It was a rare cloudy day and the temperature was only 35 or 36 degrees Celsius. Ai Moye took the time to ripen the tomatoes.

The red tomatoes hang on the branches, like beautiful big lanterns. They are more fragrant and bigger than the original seed tomatoes.

After picking two carts at once, Aimoye had no intention of selling them, because this was the first batch of seeds she had improved, and they would need to be cultivated two or three times before they could be sold.

After sending half of the car to the management center, Aimoye planned to make ketchup for the rest.

In the live broadcast room, Ai Moye said, "Ketchup can be mixed with noodles, fried noodles, and eaten in many ways. However, personal tastes are different, so maybe not everyone can accept this sour taste."

The live broadcast room was full of excitement.

[The tomatoes here are very unpalatable, but the anchor’s tomatoes must be delicious]

[There are no tomatoes on my planet. What does this taste like? Is it sweet? 】

[Not sweet, sour, extremely sour, it can make your teeth sore]

Ai Moye has also tasted the new tomatoes from the research institute. They are indeed sour, but the immature ones are very astringent and unpalatable.

"The tomatoes I have here are the first batch of improved varieties, and they are indeed a bit sour, but the second and third batches should be better. I will put up a link then."

While talking, Ai Moye had already washed the tomatoes, boiled them in boiling water, peeled them, and then used a blender to puree them.

Add a little sugar to the puree, boil it, store it in a glass jar, and form a simple tomato sauce.

"If there is lemon juice, you can add a little less to increase the flavor." After Aimoye said, he took a few more tomatoes, cut them into cubes, and mixed them with sugar. "In the future, when my tomatoes are ripe, I should be able to eat them as fruit. If If it’s too sour, you can add sugar.”

There happened to be a lot of tomatoes, so she showed how to make scrambled eggs with tomatoes. The golden and red dishes made people salivate.

After two days in a row, the roses in the flower field finally bloomed.

The wheat and moss leaves are walking in the flower field, and the refreshing fragrance is smelled.

"What is this kind of flower called? It smells so good." He leaned in front of the rose and smelled it, and Mai Ma was intoxicated by the elegant fragrance.

Ai Moye said, "It's a rose from the institute. It didn't have a fragrance before. Fortunately, the ones I raised are very fragrant."

If the rose doesn't smell fragrant, it always feels like something is missing.

Mai Ma stood in the rose field, unwilling to leave at all, and said dreamily, "I have never seen such beautiful flowers, and they are so fragrant and beautiful."

"I still like purple roses." Ai Moye said casually.

"Purple?" Mai Ma said in surprise, "Aren't all roses red?"

She remembered that when her brother and sister-in-law got married, there were red roses. They were beautiful, but the flowers were not big and had no fragrance. They were just very bright and looked festive.

Ai Moye said, "Changing soil pH, light conditions, pruning and cuttings, spraying dyes, changing genetic techniques, etc. can all lead to cultivating flowers of different colors."

These are what her grandparents said, and there is also a related test bench at home. She has been playing with it since she was a child, and she once cultivated black flowers, which was praised by her grandparents.

Mai Ma really liked roses, so she cut a few and took them back to the bedroom.

Aimoye continues to shuttle through the flower fields, bringing the blooms to their peak, pruning off rotten roses, and testing the pH of the soil and the moisture content of the roses.

In the flower field next to it are asters, which are both flowers and wild medicinal materials. They have the effect of reducing phlegm, relieving cough and asthma.

Moreover, aster has strong vitality. As long as the water and soil conditions are suitable, it can grow well without special care.

Primroses and wild cosmos are also in bloom, attracting many bees to collect nectar.

Ai Moye went back because she was so tired that her back ached. Mai Ma had already prepared dinner.

Dinner was scrambled eggs with tomatoes, sliced ​​meat with mushrooms and fungus, and a grilled fish with potatoes, vegetables and other side dishes.

Jiya didn't come back for dinner, so Dada comfortably occupied her chair and curled up on it to sleep.

Ai Moye pinched Da Da's ears and said, "In two days, I have to go to the imperial capital to attend the opening ceremony, and I will leave the prison to you."

"Don't worry, sister, there are robots to help, and the prison guards at the center will come and go around when they have time. You can just go about your business without any worries."

Having said that, Ai Moye still felt uneasy. After all, Jiya was busy recently and couldn't take care of it.

"Before I leave, I will send some potato flour to the center. Please help me take care of this place. If you have any trouble, please try to ask for help."

"I know, sister."

Two days later, Ai Moye packed some vegetables and flowers in the field.

Especially for the red roses, she plucked a few out of the soil and packed them in containers.

Mai Ma also made some preparations, especially squeezing a large bucket of milk and packing it, vacuum-packing kimchi, and a few preserved eggs, so that Ai Moye would not be used to eating outside food when she arrived in the imperial capital.

Later, Di Lie's airship landed in the center of the prison, and Aimoye carried large and small bags up again.

After setting up the autopilot program and taking off the airship, Di Lie took out a document, "Course Schedule."

"Are they all out?" Ai Moye glanced quickly after taking it.

Unlike medical schools on Earth, the curriculum at Heyuan Medical School is very complicated.

In addition to basic human anatomy, biology, genetics and microbiology, as the course progresses, there are also pharmacy, genetics, related botany, and even astrology.

Looking at the class schedule again, the class time lasts for eight or nine hours every day, and the most intense ones can last for more than ten hours.

"So many courses?" Ai Moye broke into a cold sweat.

She thought that the third year of high school was the most arduous, but she didn't expect that compared with medical school, it seemed like just pediatrics.

Di Lie said, "Medical school is a five-year institution. You must learn the basics first. Botany and astrology are elective courses. Pharmacy is an advanced course and must be mastered."

“Is pharmacy medicine medicine?”

"It's related to nutrient solution." Di Lie said patiently, "If a person with superpowers wants to improve his or her abilities, nutrient solution is very important and has medicinal effects. Engaging in the research and development of nutrient solution is a good industry now."

"Five years later, the direction of the wind will definitely change again." Ai Moye is not worried about employment. As a prisoner who has been sentenced to 120 years in prison, how long will she have to work after she is released from prison?

The reason why she agreed to enroll in medical school was because she wanted to master more medical knowledge and maximize her wood-type abilities.

After talking about business, Ai Moye hugged a bouquet of roses to Di Lie.

"It is improved and cultivated on the basis of Dahongpao, which is closer to our roses."

Di Lie didn't take it to heart at first, but was slightly stunned when he smelled the fragrance of flowers, "You sprayed perfume?"

"Rose flowers are inherently fragrant, with the most natural fragrance." Ai Moye said in confusion, "Isn't there any kind of flower in the universe that has a true floral fragrance?"

Di Lie stroked the petals very gently, as if he was treating a beloved lover.

"There are very few flowers with floral scents, and almost none of the roses on the market have fragrance."

Ai Moye had an idea, "If I sell these roses, will I make a fortune?"

Di Lie looked at her deeply and said, "You can make a fortune by selling whatever you want."

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