"Mr. Watson, do you finally feel comfortable coming to me to diagnose your condition?"

Winfrey Morgan didn't need to look at the initial diagnosis sheet pushed over the table. He had been in contact with John Watson for quite some time, even though he had not yet used the power of secret transmission for detection.

He could tell from John's staggering steps as he limped in line that the chronic disease in his leg was obviously getting worse than when he was at the Royal Free Hospital.

Watson was not surprised to hear this. As early as a month ago, Winfres had tentatively asked if he needed help diagnosing his injuries, but he did not agree because he was too worried at that time.

He pretended to be relaxed and smiled and replied: "Yes, there is really no other way. I also heard from others that there is a miracle doctor in St. Artionus Church Hospital, so I came here to try my luck... I didn't expect that the miracle doctor was Mr. Winfrey! What a coincidence. I would have asked you to check me out when I was at the Royal Free Hospital."

"Oh, yes, Mr. Watson, who has heard of me?"

Winfrey came out from behind the desk, half-crouched in front of John, motioned for him to roll up his trousers, and at the same time made a veiled inquiry.

"I have heard many people mention the miraculous doctor at St. Artionius Hospital, including the residents of the apartment where I live, and a doctor friend of mine-Stanford Leland Jr., have you heard of this name? Really? He calls himself your apprentice, and it was the one who first recommended me to come to St. Achonius Church Hospital..."

Watson said, turning to look at Nello Bacchus, who seemed to be standing in a military posture because of his arrival. He waved his hand, "Okay Nello, take a rest. This is not an army, there is no need to stand still." If you are so serious, I am no longer your boss."

Hearing this, Nello simply instinctively raised his chest and raised his head, roared loudly and replied: "Yes, sir!"

Then he relaxed his waist and took half a step forward with his left foot.

Winfreth didn't seem to notice the seemingly disloyal behavior of his deputy leader. He just continued to motion to the patient to lift his trousers.

Watson rolled up his trousers, exposing the luxuriant leg hair that had grown wildly recently. Under the sharp and straight hair like needles, there were slightly thin calf muscles.

Winfrey's palm touched it and carefully explored it... The muscles were pliable and elastic, and the bones were in complete condition.

"It's not a simple trauma."

He first eliminated a possibility in his mind, then squeezed it a little harder, "Do you feel it?"

"No." Watson shook his head numbly.

Winfreth knocked the opponent's tibia hard again, and he could hear the deep echo, but when he looked at Watson, all he got was still shaking his head.

Dr. Winfrey took out a small wooden hammer and hit the ligaments below the opponent's knee, but there was no reaction.

"The knee jerk reflex has stopped...it seems to be a neurological problem."

Winfreth thought this way, and quietly used his telepathic power, and wisps of fluctuations came from his heart, and were transmitted to Watson's leg muscles through his palms.

The ripples on the water surface spread toward the inside, penetrating through the skin, muscles, nerves and bones, and then rushed back to the heart along the palm. The specific information was already clear in Winfreth's mind.

"The tibial nerve in the left leg was severely damaged, resulting in the inability to lift the heel, and the toe flexion function was significantly limited, and the feeling in the lower leg was completely lost."

"This is obviously a severe disability that cannot be cured by modern medicine."

"But for forbidden knowledge, it's just a trivial matter... You don't even need to ask for atonement from the Forge. You just need to release the power of the mind a little, so that the code of the heart emerges in John Watson's body, and he will Health can be restored through the vitality of the heart.”


Winfrey glanced at the expectant John Watson with his peripheral vision and thought in his mind: "We can't let him know that the treatment is so simple and easy. He must feel that he has gone through a lot of hardships to get it. A chance to heal.”

Then he seemed to have inadvertently failed to restrain his expression, revealing a trace of embarrassment between his brows.

As expected, Watson was keenly aware of this embarrassing look. His originally expectant expression was covered with a layer of uneasiness and anxiety. He asked anxiously:

"How is it? Is the problem serious?"

Winfrey sighed and said: "Oh, Watson, your injury... is far more serious than I originally thought. If you had come to find me from the beginning, maybe -"

When Watson heard these words, it was like a bolt from the blue. The confidence and hope on his face faded away, and became filled with a look of despair.

He pretended to be calm and chuckled: "It's okay, it's none of your business, doctor. It's just me who is too self-righteous. I thought that I was young and strong and could not be defeated by the disease. I could defeat all the problems in the world with my willpower." All the difficulties... I was too proud and missed the best opportunity."

Winfrey shook his head slowly, "No, Watson, you misunderstood what I meant. I meant that if you came to me from the beginning, you would be able to cure this problem very quickly... But now, It will take a lot of effort, and it may take a period of continuous treatment to bring your left leg back to life."

"With a lot of effort...that means I can still be cured, right?!"

"I still have hope, right?!!"

The flame of hope ignited in Watson's pupils again. He held Winfrey Morgan's palm in surprise and asked impatiently.

Winfreth has seen this look too many times. Every frustrated patient has this look when they learn that there is a glimmer of hope. It's like a drowning man clinging to the straw to save his life. Like, holding his palm tightly... He smiled secretly in his heart, even if you are a soldier with a rock-solid will, it is impossible to resist the temptation of being healthy.

But he still had a solemn look on his face, "It's just a possibility... After all, Watson, your injury has been delayed for too long and has deteriorated too much. I'm not 100% sure that I can cure your injury... But, I think it is still possible to cure it, even if it cannot be completely cured, at least I can prevent your injury from worsening to the point of requiring amputation. "

"Is it possible... how likely is it? What price do I have to pay to increase this possibility?"

"As long as Mr. Winfrey is sure to heal my pain, I am willing to donate 500 pounds of all my wealth... If this is not enough, I can also borrow it... to find it!"

"As long as it can heal my pain, I am willing to give everything!!!"

Watson's eyes were red and he was looking crazy. It seemed that the pain of his leg injury had a great impact on his life. After he caught a glimmer of hope, he was already unwilling to let go again, even if he tried his best to hold on to it. Live on this glimmer of hope.

When Winfres saw this scene, he was very satisfied in his heart, but on the surface he still pretended to be compassionate.

He patted the shoulder of Watson, who was holding him tightly, and comforted:

"Mr. Watson, please rest assured that I will do my best to heal your leg injury...I dare to swear as little Anna's mother!"

Watson, on the other hand, seemed to see light in the darkness. His eyes were so moistened by the bright light that he seemed to be about to cry. He held the opponent's palm firmly and choked with sobs:

"Mr. Winfrey...I'm leaving it to you!"

Of course you have to heal my leg injury, otherwise my attempt to cut off my tibial nerve some time ago would have been in vain.

25 has entered the palace... and won’t come out so soon for the time being.

The general content is the trance fantasy of Watson ascending to the second level moth, descending on a creature suspected to be a shell species, and meeting 'self'.

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