I built an armada

Chapter 98 The road to war is a perfect one! The chiefs of the three armed forces gather together!

Su Dingping did not expect that because of the sinking of the Mekong, the Bureau would enter the stage of history ahead of schedule.

It was not too early for the bureau in the previous life to appear, but at the level of deception, it almost deceived all Western countries.

Now that he is on the stage in advance, even Su Dingping is not sure how much Zhang Zhaoxin will use deception to change the Blue Star situation in the future.

While Su Dingping was thinking, Huang Wei said blankly.

No, what on earth is going on! Isn't it spread all over the Internet? Why did Colonel Zhang tell us not to believe the rumors or spread them? Could it be that all of this is false?

Impossible! Absolutely impossible! Zhao Haikuo shook his head repeatedly.

But... Huang Wei pointed at Zhang Zhaoxin who was chatting on the TV.

You will know by looking at the Internet. If this matter is really a rumor, why don't you see the Iron Monkey tribe coming forward to refute the rumor? If you look at other tribes, once there is a rumor, they will immediately come forward to refute the rumor. Stabilizing people's hearts is very important!

Zhao Haikuo is decisive.

But the Iron Monkey Tribe doesn't! This means that this matter is true!


Zhao Haikuo continued.

It is said on the Internet that the Iron Monkey Tribe has three modern warships. Why does the outside world only report about the Meihe? The other two warships are not mentioned at all? Because people who know the inside story understand that something really happened to the Meihe, and the Iron Monkey Tribe cannot prove it! But if there are rumors about the other two warships, the Iron Monkey Tribe can immediately prove it!

After hearing this, Huang Wei and others felt that it was very reasonable.

But since everyone knows this, why is Colonel Zhang so secretive?

Isn’t this unnecessary taking off your pants and farting?

There must be a deeper meaning than we thought! Zhao Haikuo added seriously.

The other people nodded.

But after much thought, they couldn't think of any profound meaning.

After all, everyone in the outside world knows it, and there is no way to hide it.

There is no concept of 'war suddenness' at the moment, so Zhao Haikuo and others don't understand the profound meaning of Zhang Zhaoxin's move.

At this time, the host on the TV screen said.

Colonel Zhang, there will be a link with audience friends next. Is it convenient for you?

I have no problem. Zhang Zhaoxin said directly.

Friends in the audience, next is the interactive session between Colonel Zhang and you! Which audience member will be the first lucky winner? Let's wait and see!

As the phone beeped in the studio, soon, the first lucky viewer successfully connected.

Hi, hello, can you hear me, Colonel Zhang?

A man's voice sounded from the TV.

Hey, I can hear you.

Excuse me, are you really a naval colonel?

You can check it online. If it is fake, it will be replaced.

Then I'm relieved. The other party asked quickly: Colonel Zhang, what do you think of the sinking of the Mekong?

Zhang Zhaoxin was slightly startled.

Didn’t I just give you the answer?

This is a rumor! You can't believe it!

Okay Colonel Zhang, I don't trust anyone but you!

Soon, the first lucky viewer hung up the phone.

Immediately afterwards, the connection of the second lucky audience began.

After a while, the voice of the second lucky viewer rang out on the TV screen.

Hello, Colonel Zhang. The other party said there in very broken Chinese.

It's still a foreign audience! The other person is not very proficient in Chinese. It seems that the other person has been here not long ago. The host explained.

Zhang Zhaoxin nodded.

If there are foreign viewers on the line, you have to pay more attention to your wording.

Colonel Zhang, I am from the Iron Monkey tribe, and I have been studying here for the past two years.

People from the Iron Monkey Tribe?

As soon as these words came out, everyone present suddenly became nervous. Even the audience in front of the TV couldn't help but feel anxious.

you say.

Excuse me, why did you sink the Mekong?

The other party's words were obviously mixed with Iron Monkey tribal language, but Colonel Zhang and others still understood them.

The host immediately realized that this matter was out of control and quickly looked at Colonel Zhang.

The purpose of connecting the audience was to allow the audience to communicate face-to-face with Zhang Zhaoxin, but I didn't expect that something would happen.

Once it overturns, this program can say goodbye completely.

Just when the host was nervous and didn't know what to do, Zhang Zhaoxin suddenly spoke.

Viewer, I think you must know this news through the Internet! If I were you, I would go home and verify it in person instead of coming to question me with rumors.

As we all know, Western public opinion has always been the most deceptive among all Blue Stars! I hope you can be a young man who insists on himself and the truth, instead of being deceived by the West into shouting! Thank you, I'm done!

As soon as these words came out, the other party became obviously silent.

He didn't expect that a naval colonel would say these words to him so seriously.

Instead of questioning yourself or blaming yourself, you allow yourself to seek the truth and seek the truth.

Thank you, Colonel Zhang! After saying that, the other party hung up.

Zhang Zhaoxin successfully resolved a crisis, which made everyone in the studio breathe a sigh of relief.

They realized that they needed to do some tricks in future connections!

