I founded Tantric Buddhism in London

Chapter 49: So Disgusting

Elric, this man with a scar on his face, is the Flash Blade Order's current only external contact.

He had a carefully styled 37-point oily hair, and his hair was combed back tightly close to his scalp. His eyebrows were as thick and dark as two broad blades, and his face was haggard and pale as if he had not seen the sun for a long time...

Last night, in order to prevent anyone from following him, he deliberately walked a large circle outside the city. After returning to the headquarters, he only had time to rest for a while in the morning. When the dim sun climbed above his head, he had to continue walking through London. The maze-like alleys in the city lead back to the Jolly Sailor Tavern.

As soon as he arrived at the Jolly Sailor Tavern, he found that the large glass display window that should have stood on one side of the door was empty at the moment?

Elrich thought to himself, what kind of unscrupulous thief is so bold as to dare to steal things in the place I am covering? !

However, after asking old friend Ham, I found out that it turned out that a naughty child was playing football on the street in the early morning and accidentally broke the glass. Afterwards, the other person's parents apologized very politely and compensated the money. It was just a matter of time. Urgently, we haven't got time to hire workers to install new glass today.

Elrich nodded and sat back in his exclusive seat. The lack of glass light and shadow cover made the environment in the tavern almost clear. This made him feel a little wary, but through the light reflected from the blade, he did not. Spotted suspicious guy on the street.

He was very busy at work today. He had to discuss the next plan with the radicals - relying solely on the brothers within the sect was not enough to start a riot. He also had to cooperate with this group of guys who claimed to be righteous revolutionaries to bring the brothers of the sect together. They blended in with the brainwashed stupid idiots and used what they called to cover up the coldness and ruthlessness of the blade.

We have to face the questioning again from the Burton brothers' men who want to speed up the process - why haven't you brought up John H. Watson's head yet? ! ! !

He also had to be responsible for interviewing several outlaw gangsters attracted by money-perhaps recruiting them to serve as cannon fodder in the battle.

By the time everything was done, it was already dusk.

Elric felt that his eyes were extremely dry, and his head felt dizzy and swollen due to mental exhaustion. It might be because he was too tired or because he overused the power of the winter phase last night... He just wanted to stay quietly for a while. .

He quickly ate the bacon and omelette sandwich given by his old friend Ham. He was planning to take a short break before the sailors got off work. He even ran to the quiet wine warehouse, lay down on the oak barrel, and smelled the rich smell. The smell of alcohol is more helpful for falling asleep.

But not long after, an extremely fierce quarrel and fight came from the hall. Elrich, who had just entered a deep sleep stage, was forced to wake up, and his body and mind were trying their best to resist the sudden awakening.

He pushed open the wine room door with a displeased expression, and saw two guys smelling of alcohol beating each other, knocking over small tables and chairs, and smashing many glass bottles.

Elrich resisted the anger of getting up, suppressed the murderous intention in his heart, raised his hand and hit the troublemaker accurately on the jaw with two uppercuts, threw the two heavy bodies with severe concussion out of the door, and looted them along the way. The money he had on him was used to compensate for the damage to the tavern.

Perhaps it was the empty display windows that allowed the aroma of malt, cheerful atmosphere, and warm lights to flow unreservedly onto the cold streets.

Tonight, the Jolly Sailor Tavern was extremely lively. The cheers, singing and dancing of the drinkers, and the pretentious screams of the prostitutes came together like an extremely noisy symphony, which was so loud that Elrich's head was about to split. , he had to recite Dongmi scriptures silently and let his mind fall into silence.

But the moment of peace brought by the winter phase is illusory and short-lasting, just like the joy brought by the poppy disappears, leaving only endless emptiness. After Elrich dispersed the scriptures, he only felt that his soul body was affected by the recent He felt unusually tired from frequently performing invisible arts, and his heart became increasingly cold and heartless.

Perhaps due to the influence of winter, Elrich standing in the corner seemed like a lonely iceberg. Although the restless toilets secretly wished to go up to him, they still dared not go up and strike up a conversation, so they could only retreat and use the other one. A shit stick.

Elrich was really tired. He told Old Ham to close the shop early and he wanted to go back and rest early. Old Ham has been taking care of him for many years, and the friendship between them is strong. Even if the business is so hot tonight, he decisively starts to drive people away.

The sailors, who had finally drank the free beer, were still not fully satisfied. Seeing that the boss was planning to drive them away, they all drank together with a deafening roar, scaring the old man and retreating repeatedly.

But after seeing the sharp, knife-like gaze in the eyes of the man with the scar on the wall, they immediately backed away with a scornful smile, scratched their scalps and left unwillingly.

Old Ham closed the door and cleaned the garbage, and Elrich walked out. The cool late-night air in London cheered him up a little.

There were still a handful of drunkards wandering on the road at this moment, but Elrich felt that no one was following him tonight. Out of his cautious nature, he still walked through the dense alleys, swinging back and forth in this maze-like environment. Cover up the traces.

