Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 106 Doctor

After leaving the Hall of Rebirth, Wang Daoyi went directly to Beiguo Bank without stopping.

After experiencing previous disasters, a lot of evidence pointed to Foolish People. Although Beiguo Bank repeatedly claimed that they were just a simple financial institution, Seven Stars still issued a huge fine to Beiguo Bank.

Of course, Qixing's fine was not issued casually. They provided a large amount of evidence that Beiguo Bank funded the Fools' actions in Liyue. Faced with this evidence, Beiguo Bank could only bite the bullet and accept the fine.

Huge fines and increasingly unfavorable public opinion have left Northland Bank in dire straits.

Pushing open the door of Beiguo Bank, Wang Daoyi looked at the clerk of Beiguo Bank who came over and said, "I'm looking for the doctor!"

The clerk hurriedly left, and an official came up from behind and received Wang Daoyi.

"Your Excellency Wang Daoyi, the doctor is waiting for you in the private room! I'm going down first!"

The officials led Wang Dao upstairs to the door of the innermost room, and then walked back.

Curling his lips, Wang Daoyi pushed open the door of the private room.

Looking at the person sitting on the main seat, Wang Daoyi was even more speechless.

"So, you wrote a letter and sent it to me using yourself as the messenger!"

Wang Daoyi had to be left speechless. The person on the main seat was the messenger of fools who had sent Wang Daoyi a message before.

"After all, it's a plan for a country's most precious thing. Only by doing it yourself can we eliminate hidden dangers!"

Different from the voice when delivering letters before, the voice of the current messenger, or rather the doctor, is full of magnetism, which makes people feel good and at the same time feels a hidden arrogance.

"Oh, that makes sense, but you actually dare to leave Beiguo Bank. Aren't you afraid that the emperor will kill you directly?"

Wang Dao pulled out a chair and sat opposite the doctor.

After hearing Wang Daoyi's words, the doctor showed a smile, shook his head and said: "The God of Rock is a tolerant God. As punishment, when he was in Qing Ce Village, he killed a slice of me, so as long as I don't destroy or If I hurt Liyue, he won't attack me again, after all, in front of him, we are all like children."

"Okay, I guess what you said makes sense, then, tell me about your plan. It is not easy to obtain the authority of the void from the Order Council."

Nodding indifferently, Wang Daoyi didn't bother about the fact that the emperor killed the doctor and sliced ​​him into pieces.

"Well, there is only a rough plan at the moment. Do you know what those in the Order Academy want most?"

The doctor's voice is very nice, and it feels like a big brother next door teaching you how to solve problems.

"That's enough, stop using your ability to seduce, or switch to a female slice next time. A man uses charm on me, which makes me sick!" Wang Daoyi cursed, and then answered the previous question, "What else can it be? Those Guys, they just want to get more knowledge!"

With an apologetic expression on his face, the doctor's voice was still magnetic, but it no longer had the power to penetrate people's hearts.

"Sorry, this ability was just loaded yesterday. Today I was communicating with a member of the gods. I really couldn't help but want to test it out."

Then he showed a disappointed expression, "It seems that this level of charm ability cannot deal with the relatives of gods, and will also cause dissatisfaction on the other side!"

After casually recording a piece of test data, the doctor continued the previous topic.

"Yes, those sages have been pursuing knowledge." First he agreed with Wang Daoyi's statement, and then the doctor showed a disdainful smile, "Unfortunately, after the death of the Great Cishu King, there is nothing worthwhile in the Teaching Academy anymore. The knowledge emerged that they have been eating the legacy of King Daci Shu."

"Hmm! Interesting news." Wang Daoyi showed an interested look.

The doctor continued: "It is precisely because of this that the sages of the Teaching Council are increasingly dissatisfied with the current Grass God, the Little Lucky Grass King. After all, compared with the Great Ci Tree King who can be said to be omniscient and omnipotent, this Little Lucky Grass King, It’s indeed a bit too weak.”

"Because of this dissatisfaction, the sages of the Order no longer promoted this new god, but instead promoted the disappeared Great Cishu King among the people."

"There is an internal investigation report among the Fools. In the entire Sumeru, 80% of the people in the green areas believe in the Great Merciful Tree King, while the people in the desert areas either have no faith or believe in the Red King who also passed away. In the entire Sumeru, there are very few followers of Little Lucky Grass King."

"So, how do you get the people in the Order to hand over the authority of the void?" Wang Daoyi interrupted the doctor and asked the key question directly.

"Haha, the more they ignore the new gods and promote the gods of the past, the more they want a real god, and our plan is to give them a god!"

The doctor smiled a little wildly.

"A new god, hey, Dotore, you are a bit too arrogant. Although I have only come into contact with two gods, neither the bumbling God of Wind nor my old man can match beings like us. "

"If you want a new god, you have to find a demon god." After a pause, Wang Dao thought of something, and a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes, "Or, find a substitute for the god and give him the gnosis of the god!"

Although he had only played the first act of Xumi before traveling through time, the doctor's words quickly reminded Wang Daoyi of one person, the Fool and the Executive, the skirmisher.

If it were this person, and then added with the divine heart of a certain god, maybe a god could really be created.

Sure enough, the doctor nodded and told more information about the plan.

"Our people have already gone to Inazuma. They will bring back the God's Heart of the God of Thunder. Among the fools, there happens to be an executive who was a puppet made by the God of Thunder. He can be used as the basic body for the birth of the god. ! Give the Order a new god, those sages can’t refuse this kind of thing, at least, the current great sage can’t refuse!”

After hearing the doctor's plan, Wang Dao nodded. This was a feasible plan. However, Wang Daoyi still had a question in his mind.

"Since you have already planned it, why do you still ask me to come with you? After all, your plan is the same with or without me!"

Facing Wang Daoyi's question, the doctor was stunned for a moment, then looked at Wang Daoyi and said, "Are you serious?" ] expression.

"You seem to underestimate yourself a little too much. With the posture you have mastered, you have already stepped into the threshold of a god. With your help, I can further perfect this new god!"

Didn't you expect that you would be so useful in the eyes of the doctor?

"So, in this operation, the conspiracy to seize the void is secondary, and the main thing is to test the birth of a new god?"

Wang Daoyi discovered that the doctor's purpose was not only the void, but also the [New God].

The doctor nodded and admitted, "Of course, compared to the legacy of a god, it is of course more meaningful to create a new god."

I have to say, what the doctor said does make sense.

For a researcher, what is more fulfilling than studying a god? Naturally, it is to create a new god.

As it happens, Wang Daoyi is a dependent of Morax. In his eyes, most gods are not as powerful as Morax. At least, there is no such existence behind the Order.

So, stretching out his hand, Wang Daoyi looked at the doctor.

"Then, happy cooperation!"

The doctor also smiled.

“Happy to work with!”

Hehe, the plot chapter is a bit watery, but it should be enough to complete ten chapters. I haven’t saved the manuscript yet.

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