I built an armada

Chapter 2 Analysis progress bonus!

Su Dingping calmly handed the photo to the next senior brother.

Taking back the photo, Professor Zhang said.

It's July now, and I will conduct an assessment on you in December. Those who get the first place can come with me aboard 956E to see what a real modern warship looks like!

Remember, I'm asking you to design, not dream.

Yes, mentor!

Everyone's eyes were blazing, it was a modern warship.

In the past, I always coveted other people’s products, but now that I have one, who wouldn’t want to go up and have a look? You know, the researchers in those institutes are not qualified to go up, but now they have the opportunity.

Everyone is gearing up to compete.

Seeing everyone's high morale, Professor Zhang was quite satisfied.

He glanced at Su Dingping calmly. This promise was more for the other party to hear. He felt that if Su Dingping could be exposed to modern warships earlier, his future achievements would be even higher.

However, what surprised him was that Su Dingping didn't seem to be particularly interested and was obviously not as excited as those master's students.

After sending everyone away, Professor Zhang only left Su Dingping behind.

Dingping, if you have any difficulties in the future, come to me anytime. As soon as Professor Zhang finished speaking, the phone rang.

What? Starting again?

Okay, I'll be there right away.

After hanging up the phone, Professor Zhang looked embarrassed.

He just said that he would come to him anytime if he had any difficulties in the future, and now he wants to go out again. 9 military industry experts have gathered again and may not be able to come back in the next few months.

After thinking for a while, he took out three keys and handed them over.

In some special circumstances, I have to go out. If I encounter problems, I can find other professors. These three keys, one is for the laboratory, one is for my office, and the last one is for the independent office of the laboratory. Take it, I forgot to put some information somewhere, you can look through it.

Being able to hand over the last two keys to Su Dingping shows Professor Zhang's preference and respect for Su Dingping.

After a few brief explanations, Professor Zhang packed up his things and left in a hurry, as if ‘this home is in your hands’.

Su Dingping was suddenly the only one left in the huge office.

After putting away the key, Su Dingping didn't leave in a hurry, but closed the door.

Although Professor Zhang didn’t say anything, he guessed that it must be related to the research on 956E.

Judging from the previous life, after the failure of this research, facing external pressure, the Navy purchased two more 956Es, but the price was higher.

Obviously, Mao Xiongguo has tasted the sweetness of killing people, and also knows the current predicament of the Chinese Navy, so it is not afraid not to buy it.

In the end, nearly 1.6 billion US dollars was spent to buy two more 956Es. However, the last two ships that arrived were simply equipped!

I can't be taken advantage of anymore.

Su Dingping secretly thought in his heart.


The next second, the virtual panel in his mind changed.

[Analysis completed. 】

[956E modern-class guided missile destroyer, displacement: 7900~8480 tons, ‘second generation’ destroyer. 】

[956E destroyer main power system (analysis time 384 days, analysis progress 15%); 2 130mm twin-mounted naval gun systems (analysis time 188 days, analysis progress 25%); 'Warship Bird-MA' type air situation Sensing radar (analysis time 605 days, analysis progress 9%), 'Ore' type sea situation awareness composite radar (analysis time 557 days, analysis progress 12%), MP-401 electronic countermeasures system (analysis time 591 days, analysis progress 7%), 'Lake Baikal' tactical level command system...]

Before Su Dingping could react, the virtual panel changed again.

[Trigger the core technology of the ‘Sandfly Supersonic Anti-Ship Missile System’! Trigger the core technology of the ‘SA-N-7 Hurricane Air Defense Missile System’! (Note: After analyzing the core technology of the main body of the warship, you can continue to analyze the core technology of the ship-based missile system.)]

[Do you want to open the ‘Military Industry Illustrated Forging Space’? 】

Turn on.

The next second, he appeared in a virtual space.

In front of him, there was a wall of 'warship illustrations'.

The illustration representing 956E on the wall flickers on and off. With this illustration as the core, more than a dozen thin lines extend out. The illustration at the end is not clear.

While Su Dingping was thinking, a large amount of information poured into his mind.

After a while he understood that he who appeared here was a conscious body.

This is a huge virtual space where you can build your own shipyard. All machine tools and equipment can be brought in from the outside.

After completely lighting up the 956E illustration, you can continue to light up the subsequent illustrations, such as China Aegis 052D, Ten Thousand Ton Drive 055, etc.

By lighting up more than three illustrations, you can get a new ‘Military Industry Illustration’ and activate illustrations for aircraft carriers, fighter jets, etc.

Su Dingping was excited.

This means that he can bring China's warship system to the modern world earlier, including fifth-generation aircraft, nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, etc.

After getting the 956E, the next step is the 052D, and the next step is the 055 drive. In this way, the development of the navy will avoid many detours.

With the navy of 055 in charge, not to mention the surrounding powers, even the navy of the United States does not dare to speak loudly.

Clicking lightly on the illustrated book, a 956E instantly appeared in the dock in the distance.

One step forward, and the next second, Su Dingping appeared on the deck of 956E.

After looking around, he waved his hand and 956E was instantly divided into thousands of parts.

Su Dingping looked at each component carefully as he shuttled between them.

Unlike Professor Zhang and others, they treat the 956Es that arrived as treasures and dare not dismantle only two of them. If it is dismantled and cannot be put back together, you will have to pay a lot of money to hire experts from the Bear Country.

After all, a lot of anti-reverse engineering is not only technical, but also includes the internal connection of the device. Once something goes wrong, it's a series of problems.

But Su Dingping is different. He can disassemble the parts in detail without any cost.

At this moment, Su Dingping's heart was racing.

Any stuck technology starts from research and development, trial and error, maturity, and production, starting with billions! Professors in key research groups are very cautious, fearing that if they make a mistake they will have to do it all over again, wasting a lot of manpower, material and financial resources.

But he has no such worries!

He only needs to solve the first three steps here and go to the real world for production, which greatly saves expensive research and development costs!

Strapped military spending and technology blocked by the West are the fundamental reasons that inhibit the rapid development of the navy.

The Chinese Navy, and even all Chinese people, urgently need modern warships to maintain maritime security and stability!

Now that the two major problems have been solved, the navy can take off in a big way, but there is only a little time left.

Appearing in the office again, Su Dingping secretly said.

I have to hurry up and analyze the core technology of 956E as soon as possible. The subsequent 1.6 billion US dollars must be saved!

Picking up a notebook at random, he opened it and saw that it was handwritten by Professor Zhang - Demonstration of the Difficulty of Multidirectionality of Electromagnetic Field and Microwave Technology in Practice.

“The signal transmission path using electromagnetic waves as the media has engineering problems such as background scattering in the waveguide system...”

While reading, Su Dingping took out a pen and paper and started calculating according to the method in his notebook.

Unknowingly, the sky outside was dyed red by the setting sun.

Finally finished watching it.

Su Dingping stretched his muscles and bones, and the back of his neck made a gurgle sound.

Subconsciously glancing at the analysis panel, he was stunned for a moment.

In the 956E analysis panel, the analysis progress of several radars has been improved.

Although the increase is only about 1%, Su Dingping is certain that learning new knowledge can speed up the analysis progress!

This time, he was even more motivated.

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