This is Ai Moye's first time coming to the management center.

The prison bully was sent to the medical room, and she was investigated in the interrogation room.

"Why did you do it?" the prison guard asked seriously.

"She tried to grab my ore first. I told her not to, and then she wanted to hit me. I was acting in self-defense." Ai Moye's eyelashes flickered, and her big wet eyes looked particularly innocent.

Now she is weak and helpless, how can she be as cruel as she used a shovel to hit someone's head with blood, and kicked a few ribs?

The prison guard reminded himself not to be fooled by the disguised face of this little sister!

However, the scenes recorded by several drones are indeed like this.

"Next time you encounter something like this, don't be too cruel." The prison guard hinted tactfully, "If you kill someone, it won't be worth the loss."

Aimoye nodded obediently and said softly, "Thank you, sister, I will be careful next time."

Prison guard sister: "..."

Do you want to have a next time?

Aimoye was quickly acquitted and returned to her cave safely.

In the blink of an eye, it has been more than ten days since she came to this deserted star.

It was hard at first, but things are slowly improving.

The newly planted sweet potatoes and potatoes have sprouted, the quality of the sandy soil has improved little by little, and the fertility has slowly spread and increased.

After the ryegrass is sown, it will sprout in seven or eight days, and then green grass will grow.

In this way, you can exchange chickens with the center, and you will have eggs to eat when they grow up.

With expectations for the future, Aimoye fell asleep happily.

When morning came, Aimo Ye first went around the ground, fertilizing where needed and watering where needed.

She applied for additional agricultural water, which is still limited each day.

After she was done, she headed to the mining area.

Normally, no one pays much attention to her, and she just concentrates on mining.

But today, when she just walked into the mining area with a shovel on her shoulder, all the people she met along the way backed away, wishing they were thousands of miles away from her, and they didn't even dare to meet their eyes.

Fortunately, Mai Ma is still the same as before, or in other words, her eyes are fuller of admiration and respect.

She brought a large pot of wriggling earthworms as promised and said excitedly, "Last night, everyone heard that I was going to help my sister dig up earthworms, so they all went out together to help me dig up earthworms!"

"Oh? Thank you, thank you." Ai Moye was flattered.

While digging, Mai Ma said enthusiastically, "Sister, how did you do it? That prison bully is the best at defeating all the women's prisons. The people over there are so afraid of her!"

Ai Moye dug out a piece of rock and said, "Did you see it? By burning this rock into ashes, you can get quicklime. Lime is very irritating to the eyes. If it is not treated in time, you may even go blind."

Mai Ma was surprised. She didn't expect that a small stone could have such power.

But thinking about Ai Moye's behavior yesterday, she immediately rolled up her sleeves and frantically dug into similar rocks.

Ai Moye also had to work harder to mine and exchange some planting materials with the center.

She dug and dug, and a piece of ore covered with purple-blue veins and faintly glowing fell down.

"What is this?" Ai Moye, who grew up on the earth, has never seen such a beautiful stone.

Immediately, people gathered around and looked at the strange stone.

Mai Ma stretched out her hand to take it, but Ai Moye stopped her, "Don't touch it, in case it's poisonous."

In an instant, everyone around was clear.

The prison guard strode over and saw Ai Moye digging out the special ore, his eyes became very strange.

Afterwards, Aimoye and the ore were packed and sent to the management center.

The ore was taken to the laboratory, and Aimoye was waiting outside with her hands cuffed.

The prison guard sister whom I had just met the day before comforted me and said, "Don't be afraid, this is a good thing."

Ai Moye stepped on her feet and looked into the laboratory, "It's a good thing to know without thinking, but sister, what treasure did I dig up?"

The prison guard sister said, "New energy ore, with natural electricity. A small piece was unearthed in the mining area before, and even the marshal was alarmed."

Ai Moye said oh, but she was thinking about the marshal.

In the original book, the marshal appears later. He is the uncle of the male protagonist. He is extremely powerful, and he is also a smiling tiger who is indifferent to emotions and anger, and is very sinister.

It is precisely because of this person that the parents in Aimoye's book were imprisoned, and Aimoye herself lost her support.

However, this is all about Aimoye's upcoming offline.

During the middle and later stages of the Marshal's appearance, Ai Moye didn't even watch it. He was already so angry that he threw his phone because of the tragic end of the female co-star with the same name.

She couldn't help but ask, "Is this marshal very fierce?"

I remember that in the book, the marshal was a resolute old man, who seemed to be in his eighties. He had a bad personality and was extremely cruel and twisted.

The prison guard looked at her strangely, "Don't you know the marshal?"

All over Blue Star, any adult who says he doesn't know the Imperial Marshal will be considered a fool or a spy from the Zerg.

No, if it is a spy, it is even more impossible that he does not know the marshal!

Ai Moye laughed, "I mean, what kind of person is this marshal?"

From the sporadic descriptions in the book, Ai Moye could only picture the characteristics of the old man in her mind.

If she had known she could pass through books, she would have gritted her teeth and wanted to see the finale!

Just as the prison guard sister was about to speak, she suddenly stood upright and gave a military salute to the rear.

Ai Moye turned around and saw several people walking towards her.

The leading man was wearing a black military uniform, with broad shoulders and narrow waist. His long legs were wrapped in black military trousers. He was slender and strong. Every step was as steady as a mountain, and his black hair was windless and automatic.

Under the brim of the military cap, a pair of cold and distant blue eyes are deeper and more mysterious than the sea. Therefore, the front is expressionless at the moment, and the strong and resolute outlines look even more cold and indifferent, rejecting the alienation of being thousands of miles away.

Without squinting, he passed by Aimo Ye, opened the door and entered the laboratory.

The countless medals on the man's shoulders reflected dazzling light in the sun, almost blinding Ai Moye's eyes.

Ai Moye rubbed her eyes and whispered, "These medals are more useful than reflectors. They can directly blind the enemy's eyes on the battlefield."

She spoke very quietly, but I don't know if it was a coincidence, but the man seemed to hear her. He glanced at her sideways, his gaze as sharp as a knife, but he quickly looked away.

Ai Moye was immediately startled, wondering why it was just like what was written in the novel. Some people's eyes were more terrifying than swords, as if they could cut out a person's flesh and blood alive?

"So fierce." She complained softly.

The prison guard looked increasingly weird, looked at Ai Moye and said, "Are you from Blue Star?"

"...Yes?" Ai Moye took a step back cautiously, fearing that the prison guard would see through that she was wearing a book.

The people in the laboratory came out and asked the prison guards to take Ai Moye to the lounge first, because the analysis would take a long time.

Ai Moye was flattered. She didn't expect that she, a prisoner, could receive such treatment.

There are tables and chairs in the lounge, but there are only two glasses of water, and they are gone after you finish them.

Just when her mouth was tasteless and she missed the sweet and sour fruits, someone came in with a plate of angustifolia.

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