I built an armada

Chapter 63 Remarks on the launch (first order requested)

Let me tell you something, brothers, yes, it will be released in the early morning.

The news was sudden, and Seventeen was not mentally prepared at all, but now he had to take action.

It is fate to read this book! It is Seventeen's blessing to be added to the bookshelf by brothers! To be able to receive recommendation votes, monthly tickets, and rewards is because the seventeenth ancestral grave is smoking.

Seventeen will definitely live up to the support my brothers have given me.

Counting so many days, Shi Qi has not asked for anything from his brothers.

Now that it will be released soon, Shiqi shamelessly hopes that the brothers will make an initial order.

There is really no way, Seventeen is an ordinary person, and he also needs to eat. Previously, the update was done at night because I worked during the day and only had time to code when I went home at night.

A friend also asked Shi Qi, is it tiring to be so busy?

tired! Must be tiring! Men not only have to support themselves, but also support their families! People are poor but their ambitions cannot be short-lived!

Besides, with so many big brothers supporting Shi Qi, how could Shi Qi give up so easily?

If you like this book, please... please subscribe early in the morning.

Please make the first order, please brothers.

I don't want to say thank you for the great kindness. I will kowtow to my brothers on the 17th.

I wish my brothers success in love, success in work, good health, and good health to their families.


Also, talk about the shelf update plan.

It will be released in the early morning, and it will definitely have 10,000 words on the first day. Brothers, you can rest assured.

The alliance leader has never thought about this kind of thing, but if it does, he will start with three more chapters.

If you get over 1,000 subscriptions on the first day, 1 more chapter will be added!

Ten thousand words will be updated every day in the future, and the conditions for additional updates remain unchanged.

Finally, but also very important, I hope you will never think that the number of words in the book is too small, so you should save it first and then read it when the number of words is too large. Even if you subscribe first, you can save it and watch it together later.

Please everyone!

——Yours sincerely, Seventeen!

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