Harry Potter’s Natural Villain

Chapter 298 Nurmengard (2)

Nurmengard was a prison built by Gellert Grindelwald, originally to hold his opponents, but he never imagined that he would end up in it himself, or the most heavily guarded position.

The suffix (gard) of the word Nurmengard means both a town with high walls and a guard.

The outermost part of this place has actually developed into a small town with some people, and it has to be amazed.

Maybe some of Grindelwald's subordinates waited for the men they followed to escape from prison after their sentences expired, or maybe they had been separated from society for a long time, and it was difficult to integrate into the wizarding society, so they chose to live here for the rest of their lives.

The difference between Voldemort and Grindelwald is very big. In terms of an interesting division of nine camps today, one is chaotic evil and the other is lawful evil.

One is evil for pure evil, and the other is planned and purposeful. In order to realize the so-called wizarding order, it does not care whether people will be hurt in the process of realizing the plan, but it will not deliberately hurt others.

People who have followed Grindelwald are called saints, this is a false myth, saints are used to address those who seek the Deathly Hallows, Grindelwald can be regarded as a saint, and those who follow him It seems far-fetched to call them saints, but every organization needs a cohesive title. If it is called the Grindelwald Army, it doesn’t sound like it has any deterrent effect, so the saints The appellation is still passed down to refer to the followers of Grindelwald.

In a word, a wonderful circle seems to have formed near this prison. In the tower surrounded by the city wall, there are only prisoners and guards, while outside the city wall, it is full of the fireworks of the world. Occasionally those in charge of guards The Aurors and guards of the tower will also come to the town-like place outside to rest.

Taverns are naturally the most popular places, and no one will know how they get their drinks and food from the outside world on this isolated island.

Today, this island of rare tourists will welcome two new guests.

uninvited guest.

Ten minutes after the successful hijacking of the ship, the boat arrived under the control of Malfoy.

There are some black reefs around, like the color of asphalt on the street, the ground is also very hard, and many unknown insects move quickly on it.

I won't talk if you don't talk later, and I will handle all the matters that need to be communicated. Malfoy reminded Fleur.

Fleur just nodded.

Since we set foot on this island, Apparition has been disabled, so we have to be cautious.

We won't have much time. We will be deceived by the defense here temporarily, but we will definitely realize it later. There should be a Gringotts-like anti-thief waterfall here, which will remove all disguises, and the compound decoction will be invalid. You and I Let's get in together.

Break in? Furong opened her eyes wide and said in surprise. She subconsciously felt that she should sneak in slowly, lurking for a long time, and then find an opportunity to achieve her goal.

They will report layer by layer, and the protracted and lengthy links will buy us time. Simple and rude methods will be more useful to deal with them. Malfoy said in a deep voice.

Wherever the government is reduced, bureaucracy will appear.

While talking, the two walked swaggeringly along the road.

Until a traditional iron hanging door suddenly stood in front of the two of them, surrounded by tall and wide black stone walls, extending endlessly to both sides, like a dedicated guard who gave no chance to climb over, the only one who could. The way to get in seems to be only normal entry from the door.

Inscribed on a stone statue not far away - for the greater good.

Good work, Lucas, Jem.

The successor waved to the two of them and took the initiative to open the door. Malfoy and Fleur immediately walked through the door.

Jem? Are you ill?

You don't look very good.

Really? Furong touched her face in panic. Did she show panic?

I just miss a woman. Malfoy said without turning his head back, When he is on vacation after get off work, let him defeat the fire.

The man who guarded the door gave Furong a smile that a man could understand.

Malfoy looked at their work and rest schedules, and they probably had a vacation after work today.

The two then moved forward slowly in the corridor, trying their best to appear unhurried and familiar to the point where they could no longer be familiar.

This is part of the true face of Nurmengard. The bottom layer is an extremely long arc-shaped corridor. Marble rocks form the walls on both sides, and there are torches with dim light on them. Whether it is day or night, here is this pair. The depressing atmosphere seems to be endless.

The two walked forward cautiously. After walking for about five minutes, a depression suddenly appeared next to the corridor, and the traces of artificial excavation were very obvious.

It was a small room, Malfoy guessed it was their duty room.

An old, smoke-stained glass window opened towards them.

Several of the men inside were vaping in it, or playing bridge around the table.

There is no smoking here, so the wizards don't seem to care about these, and this prison, which is almost purely made of stone, must not have a fire, and cigarettes can be said to be a pretty good choice to kill time.

It can make people immersed in it, empty the brain, and enjoy the pleasure brought by nicotine.

As for gambling, it is not surprising that games can mobilize people's emotions and get the thrill of winning or losing.

Not only the prisoners, but the guards are pretty boring here too and have to find some other fun.

At this time, the two tried to slow down their pace as much as possible to avoid their attention.

The long period of peace has made them a little slack.

However, Nurmengard also has this capital.

Azkaban thought that with a dementor, he could rest easy, but Nurmengard chose a safer way.


Also known as the Forbidden Ring.

They specially invited famous alchemists and Muggle artisans to jointly design this magical item to limit the magical ability of prisoners.

Some powerful wizards, even if they lose their wand, are still capable of fighting, such as Sirius Black, when he was in Azkaban, even if his wand had been confiscated, he could still use Animagus to transform, thereby jailbreaking.

And the forbidden magic ring, as the name suggests, when the hands are bound, it is difficult to cast another magic, which is no different from ordinary Muggles.

This is also a guarantee that Nurmengard has never heard news of a jailbreak for so many years.

Every prisoner was handcuffed.

With only one exception, he was imprisoned at the top of the tower, allegedly by Dumbledore himself.

That is naturally more guaranteed than the so-called forbidden magic ring.

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