As the day of going back to school draws nearer, it becomes easier.

Malfoy and Pansy met on platform nine and three-quarters.

Of course there will be no more parents to pick up and drop off in sixth grade.

Well, with the exception of the weird Weasley family, it's always a family of people who put their children on the train.

I really don't want to go to class, and I have to take care of those little devils who like to violate school rules. I got on the train and found the box. Pansy put her small bag on the long table in front of her and complained casually.

Malfoy just stared out the window in silence.

This rare moment of tranquility is said to have paid a great price. The teachers at Hogwarts spent a lot of effort to encrypt the entire railway and the express train itself. It was not Voldemort who came to crack it, basically will be confused.

The scenery outside the window is constantly changing, from idyllic scenery to winding mountains, from early morning to afternoon, in the blink of an eye.

Near the finish line, Pansy went to guide the first-year freshmen.

Everything seemed so normal.

If it weren't for the sadness written on the faces of many students.

The volatile situation has almost everyone worried.

The first-year students go by boat as usual, while the seniors go to the carriage drawn by Thestral.

Of course, most people don't know it's Thestrals, thinking it's a magical drive.

As Thestrals stepped over a pair of imposing cast-iron gates flanked by stone pillars with winged boars on either side, the students realized they had reached the school.

They got off the carriage pulled by Thestral, opened two oak doors one after another, stepped over the slate, walked into the auditorium, and sat down in the seats corresponding to the college.

There were only a few people sitting at each academy's long table, and most of the students were still on their way.

Hermione sat alone at the end of the long table.

There is only one trio left, which is also a rare situation.

Ron and Harry should still be in the carriage.

Not even Malfoy would know,

Hermione didn't spend the summer at home at all, but practiced hard at school for a holiday of Animagus.

The ultimate purpose, of course, is to monitor him.

If he knew, he would probably show a rather strange expression.

This girl's obsession is indeed beyond his imagination.

In the mid-air of the auditorium, as usual, many floating candles lit up the dishes below.

At the dining table of the faculty and staff, they saw a raw face, a middle-aged man with a walrus-like beard and a round belly, with a kind smile on his face, looking very kind.

The students gradually took their seats until the seats were almost full, but there were still some vacancies left for the incoming first-year students.

Then came the sorting ceremony, and the tattered hat made a new song, and the respective prefects led the freshman to the table.

The last project before dinner begins.

First of all, the Quidditch match will still be suspended. What Professor McGonagall did not disclose is that this is also Dumbledore's wish.

In addition, the Quidditch pitch near the Forbidden Forest is also set as a forbidden area, and entry is strictly prohibited. Otherwise, it will be dealt with according to school regulations, especially for junior students and freshmen. It is an absolute forbidden area. The Ditch Field is shrouded, and neither juniors nor seniors are suitable to enter.

The audience was a little disappointed in the whispering voices of Soso.

...Administrator Filch asked me to tell everyone that this year, students are absolutely prohibited from bringing any joke merchandise purchased from Weasley's Magical Joke Shop. Professor McGonagall said seriously.

Except for self-defense equipment. Then she added.

In the past, the Weasley brothers who were present would definitely make faces, or something else.

But now, they've all graduated and aren't at Hogwarts anymore.

Gryffindor students felt a little uncomfortable.

Meanwhile, we are delighted to welcome a new teacher this year, Professor Slughorn, who welcomes any sixth-graders with good grades to join the Enhanced class.

At the end of the faculty seat, Slughorn stood up, his bald head gleaming in the candlelight, his waistcoat-clad belly casting a great shadow on the table.

It was a former colleague of mine who agreed to return to his old position as a Potions teacher.

It was also an invitation from Professor Dumbledore during his lifetime.

Potion class?

Potion class?

Did I hear it wrong?

The word echoed throughout the auditorium, and everyone wondered if they had heard it wrong.

What about Snape? came a whisper from below.

Fired? That's a real celebration. Ron said optimistically.

As if to answer their questions, Professor McGonagall quickly explained:

Professor Snape will be the teacher of Defense Against the Dark Arts. Obviously, they failed to get what they wanted, and Professor McGonagall gave a surprising answer.

Her words were like a bomb dropped into a shallow pool.

God? He's here to teach? This was the reaction of most students, and the first-year students didn't have much impression of him, but following the crowd didn't seem to be a good thing.

Snape stood up slowly, he was still wearing a black robe, with his greasy black hair on top, and bowed to everyone expressionlessly.

Why? What about Professor Moody?

Your Professor Moody was in the werewolf confrontation. An accident occurred. The wooden leg was bitten and damaged. It needs to be replaced with a new one. He is still resting.

You can see him at the school hospital.

School hospital? What do you mean by school hospital? There was another chatter.

Isn't the best hospital in St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Injuries?

The situation is turbulent, St. Mungo's Hospital and Hogwarts have reached an agreement, and all patients have been temporarily transferred to Hogwarts.

The school hospital has been expanded. You can see it tomorrow if you have a chance.

Also, it's forbidden to pretend to be sick. Professor McGonagall emphasized it, and his eagle-like eyes swept across the many boys, as a vaccination for the future.

They wondered why Professor McGonagall wanted to emphasize this.

Many boys understood the meaning of the sentence the next day.

Okay, it's probably here, you guys are probably starving too, let's start eating.

Food began to emerge from the plate automatically, and many new students were stunned, thinking about what kind of magic this was, but appetite quickly prevailed, and there were not so many choices at home.

The new term at Hogwarts has officially begun.

After the dinner, the prefects first brought their first-year students to know their dormitories and said the password. Then, after emphasizing some precautions again, even if today's work is officially completed,

In the Gryffindor lounge, the trio gathered around a wooden table, and Hermione was constantly being questioned by the two of them.

Where have you been this holiday, all the letters we wrote to you were returned by the owl.

Of course Hermione wouldn't tell the truth.

It's nothing, stay at home reading books all day, maybe your address is wrong. Hermione said perfunctorily, of course she couldn't tell them the truth, she stayed at school the whole vacation.

By the way, we can still go to Potions class. Ron was very excited when it came to his grades, and he seemed to be looking forward to a new teacher.

His luck was good, he got all the good grades he deserved, and the prefect didn't need to be dismissed, he had to say that time was a good thing.

As for Harry, he also nodded.

In addition to divination, his achievements are also eye-catching.

Several people chatted casually.

Their sixth-grade career began so slowly.

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