I founded Tantric Buddhism in London

Chapter 73 Club Invitation

Although Watson was surprised, he did not look back rashly. He quickly took a few steps forward to distance himself, and then suddenly turned around, and saw that the strange visitor had quietly chased him, keeping in touch with him. Keep within four feet of each other.

This is exactly the comfortable distance in interpersonal communication. If it is too close, it will appear abrupt, and if it is too far, it will appear distant.

Just such a small detail has already made Watson understand the gap between himself and the other party. He can silently approach behind him and follow him at a fixed distance at all times. Naturally, he can also easily cut off his own head. !

The mimetic muscles of the soul body tensed with the rising alertness, his feet were spread apart one after another, his shoulders were slightly lowered, his knees were slightly bent, and his elbows were pressed against his ribs. Watson was ready to fight.

The moth phase in the skull is ready to go, the blade phase is also clanging, but the cup phase is trembling.

The unknown visitor is a man with a vicissitudes of life. He looks to be about forty years old. Under his thick black eyebrows is a pair of thick round glasses. The lenses reflect the silver light of the arc moon, making it difficult to see. Really see his eyes.

Obvious nasolabial folds extend downward on both sides of his nose, and he wears a well-trimmed thick black beard, which looks like dense bushes surrounding his thick lips.

At first glance, the man in the high-collared shirt just stood quietly among the woodland.

But Watson could clearly hear the faint sound of the drum beating, like the rhythm of a violent heart pacing coming from the other party.

He still maintained a strange moth's vision at this moment. He seemed to be able to see a huge heart-shaped meat ball standing in front of him. The heart covered with bright red smooth skin stood on the forest moss, with arteries and veins at the top. Falling to the ground, the strong muscle tissue that looks like horizontal stripes is vigorously beating, contracting and expanding...

Just every time the heart pumps, flickering thunderbolts of light will burst out from its interior. The muscles expand and burst through the thick skin. Bone blades as sharp as swords pierce ferociously from between the pink muscle fibers, but they can quickly contract again in the blink of an eye. When he returned, even a trace of blood had not flowed out, and the wound caused by the bone blade had closed instantly.

The skin cracks, the blade stabs, the blade closes, and heals. This process goes on and on...it seems to be endless.

A slightly dull and hoarse voice came from the beating heart.

"Hahaha, sir, don't be so nervous. I don't mean any harm."

The visitor smiled slightly, spread his arms and opened the door in front of him, showing his kindness in a weak gesture.

Watson then slowly put away his fighting stance, but still remained vigilant in his heart.

The visitor stroked his round-framed glasses that were somehow able to be carried into Mansu, and said kindly: "My name is Gottlob Jannings, and I am a surgeon in the waking world. What do you call this gentleman?" ?”

This was the first time that Watson met a seemingly kind-hearted person who reported his family name in Mansu. He replied immediately without thinking: "John Henry Cavill, Jr."

But after hearing this, the surgeon, whose real name or pseudonym was Yannings, just smiled meaningfully, seeming to have seen through the lies of the cautious young man in front of him.

"Then let me call you John for the time being... If I'm not wrong, Mr. John, you probably didn't join any religious order, nor did you have any guide. You simply entered the esoteric world by accident, right?"

"And...Mr. John seems to have already practiced the first-level secret transmission of the blade?"

Watson nodded. Ignorance is not something to be ashamed of. "Yes, Mr. Yannings, your guess is very accurate."

Gottlob Jannings seemed a little happy after hearing this answer. Although his facial expression did not change, the light on his glasses seemed to be much brighter in an instant, and the faint heart beat seemed to accelerate slightly.

"That's great!"

Yannings' tone increased slightly, and he invited with excitement: "Actually, I come from the Mamura Club in the Europa continent. We are planning to open a new branch in London recently and are looking for some Suitable local actors to hold a retro duel show, dedicated to recreating the classical knightly duel tradition. I wonder if Mr. John is interested in this? "

Classical, orthodox, knightly duel... Although the other party used some so-called modifying words, Watson still understood what Mr. Yannings really meant - a bloody fighting competition that was not restricted by legal principles!

This seems to be an illegal event, this seems to be a dangerous activity... But Watson's interest was suddenly aroused. He has been comfortable for too long, even if Mary Morstan's dance eased his The secret transmission of moths makes him restless and thirsty, but the killing and bloodthirsty desire stemming from his nature is still gearing up, and the unfinished blade sign text is also excitedly clashing in his skull, bursting out with clang sounds like swords striking each other. Clanging sound.

He suppressed the urge to agree immediately, but instead lowered his head with a thoughtful expression. He pondered for a moment before replying: "Mr. Yannings, the duel performance you mentioned...is it safe? (Will it be discovered by the authorities?" )"

Gottlob Jannings naturally understood the underlying meaning of this question, and he answered firmly:

"Of course! Our Mamula Club branches are spread throughout the European continent. We have rich experience in organizing events (methods to avoid authorities' investigations) and have a professional public relations operation team (never allow anyone to leak the news) ), has a stable customer base (network of powerful people), has a strong logistics team (medical protection, will not let you die easily on the field), has a sound reward and promotion mechanism (will not let you fight in vain , we have rewards), Mr. John, you can feel free to join us!”


After hearing this, Watson nodded frequently and seemed to be really tempted. He hurriedly asked: "This reward and promotion mechanism... Could you please explain it in detail, Mr. Yannings?"

"Haha, no problem. As long as Mr. John joins our Mamula Club, you can register as a first-level duel actor... At the end of each duel performance, regardless of victory or defeat, you can get enough worldly money, but if Mr. John is determined to continue to climb higher, and our club will also provide the winner of the performance with some currency that is only circulated in the hidden world, which is enough for the determined performer to exchange for the key to upward climb."

The currency circulating in the hidden world... Watson heard a new term again. It seems that the secret messengers do not trade with earthly money, but what exactly is the currency of this hidden world? Is it primitive barter?

"Uh... I'm ashamed to say that I have just entered the hidden world not long ago, and I have not yet come into contact with the hidden world currency you mentioned, Mr. Yannings. I wonder if I could trouble you to explain it to you again?"

"It's okay to have a little knowledge, even if you don't know it at all, it won't hinder the way up... This so-called secret world's universal currency is actually the Spintria currency that has been passed down from the ancient Shadowless Empire to this day. It is cast. The coins forged by the Secret Master using a special secret method contain mysterious qualities that mortals cannot perceive, including money and power.”

Yaning paused, then continued to add: "According to the different materials of currency, its value is also different. The rough order from high to low is ancient gold coins, ancient silver coins, ancient copper coins, and ancient iron coins. Particular attention needs to be paid to it. The most important thing is that the value of Spintrian currency is not entirely related to the casting material, but mainly related to the hidden characteristics, and the older the currency, the higher the value.”

Watson suddenly realized, "I understand... So, how do I contact your club in the waking world?"

Gottlob Jannings revealed a secret method of communication.

Watson laughed, and so did Yannings.

The palms of the two men grasped each other powerfully, just like the blades of swords touching each other.

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