma and Jiya were stunned.

"What, inappropriate?" Aimoye stopped her chopsticks.

Jiya was silent for a moment, and her eyes gradually flashed with excitement, "A whole chicken? Such a luxury?"

Ai Moye was shocked, "No, stewed chicken is also called luxury?"

Mai Ma said quietly, "In the past fifteen years, when I was still in my hometown, I ate no more than two chickens in total."

Ai Moye: "..." What kind of life are you living like?

Jiya didn't even eat her dinner. She jumped up and ran to the pen. When the person walked out of the threshold, the sound came back.

"I'm going to see which one to kill tomorrow!"

Ai Moye was in a complicated mood and said to Mai Ma, "As for this..."

"I'm going to prepare things for stewed chicken!" Mai Ma covered her wet eyes, turned around and ran away.

Aimoye fell into deep self-doubt.

What she said was stewed chicken, not stewed dragon and stewed phoenix, right?

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