Harry Potter’s Natural Villain

Chapter 395 Potions Lesson (Part 1)

Draco, why do I never see you except during dinner and class? You only show up when class is about to begin. Pansy stopped the teacher Malfoy at the door of the classroom and whispered. complained.

She has been waiting here for a long time, just to wait for him.

I may have been in the library before, if you didn't see it, Malfoy yawned, his light gray eyes narrowed slightly, showing a look of distress.

Liar, I just came back from the library. Pansy said angrily.

Well, that's a secret. Still a perfunctory without reason.

What did you do at night? You always feel sleepy? Pansy's senses were sharp.

Don't say that without proof, or Slytherin will deduct points.

Also, it's class time. Malfoy changed the subject.

Pansy stomped lightly, ready to ask again in class, and followed him down the stairs.

Then, just as they were about to enter the stone gate, Malfoy felt his robes being held back by something.


He turned his head and glanced.

It was a cat, ripping at the tail of his robe with its sharp claws.

He had ginger hair all over his body, and his flat face often looked like he was angry, but of course he could be really angry.

Crookshanes! Why are you here, go back! Hermione's surprised voice came from behind. .

I'm sorry for causing you trouble. She walked quickly to Malfoy, bent down, picked up her pet cat, stroked its ginger fur, and sincerely apologized .

But when she raised her head, after seeing the person's face clearly, her expression became a little embarrassed, and she was speechless, as if her neck was stuck.

Then she buried her head and ran into the classroom with her pet in her arms.

He was still muttering something, as if he was scolding Crookshanks.

I knew it would cause trouble.

Why didn't you stay in the dormitory today? As punishment, I didn't eat dried fish today, just to lose weight. Hermione reprimanded her pet.

Crookshanks scratched his body with his claws, unmoved by his master's reprimand.

If you ask Hermione to put it back, she might be late and have to bring it into the classroom.

Looking at the girl's trot back, Malfoy frowned.

What an uneducated pet. Pansy muttered. The master is probably the same.

Malfoy shrugged noncommittally.

But there is something unusual

Where does the exception appear? Malfoy was a little puzzled.

The door to the basement classroom is about to close.

If you don't leave, you'll be late, he said suddenly.

So the two filed in and entered the classroom.

Before the Slughorn showed his face, the big belly was already sticking out, his walrus beard quivering on his smiling mouth, smiling at every student who passed by.

Unlike usual, the basement classroom was already filled with steam, filled with all kinds of weird smells, most of them fragrant.

Large crucibles were propped up, and the liquid was bubbling in it.

This is the first class you and I have taken. As a student in the advanced class, I know that you have good grades.

But first let me introduce myself.

Dumbledore and I have known each other for a long time, and I used to talk and laugh with him a long time ago. Show your status by showing someone with a high status first.

I worked with him many years ago, when I was still in this position, and he was a Transfiguration teacher.

Um... He looked at his bulging belly, then patted it.

This belly should not be that big at the time. He looked down at his fat belly with a suspicious look.

There was a burst of joyful laughter from the podium.

Slughorn had a satisfied smile on his face, as if pleased with his humor.

We were colleagues at the time, and he was still a teacher of Transfiguration, and not long after that, he became the headmaster.

Of course, I actually think he should be a Minister for Magic.

But he doesn't dare to be interested, the power, the maddening, the disorienting, he said, the best thing to do is just not touch it.

Not long ago, before he passed away, he found me and invited me to be a professor of potions.

I was a little hesitant at the time, but he invited him repeatedly, and out of respect for him, and some back reasons.

I also miss him very much, but people, you still have to look forward, are you right?

Okay, after chatting for a long time, we can get to the point.

Slughorn said. Looking through the many steaming hot steam, his large figure seemed erratic. Dear classmates, please take out the balance, medicine bag, and, don't forget to take out your Advanced Potions Making textbook...

Professor McGonagall's reminder took effect at this point.

Harry and Ron were not without textbooks and scales now.

Okay, Slughorn said, returning to the front of the classroom, buckling his already bulging chest forward again, the buttons on his waistcoat about to burst.

I have prepared several potions to open your eyes, of course, just out of interest. When you finish the advanced course, you should be able to make something like this. Although you haven't done it yourself, you must listen to it. Said. Who can tell me what this is?

He pointed to the cauldron closest to the Slytherin table.

Hermione's well-trained hand rose first. Slughorn pointed at her.

It's Veritaserum, a colorless, odorless potion that compels those who drink it to tell the truth, said Hermione.

She thought back to herself and the days of making medicine in the bathroom, the time weeping Myrtle spent with her.

Sirius uses the potion to gain her trust, and then a chain of events ensues, making the truth seem confusing.

Slughorn was a little stunned, and then reacted quickly. He didn't expect someone to answer so quickly.

Very good, very good! said Slughorn happily.

What's your name, miss. He said with a smile.

Hermione Granger.

Now, he continued, pointing to the cauldron closest to Ravenclaw's table, this kind of relatively well-known... has been highlighted in several recent booklets from the Ministry... who can—?

Hermione raised her hand again.

Miss Granger, leave some opportunities for others, right?

Hermione put her hand down.

I'll take a look at the roster and pick one at random this time to get to know the next students, he muttered.

Draco Malfoy? Very average grades, average based on O, excellent student! Please point out the name of the potion in front of me.

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