Seeing Zhang Zhaoxin successfully handle the foreign audience, Su Dingping couldn't help but smile.

He knew that Zhang Zhaoxin had successfully entered the road of Zhan Hu.

Having dealt with such a severe scene, there is no need to read the rest.

Immediately, Su Dingping left here.

Half an hour later, the program ended, and after a while of greetings with everyone, Zhang Zhaoxin left the studio.

Walking outside, feeling the night breeze, he suddenly felt comfortable all over.

It feels good to be a military intelligence guest! It's just that the audience friends are a bit difficult to fool. I have to continue to improve my professional level in the future.

Zhang Zhaoxin felt that the way he handled it today was pretty good and he would continue to do so in the future. At this time, he didn't have a deep understanding of Zhan Hu, but he just felt that everything he did and said should comply with confidentiality regulations.

As everyone knows, the gears of fate started turning at this moment.

He didn't know that the director who was praised by countless netizens in his previous life for cheating the F22 production line was himself many years later.

At this moment, he was still telling himself in his mind that he must never forget to study, and he must keep up his efforts and reach new heights.

On the other side, Xu Dongguo is also paying attention to this matter.

After taking some time to take a look, he was very satisfied with Zhang Zhaoxin's performance.

That's right! He's a great talent! From now on, I'll leave this kind of thing to him!

Soon, it was late April, and Navy Day was just two days away.

In a secret meeting room in the Beijing Military Region, several leaders from the sea and the air were sitting.

The army chief said with some dissatisfaction: What are Comrade Hua Ming doing? Calling us here and not showing up? What does this mean?

Stop talking about you, I'm still surprised! the Air Force chief took over, I was fine at the base, and suddenly he said there were urgent matters that needed to be discussed. I thought something was going to happen over there, so I came over quickly. But he turned out to be fine. , I haven’t arrived yet.”

Is something really going to happen?

It's nothing! I sent people to check on the way here. Although there have been turbulent undercurrents in various places recently, the overall situation is still under our control!

Then why is Comrade Hua Ming so anxious to call us over?

I don't know!

While several people were discussing, Liu Huaming came with the sound of footsteps.

Comrades, I'm really sorry to keep you waiting for so long.

As soon as Liu Huaming sat down, the army chief said: Comrade Hua Ming, our army has a lot of things to do. If you need anything, please tell me quickly!

That's right! The Air Force is also very busy!

Liu Huaming waved his hand and said: Comrades, don't be anxious, I've called you to come over and ask for a favor!

Several people looked at each other, full of curiosity.

What's up?

Liu Huaming said: I want to borrow some money from you! Not much, just 6 billion!

What! 6 billion! You are robbing money! The Air Force chief was the first to become anxious.

The military budget of his Air Force this year is just over 10 billion, less than 11 billion!

This loan will cost 6 billion!

What a family!

The army chief sat there with a frown on his face and said nothing.

Although the army has a military budget of tens of billions, it is still huge! This money sounds like a lot, but in fact it is far from enough.

The Army also had a headache when it asked for 6 billion.

Liu Huaming glanced at the head of the Air Force. He knew that the Air Force would not be able to afford much money, so he set his sights on the head of the Army.

How to get the remaining 4 billion, he thought of many ways, but none worked.

Borrowing from the Army and Air Force is the only feasible and quickest way at the moment.

He still understands the principle of asking for high prices and paying back the money, so he asked for 6 billion!

The army chief didn't want to speak at first, but Liu Huaming made him upset and had no choice but to say anything.

Comrade Hua Ming, I know it's difficult for your navy! But it's also difficult for our army because of its size! If it's one billion or eighty billion, it's not impossible for me to find a way to make it up for you! But as soon as you ask, it's 6 billion. You are making it difficult for me.

The army chief spread his hands with a look of embarrassment on his face.

Seeing that neither group of people could borrow money, Liu Huaming shouted helplessly.

Xue Shuai, I knew they didn't have any money.

As soon as these words came out, several people present were slightly shocked.

Xue Shuai has been outside listening?

As soon as this thought came to my mind, I heard heavy footsteps.

Soon, Xue Yunzhi walked in.

Xue Shuai!

A few people were about to stand up when they saw Xue Yunzhi waving his hand, gesturing for everyone to sit down.

After sitting down, Xue Yunzhi said.

I understand your situation! Comrade Hua Ming's request for 6 billion is indeed too much.

Okay, let me be the middleman. Can you comrades find a way to get 5 billion for Comrade Hua Ming?

Xue Shuai, this is too much. The Air Force chief said helplessly.

Xue Shuai, you can't always favor their navy. The army chief said: My army's life is also difficult! Many soldiers in the local army cannot guarantee even one egg a day.

Xue Yunzhi nodded and then looked at Liu Huaming.

Liu Huaming said immediately.

Comrades, our navy relied on your help in certain technologies before. This time, I also brought some valuable technologies! I hope I can give you some help.

With that said, Liu Huaming took out a piece of information and handed it over.

The leaders did not look at it, but asked: Comrade Hua Ming, what do you mean?

You will know after seeing it.

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