Holy Grail War? Dragon Ball Wars!

Chapter 42 42 The Witch’s Barrier!

Chapter 42 42. The Witch's Boundary!

The environment is changing, and the world is in chaos.

Everything around is no longer what they saw before, and everyone present only feels like entering a world like an "art painting".

"Is it an inherent barrier?"

Some people also recognized the picture that could change the scenery drastically and spoke.

The inherent barrier is rated as the greatest magic closest to "magic", and is even listed as a "forbidden spell" by the Magic Association.

The magic that materializes the scenery of one's mind, once activated, can erode the "real world" and drag everything around into one's "world".

It is formed by the inner face of the caster, so it is also related to the person's experience.

There is no doubt that those who can use the "inherent barrier" are undoubtedly a group of special people.

"But that ugly appearance is really unbearable to look at."

"The clown in the drama."

"How pathetic."

The uneven ground, the unfamiliar streets, the thick haze walking, what comes into view is the huge and "abstract" individual.

Riding a strange black and white horse, wearing a red dress, but the top of the head is completely like a candle, even burning with flames, holding a huge spear.


It is a creature that is completely incomprehensible.

"Not good!"

Waver supported Lelouch, sweating coldly, he was dragged into this "world" before he walked out of the range.

With Lelouch now injured and without the mecha, they are in great danger.


Seeing the dark demon shadows appearing around him, Waver was terrified.



The marching in a uniform march like an army brought a huge sense of oppression.


Lelouch panted, looking at the number of people in front of him, thinking about a strategy to break the deadlock in his mind.

He and Weber must find a way to get out of here.


"It's over!"



The attacking familiar made Weber scream, but when he closed his eyes, he heard a sharp shout.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Saber standing in front of him with the holy sword in hand, and even Assassin was protecting him beside him.

"Eh? Saber? Assassin?"

Suddenly relieved, Weber felt relieved for some reason.


Without replying, Kenshin dodged an attack, then swung his fist to knock the creature in front of him away.

"Assassin, it seems that you can still fight without a sword."

Glancing at Kenshin, Saber raised the corner of her mouth and teased.

"It's still a bit reluctant, it's best not to count on it."

"After all, I learned swordsmanship, not boxing."

It's okay to deal with two or three familiars, but it's unrealistic for Kenshin to knock down all the densely packed ones in front of him, which are like an army.

He had no time to retrieve the Kusanagi sword that he had thrown out before, not to mention that the place was under the feet of the giant creature. In his current half-crippled state, he did not dare to approach it.

"What... naive guys."

Looking at Saber and Assassin who did not take the opportunity to finish off the enemy but helped, Lelouch really didn't know what to say.

"This is not the time for internal fighting."

"If you don't work together, you will die."

Saber said solemnly, slashing the attacking familiar again.

She was not talking nonsense. When everyone was injured and exhausted, they were still killing each other in the enemy's inherent barrier. It was a bit difficult to understand the situation.

"Yes, Rider, we should think of a way now."

Looking at Lelouch with a sidelong glance, Waver then persuaded him seriously.

He knew that Rider had a great "distrust" of others, but now was not the time to show his personality.


"Unless Saber has the spare energy to release the Noble Phantasm again, otherwise the three of us servants tied together will not be enough for these guys to chew."

Lelouch laughed at himself, but he had already seen the current situation clearly.

A seriously injured "literary emperor".

A "swordsman" who lost his sword.

A "king" whose magic power has run out.

Not to mention the problem of whether it will be a burden or not, it is difficult to deal with the large number of servants in front of him, let alone find the "Wu Dan Witch" transformed by Sakura Anzi.

"Whether it is Lancer or Caster, if you look closely, they both have power beyond common sense."

"This siege can only be said to be impossible without the power of other servants!"

Now that I think about it, Kotomine Risei and the others did a "good thing" by accident.

If I face Caster or Lancer alone, I will have a headache just thinking about it.

"Is this the time to say those depressing words? Rider!"

"Hehe, I'm not pessimistic, but I have determined that if I want to break the deadlock, I can only rely on Berserker and Archer over there."

"But I don't know whether they are as "kind" as you are."

This choice of entrusting his life to others is naturally not what Lelouch wants, but there are only Saber and Assassin here, and there is really no solution at this time.

What can a group of guys with "remaining blood" do?

No matter how you look at your "Gass", it can't affect a monster like "Wudan Witch" who is looking for novels.

Even if Assassin retrieved the divine sword, he would not be able to kill that huge thing.

Saber was the only one she could rely on, but she didn't have enough magic power to release the "Sword of Oath to Victory" for the second time.

Kiritsugu couldn't be contacted in the barrier, so expecting him to use the command spell to help was simply delusional. It would be better if he didn't get tricked and pull Saber away.

Now that he is surrounded by familiars, just protecting himself is a problem. There is no energy left to fight the main body.


Suddenly something came to mind, and Lelouch's thoughts began to spin.

"Maybe there is another way."



"any solution?"

Saber, Kenshin, and Waver were all startled when they heard his words, and then remained alert while waiting for the next step.

"Go kill Caster."

"Kill Caster?"

Unable to understand Rider's words, Saber was confused.

"Didn't you notice? Until now in the battle, Lancer clearly has no master, but he has never been restricted by magic power and left the stage."

"That proves that she has contracted a new Master."

"Combined with the way Caster is with her, and the fact that Caster's master has died long ago, it is very likely that Caster is her contractor."

"I don't know how Caster did it, but he can use all kinds of magic. It's not surprising that there is magic that can contract a servant."

"But how did you know that Master Caster was dead?"

"Hmph, I won't reveal this to you. As for whether you want to believe what I said just now, it's up to you."

At this point, Saber, Kenshin, and Waver all understood.

Assuming Rider's statement is correct.

Then this inference is worthy of belief, otherwise there is no way to explain why Caster and Lancer are so close.

"But... we have to kill Caster who doesn't know where he is in such a large army."

Weber raised his head and looked at his surroundings, and the corners of his mouth suddenly twitched.

This kind of surrounding net is like an iron barrel.

Can these people really do it?

"We can only delay as long as possible and wait for the opportunity."

“Procrastination is just slow death.”

"That's not certain."


Hearing Saber's words, Lelouch frowned. He could hear the confidence in the other person's words.

"With the help of the recovery power of the scabbard, sooner or later you and I will have some spare strength."

"But I just don't know if I will be killed first or if I can really hold on until then."

Kenshin understood what Saber meant and explained.

"Then we just have to try our best, right?"

"There is no other way."


After hearing the conversation between the two, Lelouch probably knew that both parties had secrets that each other didn't know.

But while they were talking, a roaring sound came from the distance.

Looking up, he saw Archer wearing golden armor floating in the air, holding a strange "sword" in his hand.


The famous scene is coming!

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