I founded Tantric Buddhism in London

Chapter 65 The moth inside the skull has its own ideas

The air of the world flows into the nasal cavity again, and the smell information mixed with modern industrial waste gas rushes into the brain, and Watson has returned to the waking world.

He walked into the forest in a dream that night and after witnessing his destined wife's dance, he felt that the restlessness in his heart seemed to have calmed down a lot. His heart was no longer filled with irritability and restlessness. Some of his strange desires had been vented, and now he only had the pure desire to kill. .

During this dream trip, Watson not only successfully exchanged the secrets of the four signatures from Mary Morstan for the secret method of exerting 'influence', but also learned some basic knowledge of the mysterious world.

His thoughts went back to the recent past, to the conversation with the female dancer...

According to what the female dancer said at that time, if the secret transmitter wants to have an 'influence' in the waking world, the first condition is to practice the first-level secret transmission of any principle to a perfect state. After fully understanding the secret transmission, After the true meaning of the scriptures is revealed, the principles can be said to be officially rooted in the soul.

The form of the code will draw nutrients from the behavior of the secret messenger, thereby giving back a small amount of mana and more hungry desires... If the secret messenger's will is not strong enough to control the soaring desire, he will sink into In the midst of heterogeneous temptations, the light in the skull, which symbolizes reason, is very likely to be colored by turbid madness, thus transforming into a deformed person who has lost his mind.

"We mortals embark on the path of secret transmission due to our own desires, chasing more magnificent desires... But if we want to continue to climb to higher places, we must not only follow the rules to release our desires, but also indulge our desires reasonably and moderately , to resist the temptation in front of you with a deeper and further search.”

"Maybe Mr. Watson, you don't quite understand it, so let me explain it with a simple example - first let's assume, Mr. Watson, that you are a diner who pursues delicious food. Now there is a long table of delicious food in front of you. The dishes are progressively more delicious, but you have to taste the previous one before you can move on to the next.”

"Before you start tasting, you may feel that you can definitely control your inner desires. Each dish in front is just a shallow taste."

“But when you put the first spoonful of the dish into your mouth, the sensation from your taste buds is so wonderful that it almost shocks your soul. Even though you know that the subsequent dishes will be even more delicious, you have never experienced it. It’s so delicious, do you think there is anything more delicious in the world than this dish in front of me?”

"You couldn't help but taste one more bite, and the second dish that followed had a rich and rich texture, and you couldn't help but taste two more bites... That's it, as the deliciousness of the dishes gradually improved, You are increasingly unable to control your cravings and want to take more bites of each dish.”

"But there are limits to the abilities of mortals, just as there are limits to the capacity of our gastrointestinal tract. When you are greedy for enjoying the delicious food that is readily available in front of you, your capacity gradually reaches the limit, and you can no longer taste the supreme and peerless food. Delicious...but if you continue to forcefully continue to lift the spoon and swallow the food, then...your belly will burst with a bang, and not only will all the delicious food you have swallowed previously be leaked out, but also... Even your own guts are splattered, your path is shattered."

"To give another vulgar example, Mr. Watson, you are currently pursuing a noble and cold-blooded daughter of a wealthy family, but she is as cold and noble as a flower on the high mountain. You want to pluck this rare beauty. Beautiful flowers must climb dangerous peaks through wind, frost, rain and snow.”

"However, on your way to climb the mountain, you suddenly meet an enthusiastic lady halfway up the mountain. She may not be as good as that elegant flower in family background, appearance, and figure, but she is so close in front of you that it seems that you can reach her with just a stretch of your hand. Hold her in your arms, rub her ears and temples, and feel the warm fragrance of nephrite at your fingertips... At this time, Mr. Watson, can you still calm down and pursue that stunning flower at its peak? "

Miss Mary Morstan said.

And when Watson heard Mary Morstan's words, she always felt that she was not only giving an example of the relationship between secret transmission and desire, but also seemed to be vaguely alluding to other things?

Fortunately, the female dancer finally got to the point later, stating that the secret transmission of perfection is only the first requirement. Next, she must cultivate her spiritual thinking, so that her thoughts can sink into her soul body and feel the image of the still childish principles. Only then can she learn from it. Extract the secret mana, use secret methods to drive the mana to establish contact with the world, and induce the principles to resonate with the waking world or throughout the universe, thereby achieving the goal of exerting influence and other magical effects.

The explanation of the female dancer was just as he originally imagined. To activate the influence of secret transmission, the secret transmission in the skull needs to resonate with reality, but... Watson felt the fat moth happily flapping its wings in his skull, and he thought in his heart Said: "So it turns out that feeling the appearance of principles still requires practice?"

However, he later followed the secret method taught by Ms. Mary Morstan, and no matter how hard he tried, he could not arouse the moth in his skull... It seemed that his moth phase was more profound than that of the female dancer. Be independent and have your own ideas.

That night, he and the female dancer tried various methods... none of them worked. Instead, the moth in his skull yawned out of boredom.

This discovery surprised Mary Morstan. She bluntly said that this had touched upon her blind spot in knowledge. She had to go back and ask her mentor for advice. I don’t know where you live, Mr. Watson. I will visit you after I get the result. The results will be communicated to you.

Watson considered that he was still a disguised cripple in the waking world, but the female dancer saw him as a healthy person with flexible legs and feet. This difference may lead to a flaw in his identity disguise.

He declined the female dancer's kindness and said tactfully:

"It's not convenient for me to be hospitalized now because of my injury. I'd better wait until I'm discharged from the hospital and then visit the Shedding Club in person. Then I can also enjoy Miss Mary's wonderful performance."

When Mary heard this, she wanted to ask Mr. Watson which hospital you were in. Why not go visit him tomorrow?

But she is also a person with a moth-like appearance. Her thinking is flexible and she is not as ignorant as a woman who has lived in a boudoir for a long time. She immediately realized that the other party must have something unspeakable and was not suitable for meeting her directly.

She covered her mouth and chuckled: "Then I will be waiting for your visit, Mr. Watson."

Then the female dancer taught Watson how to escape from the Mansu independently. This method requires holding one's breath and keeping silent as if falling asleep again, and then loosening the control of the body and naturally falling backwards. The feeling of weightlessness when falling is enough to awaken the real life body. Bring the soul traveling in Mansu back to the waking world.

After Watson and the female dancer left their contact information with each other, the two slowly fell to the ground surrounded by moths, and when they opened their eyes, they saw the gray ceiling.

He lay in the ward during the day, still persistently trying the secret techniques taught by the female dancer, trying to establish contact with the moth in his skull.

However, the moth inside his skull completely ignored his call, and just kept teasing the trembling cup in the corner of his soul, like a child who couldn't put it down after finding a new toy.

As the sun set, when little Stanford came to visit, he brought with him today's fresh evening newspapers.

Watson opened a newspaper and saw an obituary printed on the front page:

[War hero Colonel Sholto died at home last night]

He murmured in his heart:

"It started pretty quickly."

There is another chapter tonight...it seems to be a sequelae of being released, my head was empty last night

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