As the holidays draw to a close, all students are in the auditorium on the evening of the last day of the holidays. Listen to Acting Principal McGonagall speak.

This is Hogwarts custom and tradition.

As can be guessed, the old lady will still stress a lot of boring, tedious security issues.

Such as guarding against death eaters, werewolves and the like.

Even though this witch has been stressed many times.

The students who chose to stay in school had probably the most dreary vacation in school, especially the senior students. They were under more pressure than ever, not only to prepare for exams, but also to learn more difficult defense magic.

Occasionally a few went to Hogsmeade wanting to go to Hogwarts, and most of the shops were closed.

Moreover, the teachers did not take the trouble to stress to them that they should try not to leave the school.

So soon, the New Year's holiday is over, and the students continue their courses for the next semester.

Clusters of candles are still floating in the mid-air of the auditorium, forever blooming with just the right light, as if it will never burn out.

The Christmas tree in the corner filled with five-pointed stars and gifts was removed, and the fancy decorations were put away.

Christmas is over and everything is going back to normal.

Where has Severus gone? Has he not returned yet? Professor McGonagall was sitting in the teacher's seat at this time, and saw a vacancy.

She hadn't seen Snape for a long time.

Ever since the man gave gifts to his colleagues at Christmas, he had vanished from Hogwarts for some reason, and after boarding the express train, he was gone without a trace.

Don't wait for him, he should be measured. Professor McGonagall looked around.

She was wearing the dark green robe she used to wear today, and a black high-top hat. The years had eroded, wrinkles had crawled all over her face and arms, and her eyes were a little tired.

Sitting in the teacher's chair, watching her students.

I don't know, how many will survive in the future?

In front of the long tables of the various colleges,

There are also some conversations taking place.

It always feels like you're a little different, Hermione? Luna passed by Hermione briskly, and then quickly stopped herself.

And... you have a very unpleasant smell, and... Luna's gray eyes glanced secretly at the long Slytherin table, hesitated, and then chose silence.

Forget it, when I didn't say it. Luna said softly, then swayed to an empty seat in Ravenclaw and sat down at once.

She's still crazy. Ron rolled his eyes and glanced at Luna in disgust, the girl was always babbling.

I don't think you've changed... Hermione. Harry also looked at Hermione,

It's just that we haven't seen each other very much during a holiday, so there won't be a big change.

For boys, the changes observed with the naked eye are estimated to be obvious enough to change their hairstyles.

Of course, in fact, Hermione's appearance did not change in any way.

It's still the same short brown hair that's fluffy and messy, amber eyes sparkling with wisdom, and a simple Gryffindor uniform.

Of course I haven't changed.

Of course this is a lie.

After actually learning Animagus.

Especially in the early stage, it will be somewhat similar to the habits of animal forms, and it will inevitably be affected.

The blizzard came almost exactly like the forecast, and her Animagus was almost done.

However, she has also paid a price. For example, she is very sleepy these days. She has been lying in bed for at least half a week to make up for sleep, so that she is no longer sleepy.

I slept enough today, otherwise I would have asked for leave and stayed in the dormitory to continue to make up for sleep.

But these are all minor details.

She has learned Animagos and can start her surveillance program.

And the person who is about to be monitored is not aware of it.

Do you like chocolate so much now? Draco? Pansy said strangely, looking at Malfoy at the long Slytherin table.

She saw the boy take a piece of bread with chocolate coating again.

I don't like it. He took a sip of the black tea, making the dry bread easier to swallow.

As if destroying some enemy.

Actually, I'm enduring it, Malfoy said earnestly, his eyes wandering over Snape's vacant seat.

He knew that this man would not come back.

Are you going home this holiday?

The original home, go to that manor to see.

He talked in a perfunctory manner, the disclosure of this information was meaningless.

Okay. Seeing that Malfoy had no desire to reveal, Pansy basically had no hope of prying anything out of Malfoy's mouth, and his eyes were melancholy empty, looking at the plate in front of him, food was produced, and it was taken away. To be created again, to be taken away again.

The cycle goes back and forth until there is no more food, it is not that the production of the elf is not enough, but the meal time is over.

Professor McGonagall walked to the podium.

Christmas is over, it's a holiday that's not very pleasant... McGonagall said in a serious tone, his eyes wandering around.

Is she too sleepy? Hermione asked worriedly.

She was keenly aware that something was wrong.

I always feel that Professor McGonagall is weird today and has no strength to speak.

Then he glanced at Luna unconsciously.

There was worry in the girl's eyes.

In the past, the responsibilities of the Headmaster were better, the daily things, but now it became particularly troublesome, and had to deal with many aspects of things, coordination, and also face the pressure of the Ministry of Magic.

Article 7 of Prohibited Matters...

With a thud, Professor McGonagall's seventh prohibition was not finished before he fell, his thin hands wanted to rest on the table, and then quickly slipped down weakly.

Professor McGonagall fainted! Some of the students shouted loudly.

Send her to the school hospital. Flitwick jumped on the table, ready to instruct the students not to panic, but suddenly it was difficult to control his expression.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha......

He soon began to laugh wildly.

Damn it. He scolded while laughing.

Not from the loss of emotional control, but from the uncontrolled muscles in the throat part.

He drew his wand and quickly pointed to his throat, then stopped.

The surrounding students watched in horror as his throat throbbed wildly at a range visible to the naked eye.

The short Flitwick jumped off the dining table again and ran all the way out, his unrestrained laughter was terrifying.

In the blink of an eye, the change made everyone stunned.

Unknown, that's what I said unknown! Trelawney screamed and stood up, kicking down her stool.

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