Mrs. Emma tried her best to persuade her, but she was so angry that she slammed the door and left.

The next day during the day, Di Lie drove Ai Moye out.

After fastening his seat belt, Aimoye asked, "Uncle Di, where are we going?"

"Activate the power."

"How to activate?"

"Open your Tianling cover and pour engine oil inside."

Ai Moye almost believed it, and then gave Di Lie a look of contempt.

Passing by a street, Ai Moye directed Di Lie to take a detour to the century-old gold store she had found.

Di Lie also accompanied him and asked old craftsmen to make two safety locks, one large and one small.

Ai Moye provided drawings and gold bars, and the craftsman was a gold-based superpower. With his craftsmanship, he could complete the work in three or four days.

After making an appointment to pick up the goods, the two went back to their original destination.

Two hours later, the car left the main urban area of ​​the imperial capital and arrived in the wilderness.

This area is so bare that even the park looks very depressed. There are no real green plants, only artificial and fake plants add green.

The car stopped in front of a villa. Di Lie opened the door and Aimoye got out of the car.

"What is this place?" She looked around but didn't see the sign.

"The private residence of a wood-type superpower." After Di Lie finished speaking, he went straight to the villa and rang the doorbell.

The robot soon opened the door and welcomed the two in.

Ai Moye noticed that there were a lot of green plants in the villa. They were full of life and birds were singing and the flowers were fragrant. It made her feel like she was back in the garden of the earth.

As soon as the two of them walked to the corridor, a kind old man with white hair came out to greet them.

"I received a call from you and heard that there is a very special child?"

Di Lie said, "I know nothing about supernatural powers and have not received any training. I hope you can accept this stupid apprentice."

The old man came to Ai Moye and looked her up and down, his turbid eyes becoming deeper and deeper little by little.

Ai Moye felt uncomfortable with this sight and looked at Di Lie for help.

Di Lie comforted him, "This is Master Huaimu, the only S-level wood-type superpower in the empire."

Ai Moye asked in surprise, "Is the wood element so scarce?" Is S level the only one?

"That's why you are so important."

Master Huaimu stretched out his hand towards Aimoye and said kindly, "Come, show me your hand."

Aimo Ye Yiyan and Master Huaimu put their palms together.

The moment the two people's skin came into contact, Ai Moye felt the vigorous vitality.

It's an indescribable feeling, like a vibrant flower blooming at your fingertips, or like a dead tree that regains its green buds and vitality after the arrival of spring.

Master Huaimu asked, "What do you feel?"

"Life." Ai Moye blurted out.

Master Huaimu smiled, "The wood element itself is one of the embodiments of life. You can feel it, which is good."

After saying that, he nodded to Di Lie again, and the two of them went to another room together, letting Ai Moye play by herself.

Momo leaves are wandering in the garden, and there are flowers, plants and trees everywhere, exuding a faint fragrance of grass and trees.

It had been a long time since I had been in such an environment so close to nature, and Ai Moye felt comfortable all over.

After a long time, Di Lie came out of the room, his face much more solemn than before.

"Uncle Emperor, is there something wrong with my superpower?"

"Compared to your superpowers, what's more worrying is your IQ." Di Lie spoke as flatly as ever.

Ai Moye's head was full of black lines, "Can't you be more like an adult and act more mature?"

"Maturity makes people grow old." Di Lie looked at his watch again and said, "Master Huaimu will teach you how to control simple abilities. You have to learn it within two hours, because I have to go back for a meeting."

Ai Moye murmured, "Wouldn't it be better if Annie sent me here?"

"Ms. Anne is not your personal bodyguard and nanny," Di Lie said deeply, "or will you pay her a salary next time?"

Ai Moye ran away quickly.

Looking at Ai Moye's back, Di Lie's smile faded little by little.

Master Huaimu said that this little prisoner may be above SS level, or even have more unsolvable powers.

But the problem is that Aimoye is pregnant and too young. Her body may not be able to withstand the overpowering power, so she dare not fully activate it for the time being.

Although I really look forward to how outstanding the wood-type superpowers above SS level are, I can't catch all the opportunities.

If the Aimoye is "hollowed out" all of a sudden, who will save the interstellar plant?

Two hours later, Ai Moye went out in a daze. When she got into the car, her head hit the car door, and her forehead turned red instantly.

Di Lie said distressedly, "Be careful."

Ai Moye said movedly, "It doesn't matter, I have a hard head."

Di Lie touched the car door, "I mean, be careful about my car, it's very expensive."

Ai Moye: "..."

After sending Ai Moye back to the hotel, Di Lie left in a rage.

The hotel's security system is very complete. Even if Annie is not there, there is no need to worry that Ai Moye will be "assassinated".

Standing in front of the window, Ai Moye held a small seed in her hands.

These are the tomato seeds she bought. Following the method taught by Master Huaimu, she tried to sense the wood element in the air, gather the elemental factors, and pour them into the small seeds in front of her.

Light green light filled the room, and the seeds quickly took root and sprouted at a speed visible to the naked eye. In just ten seconds, roots and leaves had grown.

Ai Moye was distracted by surprise, and the wood elemental factors stopped gathering. The tomato seedlings fluttered in the wind, beautiful and slender, like fragile newborns.

"This is..." Aimoye paused and murmured with mixed feelings, "My superpower?"

It stimulates plants and brings vitality. Just as Master Huaimu said, every wood-type superpower should be a god who makes life bloom.

After staying in the imperial capital for several days, until the Fairy Day passed, Aimoye finally went back to prison.

Before departure, Mrs. Emma gave her many gifts in return, ranging from tea to snacks, clothes and jewelry.

For Aimoye itself, the biggest harvest is the various seeds.

After the airship returned, in the castle, Mrs. Emma made fruit tea with the honey sent by Amoy Ye.

"This honey is really fragrant, much sweeter than the honey in the workshop." Mrs. Emma told her assistant, "Go and open number 10, and stay in Yeye's live broadcast room from now on. No matter what she sells, give it to me. Grab as much as you can.”

Many of Aimoye's products are limited to purchase, and sometimes you can only grab up to two copies per number.

The female assistant asked calmly, "Even if the jars are sold, do you still have to rob them?"

"Grab, grab whatever you can." Mrs. Emma had previously placed an order for two clay figurines. After getting them back, they were placed in the hall. They were very valuable for appreciation, and the guests also praised them.

The female assistant immediately started creating an account. In order not to arouse suspicion, the delivery address had to be written differently.

Anyway, the royal family has many properties, and you can easily find dozens of properties, and express delivery can be sent to anywhere.

While Mrs. Emma was tasting the delicious honey, the housekeeper came and asked again, "The two chickens are starving and thin. Should we keep the hens to lay eggs and then kill the roosters?"

"That chicken was raised by Ye Ye himself and is not sold online." Mrs. Emma felt that it was a pity to eat it like this, but there was no suitable feed in the castle to continue raising it.

After thinking about it, she added, "Let our Majesty and the Marshal come over to taste it. It's such a good pure natural food. It's too luxurious for me to eat it alone."

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