London's alleys extend in all directions. The road from Happy Sailor to the new headquarters is never a single one. Elridge doesn't take the same route every day, but he just stepped into the first double fork when he saw one of the alleys. The floor and walls were covered with a large amount of viscous liquid of unknown shape, emitting an indescribable stench.

How should I describe this smell? It smells like moldy potatoes and rotten herring meat mixed evenly, and finally poured with a spoonful of boiling excrement juice, and the stench immediately overflows... It belongs to ordinary people who smell it a little bit. After a while, I couldn't help but feel the nauseating and extremely offensive smell.

Even Elrich couldn't help but look evil when he smelled it, but if there was a road in front of him that he had to pass through, he could forcefully walk through it... But this was just one of the paths, so he naturally turned around and walked towards another small path. Walk down the alley.

But then, Elrich encountered obstacles at the next fork in the road, such as garbage mountains, delirious drug addicts, strange excrement, piles of discarded furniture, etc. that he would have encountered in the past but that appeared particularly frequently tonight. things.

He felt as if someone somewhere was setting up a trap to guide his path... But which force was so bored that he carried out such a prank-like behavior, and what was the point of it? If it was a hostile element, why didn't they attack directly?

With this question in his mind, he continued to walk through the dark alley until he reached the final three-way intersection. On the left was a drunkard talking in his sleep, in the middle was a clean and normal passage, and on the right was the stench-filled passage that was everywhere as at the beginning. The strange liquid that endures.

Elric's pair of broad-blade-like eyebrows were lowered. If this strange stench appeared only once, he would think it was a coincidence. But now that it appears again, it is obvious that someone set it up here specifically to put it out. He leads to the only normal path in front of you!

But he knew that the seemingly safe road in front of him might have an ambush set up, waiting for him to step into a trap!

Elrich showed a sneer, such a crude plan, do you think I am an idiot? !

He directly held his breath and stepped into the stinking road that the enemy thought he was least likely to pass. The soles of his boots stepped on the pool of suspicious-looking semi-solidified objects. If there was an explosion-like sound, it was just a sound. Perhaps accompanied by a strong rancid sputtering out.

But it was just a mere stench, and Elric didn't care at all. At worst, he would throw away the clothes and boots immediately after returning.

Elric smiled and walked through the smelly alley. When he was about to leave the alley, he took out the knife hidden in his leather boots out of caution and walked out slowly.

He left the damp shadow and stepped into the thin light barely illuminated by the last streetlight in the far distance... Nothing happened at all!

There was no trap or ambush, as if everything was just his suspicion.

But caution is Elrich's nature. Maybe tonight or last night was just the persecution of his imagination, but he will not relax his vigilance just because of this. The next plan is about to be carried out, and he should be more careful.

Elric bent down and put away the knife. Just as he was about to squat down, he heard a faint sound above his head. He immediately stepped back and raised the blade upwards. A cold silver light flashed past, but it was covered with a touch of turbid yellow. color.

What fell from his head was not a sneak attack projectile, but... the unknown sticky substance with an unbearable stench that he had just stepped on! ! !

Elrich felt the wet and hot touch spreading from the top of his head all the way down, flowing through his eyes and making them red, flowing through the bridge of his nose and making him feel nauseated, and flowing through his lips, which made him unable to control the fucking urge to spit it out! ! !


The undigested food residues were spit out along with the hot stomach acid, and at the same time, Elrich ignited a fierce anger that could almost burn the blade of his heart until it turned red! ! !

Phew - He heard an uncontrollable chuckle from above his head. Humiliation and rage drove him to jump onto the walls on both sides of the alleyway, leaping back and forth like a nimble ape to climb up to the roof.

But there was only half a bucket of the disgusting viscous liquid left on the rooftop. He heard rapid footsteps coming from behind the stairs. It seemed that the damn guy had run downstairs!

Elrich turned over and fell, landing on the metal steps erected outside the building, making a violent thud. The steps only had time to make two thuds before he had already landed on the wet ground in the street on the other side, splashing with water. There was a large splash of water.

But there was a sharp pain under my feet, and that damn guy actually sprinkled caltrops all over the alley!

But this pain could not suppress Elrich's inner anger. He secretly asked Dongmi to stop the pain, pulled out the caltrops from under his feet, held the knife and chased the petite figure in front of him!

This kid is really nimble. Even if Elrich sprints with all his strength, he can't catch up in a short time. However, they are also closing in quickly - it only takes him ten seconds at most to catch up. , stabbing the knife in his hand fiercely into the opponent's back!

The distance is still seven seconds...five seconds...three seconds...The boy turned into the avenue. Is your accomplice hiding there?

Even so...you must die! ! !

Elrich showed a ferocious smile, and the blade in his body seemed to feel his urgent desire to fight. His heartbeat was as excited as the blade in his hand was buzzing excitedly.

As soon as he turned the corner, he saw a child with tearful eyes shouting loudly to two police detectives on night patrol under the dim street light.

"Mr. Police, there is a strange uncle with a knife who is chasing me!"

At the same time, a slight gunshot sounded, and a tyrannical force hit his wrist, knocking off his blade.

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