I built an armada

Chapter 45 Completely defeat 956E!

At the North Sea Fleet Command, Xu Dongguo has not yet made up his mind.

He really regarded Su Dingping as his treasure and didn't want anything to happen to him.

At this moment, the security guard came quickly to report.

Chief, a secret message came from the 408 Research Institute.

408 Research Institute? Lu Guangjun?

Only then did he remember that Lu Guangjun had been back to the institute for more than half a month.

After receiving the secret message and shooing away the guards, Xu Dongguo sat back on his chair and quickly tore off the seal.

After taking out the document and taking a look, his face was visibly happy.

[Chief, after Comrade Su Dingping’s teaching and help, all the researchers in our institute who participated in the improvement of 051B were greatly inspired and successfully carried out the second preliminary improvement of 051B! Start the installation test now! Please rest assured, Chief, we will never let you down. 】

After putting away the secret message, Xu Dongguo was in a good mood.

He still remembered that Su Dingping said at that time that he would teach Sun Yongguo and others within a month or two. It has only been a little over a month and a half, and 956E has entered the assembly stage.

Lu Guangjun and other three people who joined halfway were inspired by this and accelerated the second improvement of 051B.

If this were put in the past, the starting point would always be calculated in terms of ‘years’!

But now, it’s less than two months!

Seven months of research on 956E cost 1.5 billion. Compared with this, the success achieved can be ignored.

The key is that under the leadership of Su Dingping, the military expenditures consumed were only a few tenths of this, but the benefits were achieved dozens or hundreds of times.

He became more and more certain that an outstanding genius could indeed drive a group of professors forward.

Lu Guangjun and the 408 Research Institute are the best witnesses.

This is only half a month of study. It is hard to imagine what a major breakthrough Sun Yongguo and others will bring to the navy when they independently participate in scientific research.

After all, the power of one person is limited, but the power of a group of people is unlimited, and Su Dingping is the source of progress for a group of people!

Under such circumstances, if Su Dingping's research is curbed, it will be a big blow to the belief that everyone has finally aroused.

With this in mind, Xu Dongguo took a deep breath and made up his mind.

Immediately, he shouted outside: Guard, contact Sun Yongguo immediately and ask him to issue a risk report as soon as possible!

Yes! Chief!

Inside the military base in the northern sea area.

Sun Yongguo was overjoyed after receiving the news.

The implication behind issuing a risk report is that the chief executive has agreed.

He quickly found Su Dingping and said, Dingping, the chief agreed, but there is a little trouble.

Dean, what's the trouble?

The chief needs us to issue a risk report.

Risk report?

Su Dingping was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that the real world and the forging space of the military industrial illustration were different.

Even if you are bombed thousands of times in the Military Illustrated Forging Space, you can recover with just one thought. If you die in the real world, you will die.

Thinking of this, he also understood Xu Dongguo's difficulties.


It didn't take long for the two of them to write the risk report.

Less than half an hour later, Xu Dongguo's approval was faxed over.

With this approval, Su Dingping can mobilize a variety of missiles on the 956E for teaching.

Dean, I'll trouble you about the next thing.

It's okay, I'll take care of it!

After seeing off Sun Yongguo, Su Dingping appeared in the military illustration forging space.

In the two large areas in the northern part of the shipyard, one of the production lines for producing SS-N-22 anti-ship missiles has been shut down, while the other production line for producing 9M38 ship-based air defense missiles is running rumble.

The testing and adjustment stage of the 9M38 ship-based air defense missile has passed, and now it is the mass production stage.

As long as there are no problems with the 9M38 ship-based air defense missiles produced in this batch, it means that two missile production lines can be established.

In the future, your own warships can also change the missile launchers and install SS-N-22 Sunshine and 9M38! This will greatly improve the overall combat level of warships.

Of course, SS-N-22 Sunshine and 9M38 are just transitional.

What Su Dingping really wants to upgrade is the 'Eagle Strike Anti-Ship Missile System' and 'Haihongqi Air Defense Missile System' on the 052D!

After all, these two missile systems and their adapted missiles will be ahead of the West in future generations. Especially the YJ-21, which is claimed to be able to attack aircraft carriers, shows its powerful deterrence.

It's just that the core technology of 052D is too advanced at the moment, and it will take a long time to analyze it all at once.

After analyzing the core technology of 052D, we can start to analyze the 'Eagle Strike Anti-Ship Missile System' and 'Haihongqi Air Defense Missile System'. As for the more advanced YJ-21, I'm afraid it won't be unlocked until 055 is analyzed.

During this vacuum period, you need to use SS-N-22 Sunburner and 9M38 to top it off.

After looking at the technical analysis panel of the [052D guided missile destroyer], Su Dingping shook his head helplessly.

Twenty-four hours a day is not enough.

At this time, the first batch of 9M38 anti-aircraft missiles left the factory.

Without any hesitation, Su Dingping directly appeared on the 956E warship with these missiles.

After loading all the missiles, he appeared in the main control room.

Put in the three-leaf target!

Soon, several targets rose up in the direction of the shipyard.

The speed of the three-leaf target was very fast. It accelerated to 400-450 kilometers per hour in a short while, and the height also reached 5k meters.

Looking at the radar instrument on the main console, several small red dots were flashing on it.

Su Dingping immediately pressed the launch command.

Immediately, the data on the main console jumped.

【Target locked! 】

[Combat order issued to SA-N-7 Hurricane! Two shots at once! 】

[Countdown to 8 seconds! 】

[Ignition successful! 】

The next second, the missile launcher on the deck spurted two tongues of flame straight into the sky.

After a while, two violent explosions were heard in the air.

Immediately afterwards, Su Dingping saw the three-leaf target falling into the distance.

Seeing this scene, he took a deep breath.

It took six and a half months to finally master the core technology of the 956E main ship and missile system.

Two days later, in the early morning at a naval base port in northern Tianjin.

Lu Guangjun is leading the researchers from the 408 Research Institute to quickly shuttle through 051B to record data.

At present, the secondary improvement assembly of 051B has been completed. After recording the relevant data, the actual measurement can begin!

As long as there are no problems in actual testing, 051B will only need to make some minor adjustments before it can be officially mass-produced by the shipyard.

Not far away from the 051B warship, all the navy officers and soldiers who had been sent to test 051B were once again pulled over by Lu Guangjun.

Captain, do you think Dean Lu and the others can succeed this time?

The middle-aged man in military uniform had a sullen face and did not speak for a while.

The last improvement of 051B failed and did not meet the standards of modern warships. It was just over a month before and after this time, and a second test was required.

To be honest, he was a little uneasy.

Breaking the Western technological blockade and modernizing naval warships is not an easy road.

Wait! The results will be available soon.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Lu Guangjun and the researchers exiting the warship excitedly.

Captain Song, are you ready?

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