"Boss, we are not Hongke!"

The short-haired young man looked at Lin Chuan blankly, his face full of doubts, and thought to himself, what happened to the boss today? One moment he said "pure prison profession", and the other moment he said "Hongke attack".

"Not a Hongke?"

Lin Chuan was also startled, frowning and looking at the short-haired young man.

Cun Tou nodded: "We are hackers."


A hacker is a type of hacker.

But hackers are very extreme. These people use technology to find and exploit security vulnerabilities, illegally intrude, steal data, carry out destruction or other malicious behaviors to achieve their goals.

Lin Chuan's eyes narrowed, he was shocked, and he asked hurriedly: "Then what happened to the foreign forces you just mentioned?"

The short-haired young man explained: "Boss, have you forgotten? We made them 20 million from a company last month, so they hired someone to attack us."

After Lin Chuan heard this, the muscles on his face couldn't help but twitch violently.

It’s over!

Still haven't escaped the fate of a pure prison profession!

The dog system mistook me!

"Boss, do you have any questions?" The short-haired young man saw that Lin Chuan's expression was not quite right, so he asked tentatively.

"Twenty million, money comes in so fast!"

Lin Chuan took a deep breath and sighed.

He didn't have a big idea about "twenty million U.S. dollars", he only knew that it was a lot. Therefore, he couldn't help but think of the years when he was on the streets and worked hard to write books, and only made three to two thousand dollars a month with full attendance.

If you can really make a deal of "20 million" for him, wouldn't you be able to retire where you are?

From now on, the beauty in the car can sit back and relax.


Suddenly, a gust of cold wind blew from the window and hit Lin Chuan's face. The coolness seeped into the pores of his skin, chilling his heart and instantly pulling Lin Chuan back from his fantasy.

Lin Chuan suddenly trembled and murmured: "It's too dangerous!"

If you really do this in reality, it would be too much punishment!

This type of profession is like a con man or a killer, walking on a tightrope. If you don't pay attention, you will be doomed.

If you often walk by the river, how can your shoes not get wet?

Lin Chuan thought for a while, then immediately patted the short-haired young man on the shoulder and asked, "Our identities should not have been leaked, right?"

The short-haired young man nodded solemnly and said, "Of course not."

After hearing this, Lin Chuan grinned and made an immediate decision: "Okay, let's change careers now!"

"Change career?"

The short-haired young man was confused and asked with a frown.

"Yes!" Lin Chuan nodded solemnly.

This profession is impossible to do.

"Then what else can we do?"

Lin Chuan solemnly said: "Change to become a Hongke."

"Hongke? That's not much better than our industry." The short-haired young man didn't understand why Lin Chuan wanted to change careers.

Lin Chuan smiled: "Don't just focus on the few copper coins in front of you. Change your career as a Hongke. Do you understand the value of 'backing up to a big tree to enjoy the shade'?"

Hongke can also make money.

Although it is not as fast as hackers, the advantage is sustainable development and reasonable income, so there is no need to worry.


The system will automatically generate novels based on his experiences in the 'hacker' career life.

"I don't understand anyway, I listen to the boss!" The short-haired young man scratched the back of his head, "How should we deal with the DDoS attack over there?"

"Leave this to me."

Lin Chuan pondered for a moment, constantly building solutions in his mind.

A battle without gunpowder smoke began under Lin Chuan's instructions.

The other party's hackers used DDoS attacks, which are distributed denial-of-service attacks, causing Lin Chuanfang's server to be overloaded and unable to operate normally.

But their real intention was to steal Lin Chuan's secrets and retaliate.

Conventional response methods, such as installing firewalls and intrusion detection tools, are defensive postures.

But Lin Chuan needs to fight back!

Got it!

An idea flashed in Lin Chuan's mind, and he had a counterattack strategy.

At this time, Lin Chuan, as a top hacker, was tapping rapidly on the keyboard with ten fingers, like a piano master playing a famous song of the century.

A string of codes scrolls on the screen, forming a program.

Finally, Lin Chuan's index finger pressed the 'Enter key'.


"Boss, what is this?"

The short-haired young man couldn't understand Lin Chuan's procedure.

Lin Chuan smiled: "I named it, Panda Burning Incense."

"Panda burning incense?"

At this time, the short-haired young man did not yet know the power of this procedure.

Lin Chuan did not explain too much and immediately began to track the main IP addresses that launched DDoS attacks against him.

Then, they broke into the system and 'painted' pandas burning incense on the computer screens of these IPs.

on the other side of the network.

On the screen of a certain computer, a black and white cartoon panda suddenly appeared, holding three incense sticks. It looked quite cute.

However, the computer owner had not yet reacted.

In his computer system, exe, com, pif, src, html, asp and other files were quickly infected and destroyed.

All executable exe program icons have changed into the shape of 'panda holding three incense sticks'.

Then, blue screen, restart.

A computer was instantly paralyzed and rendered useless.

Not only that, the panda-burning incense program spread quickly and automatically. In a short period of time, it had infected dozens of computers and continued to spread.

Lin Chuan took the opportunity to steal relevant information and the real-time picture of the screen.

The short-haired young man's eyes widened. He didn't expect Lin Chuan to create such a destructive and infectious program in such a short period of time.

"Trace the IP quickly and start taking action."

Lin Chuan's eyes were bright, and after the test was successful, he immediately issued an order.

DDoS controls a large number of computers to carry out attacks, which is low cost and quick to produce results.

But Lin Chuan's program was directed at the computer itself that launched the attack, causing a large number of computers to be paralyzed in a short period of time.

no doubt.

Lin Chuan won a great victory!

"Is this the strength of a top hacker?"

Lin Chuan raised the corners of his mouth, unable to suppress the smile on his face, and made up his mind to fully experience this life and bring technology back to reality!

By then, life will be about to take off!

In the virtual world, the experienced hacker professional life continues.

in reality.

The rain outside the window kept ticking, and the evening breeze blew into the rental house, which was slightly cool and refreshing.

About two o'clock in the morning.

After experiencing the end of professional life, the voice of the system arrived as promised.

[Host, congratulations. 】

[The ‘Hacker Career Life’ experience is completed. 】

[You gain the ability: top hacking technology. 】

Lin Chuan grinned, with a deep joy on his face.

In my mind, the experience and memory of the ‘hacker professional life’ flashed through my mind like a movie plot.

At the same time, there is also a special ability!

Top hacking technology!

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