I! Heaven's Will, Let Teyvat Become The Supreme World

Chapter 92: I, Funina, Tests The Justice Of The Night Attack

When Funina heard that the 'Night Raid Team' wanted to join the 'Law Enforcement Court', she immediately jumped from her chair to the ground, her eyes of different colors glowing with light.

Finally comes something interesting besides judging sinners.

Watching so many animal-like sinners in the past ten days has long since given her a loss of appetite.

According to the information given by Lord Tenri, the 'Night Raid Team' was the main person who overthrew the rule of this decadent empire in the original future.

And almost everyone can be regarded as a human heroic figure, although it is slightly inferior to a real hero.

But in the five hundred years of Fontaine, she has seen only a handful of humans who are better than the 'Night Raid Team'.

A little wave of his hand.

"Stop, I'm going to personally meet the world-famous killer organization "Night Raid" and test the "justice" in their hearts.

The staff of the law enforcement court said respectfully: "Yes, Ningna Tianping.

In the square outside the palace.

After the night attack team saw the expanded members of Zhi Lu Ting, they decided to try to join today. However, Zhi 02 Lu Ting did not assess their "justice" like ordinary members and then recruit them directly.

Instead, let them wait here, saying that they have special status and need to report to higher-ups.

What kind of big shot? Could it be Lady Funina, the incarnation of the God of Justice? Or Lady Navilette, the Supreme Judge?

Brand, who was at the head of the plane, whispered to Najexitan: "Sister, do you know what's going on? Is it because we are killers and you think we are guilty? n

Ma Yin snorted coldly: "Humph! What nonsense are you talking about? Although we are killers, the people we assassinate are heinous people. The God of Justice will not convict us."

Although she became a killer, she never assassinated any innocent person.

Lubbock, who had green hair, scratched his head: "Maybe it's because we are Teigu users and we need to have more senior people evaluate our 'justice'."

Leonai crossed his arms and patted his chest boldly: "What do you want to do? You just let us wait for a while. If we were guilty, we would have been arrested by the Law Enforcement Court."

Chitong was expressionless, and nodded after listening to Leonai's words, expressing her agreement. She did not feel any malice, and the atmosphere was still as reassuring as ever.

Najiexitan looked around, chatting and laughing, and seemed not to care about their identities at all.

This is completely different from the previous atmosphere, because the sinners in this city have completely disappeared, and the people have also put down their guard against strangers.

The entire city was full of innocent people, and in just ten days, it even reached the point where people did not pick up lost items on the road.

This is a scene that would never happen in a dream.

Yesterday, she called the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army to resign from the position of captain of the "Night Raid" and join the Revolutionary Army.

The commander of the revolutionary army yelled at her, but she didn't care.

The revolutionary army is no match for the imperial army now, let alone the gods?

She was amazed at what the gods had done in the past few days. All the sins committed by the believers of the God of Justice were judged wherever they went.

All the corruption, injustice and darkness were swept away, but what about the revolutionary army? For the sake of tax revenue for a city, they actually cooperated with the evil executioners of the empire and turned a blind eye to the people who were exploited and tortured.

The upper echelons of the revolutionary army just want to replace the empire and become the new power.

So after she hung up the communication, she didn't even return the Teigu, but directly brought everyone from the 'Night Raid' here.

Da da da.……

At this time, the sound of neat footsteps brought everyone back to their senses at Night Raid, and they quickly looked towards the palace gate.

I only saw the law enforcement officers walking out neatly in two rows on both sides of the gate.

With their stunned expressions, I came to them and acted as if they were welcoming distinguished guests.

They saw in front of them, the girl who was dressed with natural nobility and a divine temperament came out, and their hearts beat wildly.

Funina walked out from the palace gate gracefully with small steps, and looked at the people of Night Raid who were already stunned.

Hee hee, I’m stunned. I didn’t expect that the God of Justice would personally come to examine your ‘justice’, right?

Funina looked at the expressions of everyone in the 'Night Raid' and couldn't stop laughing.

People outside the palace who came to worship and pray on their own initiative every day saw the appearance of the 'God of Justice', and they quickly knelt on the ground in excitement and prayed with their hands clasped together.

No matter what Funina thinks of herself, the people saved by her "God of Justice" are extremely pious. If they don't allow others to say a bad word about the God of Justice, even if they behave indifferently, they will be criticized by fanatical believers. Give them a spit.

"Wow! Lord God! I see Lord God again."

"Lord God, please bless my child to grow up healthily."

"Thank you God for bringing justice to the world."

"Thank you, Lord God, for giving me the decision and giving me fairness."

"Oh ~ great god."

Funina has become accustomed to it. No matter what she says, the people will only worship her devoutly, and they will be frightened if she comes any closer.

Everyone in the night attack team came to their senses and quickly knelt down like the people.

Not because Funina is a god, but because of what they saw and heard in this city and surrounding towns these days.

She is just as she said, she is the queen of all people and all laws, and everything she does is for the happiness of the people.

I sincerely admire this incarnation of the ‘God of Justice’, Lady Funina.

Brand swallowed, and his heart almost jumped out of his throat: "It's really the gods who have come to test our 'justice'.

Ma Yin gritted her teeth and whispered: "Don't talk, you idiot."

Najexitan also whispered: "Don't offend the gods."

Lubbock: "That's right, even if the gods don't care, I don't want to drown in the people's spit."

Funina stepped forward gracefully, opening her hands as if she were a saint.

"Hahaha, you didn't expect the "Night Raid" team of the killer organization that ends the lives of sinners in the darkness of this world. [As a god, I personally come to test the "righteousness and benevolence" in your hearts."

The so-called test of 'inner justice' is just a misunderstanding among the people. The Law Enforcement Court and the Special Patrol Team only investigate the past life trajectory of the recruits.

Anyone with a dark past cannot join either institution.

"The fact that you can come to worship 'Justice' proves that you have justice in your heart and are truly righteous people. I can clearly see your piety and justice."

"Of course, you will be surprised now whether you are qualified to be interviewed and tested by gods. It is normal to have such self-doubt.

"How can a mortal guess the perspective that a god sees?"

"Be honored and cheer. The next test of justice that I, the incarnation of the God of Justice, will give you will be something you will remember for a lifetime."

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