I ascend to the throne of God with arcane magic

Chapter 36 Enthusiastic Baron Tony

Butler Zeman led several people into the castle. The castle looked to be quite old. One side of the castle was covered with green ivy, giving it a sense of passage of time.

Although this castle is not that big in area and cannot compare to the giant castles that often occupy an entire hilltop, Sparrow is small but well-equipped with all the necessary facilities such as city walls, stables, and training grounds.

Li Si and his party of five were taken to the banquet hall of the castle, where a sumptuous dinner was prepared on a long table. Standing in front of the table was a man in rich clothes with a worried face and a big belly.

"They must be the famous Ya'er Adventure Group. The monsters I encountered in my territory this time all depended on a few heroes!"

The man in front of him was Zet Tony, the owner of the territory. He looked like he hadn't slept well in several days, and the thick dark circles under his eyes were particularly conspicuous.

As the external representative of the adventure group, Yassen naturally took the initiative to salute Baron Tony and said:

"You're welcome. My name is Yasen. Since I have accepted your commission, we will naturally complete this mission properly and help you eliminate that monster."

"I know, I know, it's all up to you!"

Seeing Yassen's promise, Zet Tony finally breathed a sigh of relief. These past few days had been a tough time for him as a baron.

"You guys have had a hard time traveling today. I've prepared dinner and a place to rest for you guys."

Seeing that Yasen had no intention of introducing other members, Zet didn't care, so he quickly invited Li Si and others to sit down.

I prepared this sumptuous dinner in advance today, and asked my butler Zeman to go to the town to greet them. They were all my friends from the Mercenary Guild of Bright Light City who helped me release tasks. Yesterday, I specially sent someone to tell me to take over my territory this time. It is not easy to defeat the person who entrusted it. As long as there are no problems, the monster can definitely be solved.

Zet was still doubtful about his friend's words at first. After all, there were silver-level mercenaries who swore to him before that they would be able to complete the mission. What was the result? One of them didn't even survive.

However, the messenger's last words directly dispelled all doubts.

Among the mercenaries who came this time was a golden warrior!

Golden warrior, he is one of the strongest men in a million. As long as he swears allegiance to His Majesty the King, he will be directly awarded the title of palace baron!

This is much better than inheriting the title from his uncle.

I didn't expect that my commission would be able to hire a golden warrior. Thinking about it, Baron Tony wouldn't feel so distressed about the large commission.

The Golden Warrior should be this guy named Yassen, he seems to be the leader of their team!

With this temperament, he is worthy of being a golden warrior!

She looks much better than the little girl next to her looking around!

Thinking of this, Zet and Yassen couldn't help but speak in a more polite tone.

Li Si and Ya'er also sat at the dining table. The main course of dinner was fish stew and grilled steak. Although it was not as good as in Bright Light City, Baron Tony had already taken the trouble to prepare these in this relatively remote town.

Several people rejected Baron Tony's invitation to taste the local specialty wine, even the alcoholic dwarf Renbos was no exception. After all, he was about to face danger, and he couldn't let alcohol paralyze his reaction nerves.

However, Elena quite likes the grapes here. They are not the sour grape varieties used for making wine. There should also be some common varieties of fruit grapes grown locally. The taste is quite good, with a special flavor of sunshine and rain.

"Your Excellency Baron, I wonder if you can tell us about the situation in your territory."

Seeing that everyone had eaten and rested, Yassen said to Baron Tony.

"Alas~" The baron sighed and introduced to everyone while recalling.

"It was one evening two weeks ago. I heard my steward report to me that near the vineyards on the east side of the territory, several goats grazed by the people disappeared, and a lot of the vineyard shelves were damaged."

"At first I thought it was wild beasts such as tusked boars and wild wolves, so I asked my guard captain to take people there to check, but something happened."

"The captain of the guard lost his arm and fled back. Only one of the three people who went with him came back."

"My guard captain just broke through and became a Silver Warrior last year, so I knew as soon as I heard that I couldn't solve it myself. I had to ask my friends to help me place a commission in the mercenary guild."

"Many mercenaries came over a few days ago to wipe out this monster, but many of them failed to find him. Just that night, a silver-level mercenary was killed by this monster in a sneak attack. Many mercenaries gave up because of fear. Mission left.”

"You are my last hope. If we still can't solve it, I can only report to the king and request the army to encircle and suppress it."

Baron Tony said helplessly that he really didn't want to alarm the kingdom, otherwise he might not be able to keep his title of baron.

It doesn't matter if you don't report it. If the monsters that have been invading the territory cannot be solved, the entire territory may decline in a short period of time, not to mention your own safety issues. Then what's the point of being a lord in front of me?

So he gritted his teeth and took out a thousand gold coins as reward. This was a year's surplus from the plantation in his territory.

Li Si and Yasen probably felt confident after hearing this.

Yassen asked the baron again:

"Are you sure what kind of monster that monster is and what it looks like?"

"I don't know, because it was night when this monster appeared, and no one who came back alive could see it clearly. It was said to be a black four-legged monster, a beast like a leopard or a wolf."

"Where are they attacking the townspeople and mercenaries?"

"At first, it all happened near the plantation on the east side of the territory, but last night there were already attacks on people in the town. Everyone was so frightened that they stayed at home today and didn't dare to go out. I asked the guards to take care of the people living outside the city. We have called them all back, and now they are all staying in the castle. Except for the guards guarding the castle, everyone else is patrolling the town."

Li Si heard this and glanced at Baron Tony. Unexpectedly, this lord was quite responsible for his subjects and arranged them well.

"I understand, just leave the rest to us. Don't worry, Lord Baron." Yassen assured the Baron.

The Baron also repeatedly asked Yassen and others to ensure safety. If the Golden Warrior couldn't handle his matter, he really had no choice. Should he pray that this monster would leave on its own?

Yasen called everyone together and said:

"You must have heard the monster described by the baron. What kind of monster do you think it is?"

"It sounds like it should be a monster that is mainly active at night. I think it's probably a leopard monster. Night leopards and shadow leopards are possible. Of course, it's also possible that it's a dire wolf."

Elena analyzed that as an elf hunter, she was very familiar with the types of monsters.

Everyone nodded, they quite agreed with Elena's point of view.

"I also have some ideas." Li Si said.

Alas, brothers, please give me a follow-up. You can also join the group chat╰()╯

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