
Chen Ping suddenly raised his head and saw a huge black shadow standing in the smoke. Some syllables that Chen Ping couldn't hear were intermittent in his throat.

Spouting words!?

Ma De, I'm afraid this strange beast has begun to evolve intelligence.

Chen Ping was worried for a while.

Although there are only a few intermittent syllables, they represent completely different meanings. This shows that the alien beasts have considerable intelligence. This... It seems that Blue Star is in big trouble.

Which one is more difficult to deal with, a stupid big guy without a brain or an opponent with muscles and intelligence?

The answer is self-evident.

I have never encountered a similar situation before. It seems that after evolving to the fourth level, the alien beast will make a qualitative leap.

The huge shadow figure stood up, its wildly swollen body already as tall as a dozen floors. Chen Ping was just a large mouse in front of it.

The thick black palm of the evolved body was raised, and the sharp claws cut through the smoke. Chen Ping even had the illusion that his cheek was scratched by a blade. A stinging pain appeared on his face. His body felt as if he was under a thousand pounds of pressure, and his legs were heavy.

System, space-based weapons!!

He couldn't wait any longer. Chen Ping even felt that if he waited one more second, he would be crushed into a meat pie.

The photon ray is locking onto its target!

The system prompts sounded slowly.


The strange beast seemed to be a standing Godzilla, with one hand raised high and two extremely unpleasant syllables spit out from its throat.


In the sky, more than a hundred Master Chief mechas turned on their laser beams and fired crazily at the evolved bodies on the ground. The red laser lines wrapped around the Red Howler's body like spider threads.

However, when the rays that were supposed to be extremely lethal irradiated the evolved body, it only caused small red spots on its body.


The fourth-level evolved body seemed to be annoyed by the mechas. It raised its head and roared, and a circle of golden light swayed all over its body, quickly covering all the mechas.

After being hit by the Void Barrier, Master Chief Mecha No. 556 lost contact!

Find the XCMG barrier and attack, the No. 1 Master Chief mecha lost contact!


Instantly, a series of system prompts sounded.


Dong dong...

Chen Ping suddenly discovered that the Master Chief mechas in the sky seemed to have lost power at the same time and fell to the ground one after another.


The evolved body snorted coldly, exhaled a stream of white air from its two nostrils, raised its foot, slowly stepped on a Master Chief mecha, and then crushed it hard with the sole of its foot.


Chen Ping only heard an explosion, and a plume of black smoke came out from under the soles of the giant beast's feet.

Damn it!

Chen Ping became angry and slowly raised his hand to point angrily at the fourth-level evolutionary body...

Photon strike ready to launch...9...8...

The evolved body stared coldly at Chen Ping with its two lantern-like eyes, and raised its giant claws to take a harsh photo.

Chen Ping retreated nimbly and successfully avoided the attack. The giant claw only left a palm print several meters long on the ground.

Warning, alien beasts are building void barriers...

Chen Ping suddenly felt that his whole body was blocked by an invisible energy, and even every pore was blocked, as if he could not breathe, and his head was extremely dizzy.

Chen Ping's whole body, all his senses seemed to have lost consciousness, as if he had completely lost contact with Blue Star.

Warning, the mecha's power supply has failed!

Warning, the mecha's balance system has failed!

A series of system prompts sounded, and the indicator lights all over the Raider mecha went out one after another. This mecha seemed to have become a cage designed to trap Chen Ping.

More than 200 kilograms of weight were placed on Chen Ping, making it difficult for Chen Ping to make any movements, but Chen Ping still gritted his teeth and raised his right hand desperately, pointing his finger at the evolved body.

Target locked, photon strike...2...1!!

When the countdown ended, an invisible sense of oppression enveloped the entire world, and the gray clouds in the sky seemed to be stirred up, forming a vortex.


Chen Ping was secretly happy.

A golden ray suddenly appeared from the sky, passed through the center of the vortex, and landed quickly, aiming directly at the fourth-level evolutionary body on the ground.


The fourth-level evolutionary form of the Red Roaring Beast raised its head, and a barrel-thick blue light spurted out from its mouth, pointing directly at the golden ray.


The golden ray plunged into the blue beam of light like cutting tofu, penetrating the throat of the evolved body of Red Howler.


Blood spurted out of the evolved body's mouth for free. Two beast eyes stared at Chen Ping, and slowly raised its claws...

Chen Ping only felt a suffocating breath, and the golden light suddenly burst out into a dazzling light, and the stream of light came out of the evolved body inch by inch.

Congratulations to the host, for killing the fourth-level evolution of the Red Roar Beast and gaining +10,000 war points.

The void barrier has disappeared...

The system of the Master Chief Mecha No. 556 has been restored!

The system of Master Chief Mecha No. 1 has been restored!


The system prompts sounded.

Chen Ping fell to his knees with a plop and gasped for air. The evolved body turned into pieces of flesh and collapsed. A white crystal the size of a fist fell and rolled down in front of Chen Ping.

Chen Ping only felt a huge sense of fatigue washing over his body, then his eyes darkened, he fell to the ground with a thud, and fainted.



Without the pressure of the fourth-level evolved body, the remaining alien beasts and stragglers instantly became manic, and those alien beasts that were originally closer to Chen Ping pounced directly on Chen Ping.


The red laser beam hit a charging alien-winged beast, splitting its entire body in half from the middle of its head, and it fell to the ground with two clatters.


Master Chief No. 1 landed next to Chen Ping, his majestic body straightened up, How dare you hurt my master, you beast!!

That posture had the flavor of a general. If Chen Ping hadn't fainted, he would have beaten him again.

The remaining Master Chief mechas fell next to Chen Ping and guarded him in the middle. Mecha No. 556 helped Chen Ping up.


Seeing this posture, the alien-winged beasts that had lost their backbone screamed and retreated, then turned around and dispersed in different directions. The flying beasts in the sky also flew away in different directions.

556, take the mastermind back to the base to recuperate, and I will take the remaining troops to completely clean up Red Sea City!

Master Chief Mecha No. 1 tilted his head and said to Mecha No. 556, who was supporting Chen Ping next to him.

Mecha No. 556 punched his left chest fiercely, Copy that!

Seeing Chen Ping being taken away by 556, Master Chief No. 1 punched his left chest, Mastermind, when you wake up again, you will be the only overlord of Red Sea City!

The remaining mechas followed suit and dropped their fists on their left chests to watch Chen Ping pass out.

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